attachments is essential

PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS I’M PAYING FOR WHAT I POSTED AN A GRADE OF AN A ****Discussion Board 2 replies 350 words each also with a power point I have provide the students names so you can write their names so when i turn in the discussion board I know who reply belongs to who.

***Impact Assignment Part 2 I have also provided the paper that I wrote for part of this Assignment because it must be wrote off of that paper. must have power point for this as well 14 slides***

Impact Assignment: Part 2 Instructions

You will use the information you have gathered and the insight you have gained from Impact Assignment: Part 1 to develop a PowerPoint Presentation of at least 15 slides, including a title slide and a reference slide. Do not exceed 16 slides of content. This presentation must be created as if you are presenting information to a group of clients regarding the impact your topic has on development. Assume that they are unfamiliar with your topic and are seeking your help understanding the impact this topic has on them or their family members.

You must use your textbook and the sources you used in Part 1; however, you can also use other relevant sources of information to develop your PowerPoint Presentation. Include appropriate citations to your sources at the bottom of each slide.



©2015 ****


Your presentation must include these slides:

Title slide (Slide 1)


· How is the topic defined or conceptualized? (Slide 2)

Developmental Impact slides

· At what age and stage does this issue typically impact a person? (Slide 3)

· What is its potential impact on a person’s development progress? (Slide 4)

· What is the impact to cognitive, social, emotional, relationship, and/or moral dimensions of development? (Slides 5–6)

Client Awareness:

· How does this topic impact the individual’s environment? (Slide 7)

· How does this topic impact the individual’s family? (Slide 8)

· What are the best strategies for dealing with this from an individual or family support perspective? (Slides 9–10)

Faith & Professional Perspectives

· Are there Christian principles or biblical themes that provide explanation or clarification you want to include? (Slide 11)

· What can clients expect you to be able to do to help them (you, as a human service professional, or your agency)? (Slide 12)

Resources – Educational readings (These can be the same ones used in Part 1.)

· Provide 2 suggestions of educational readings that you might suggest if a client was impacted by your topic. What reading materials would be most beneficial and appropriate for your clients? You must research literature, read reviews and excerpts, and become knowledgable and comfortable with the content of the materials. Then, make 2 suggestions of the best information you found and would be comfortable recommending to clients. Provide the title, a link to the source, and a 1-paragraph explanation of the content. (Slide 13)

Resources – Referral sources

· Provide 2 referral sources that you could recommend to clients. Research providers in your local area that offer services and care related to your impact topic. Provide a web link to the agency or organization. Under the link, provide a 1-paragraph explanation of services they provide that are related to your topic and why you would recommend it. (Slide 14)


Provide a complete list of references in current APA format that you used to inform your presentation. A minimum of 4 are required. (Slide 15)

Writing Guidelines:

Include speaking notes for Slides 2–12. Speaking notes are text notes that only the presenter sees during the presentation. You can add these to your presentation by clicking on “click to add notes” at the bottom of each slide when you are viewing it to edit or develop it further. When presenting a PowerPoint presentation, you only need to include the most relevant information on your slides. However, sometimes you may want to speak about those relevant points in more detail. Including speaking notes allows you to view extended details while presenting and go beyond just reading from your slides. This is a “best practice” for professional presentations, which is why they must be included in your assignment.

In your presentation, do not write in paragraph form, but rather you must use headings, complete statements, and bullet points to organize your slide content. Use an attractive, professional background. You may use images, but do not let them overwhelm your slides. Avoid flashing transitions. Use consistent language appropriate for your client audience as well as consistent fonts, colors, and writing styles.


******Here is Part one of the paper that was wrote for this Assigment so it must be still written***** on the same subject

Culture or Religion (impact on the individual)


Culture has a significant impact on the individuals as it incorporates the attitudes, beliefs, and values of the people on daily encounters. Focusing on the Jewish religion, many teachings and lessons can be analyzed which have a different impact on the followers of the faith. The Jewish religion has unique attitudes and beliefs that are articulated in the social and cultural aspect of interactions. They believe in the existence of a Hebrew God, which is a unitary and solitary creature. The Jewish religion begins with the introduction of the presence of one Hebrew God (monotheism). The Jewish religion is set on the believes that God promised Abraham to make his children a great nation who would later worship and believe in Him. The values of the Jewish religion revolve about the observance of the existence of God as a supernatural being.

Developmental Impact

The Jewish religion is associated with different perceptions that can be related to stereotyping in one way or the other. The Jewish believers are linked to unacceptable social stereotypes such as being shady with indirect impacts on decision making and judgment voting. The stereotyping aspects on a social basis are later transformed into political stereotypes that are legitimate in terms of hooking up elements of liberalism. The Jewish religion is associated with various unique customs and practices that represent identical and vital in terms of worship and behaviours. The Jews practise their ways of worship in synagogues ad their leaders in the spiritual ways are called rabbis (, 2019). They exercise their customary laws and practices in belief on the six-pointed stars of David. The religious practices and behaviours of the Jewish religion relate to the articulations of faith in the existence of one single supernatural being that is God.

Faith and Professional Perspectives

The Jewish religion is based on different spiritual beliefs and religious aspects that are based on beliefs in the existence of a solitary creature that is the Hebrew God. The ethical practices are carried out synagogues that are led by religious leaders called the Rabbis. They believe that in the old days, God called Abraham and termed his as the father of the nations. Societal perceptions, opportunities and barriers in the U.S. and internationally revolve about the analysis and understanding of professional perspectives on the Jewish religion. The Jewish religion has different opinions and obstacles in the U.S. and globally (, 2019). The Jews are believed to have an indirect contribution on elections and judgments by voters. They are linked to shady liberal beliefs and are termed socially unacceptable. It is termed as an immigrant religion in the U.S. and other Western European countries. The Jewish religion is one of the oldest monotheistic religious practices that date back to over 4000 years back. The history of the Jewish religion dates back to when Abraham was called by God and told that he would be the father of the nations (Batnitzky, 2017). The history on the progression of Judaism in the society had an impact in the sense that it remained essential in terms of understanding of the faith and the cultural facts and features of the Jews. The historical occurrences in the development of synagogues relate to the development of religious laws and the culture of religion.

There are vital articulations and things discovered from the internet about the Jewish religion. The Jewish have a belief that their faith is the best in terms of the Jewish laws and the normative debates on the religious aspects of culture and attitudes. The Jewish laws highlight the beliefs and values of the spiritual and cultural perspectives that are delivered in the scope of Judaism (Jewish religion). The Jewish religion is set on new and unique sacred and religious writings that are centred on the beliefs of the people and believers (, 2019). The Jews believe in the spiritual teachings of the book of God, which they call Torah and also believe in the existence of the Prophesy and Prophets. The Jewish religious laws are set on religious distinctions that are developed from the set from the temple developments from the ancient times. Some various Jewish religious beliefs and scholars are placed in the Jewish religion that is broadly set with knowledge on culture about the land of Israel and Jewish religion in general.

The Jewish laws have established a clear connection between the believers and God and their legislation on various customary and religious customs. The Jewish religion has established different cultural practices and beliefs that are supplemented by the religious beliefs and scholar works. The Jewish religion is associated with surprises such as the belief that the Jews are meant and intended to savour the pleasures of the living. The Jews don’t believe that to get to Heaven; one is required to be Jewish as compared to other religions. However, the Jews believe in the existence of Hell and Heaven, whereby they believe in the afterlife, which portrays the relationship between God and the people while they are on earth (Batnitzky, 2017). They also think that living a better spiritual life is healthy, and it is indeed a mitzvah to live healthy both spiritually and physically.

Impact on Expectations of the individuals and believers

The Jewish religion is connected to increased impact on expectations in the cultural and social interactions and ways of life amongst the believers. The rabbis, which are the religious leaders at synagogues, are professionally expected to deliver study sessions to their congregations in bid to achieve the best instructions and informative knowledge on the people (Batnitzky, 2017). The expectations of the people in the Jewish religion abides with the existence of religious laws and traditions that are assessed appropriately to relate to the spiritual way of life. The expectations on the delivery of proper decisions and settlement of personal disputes have applied the Jewish religious practices and beliefs.

The Jewish religion is associated with unique principles and themes that clarify cultural interactions and regional advancements. The doctrine has set a significant impact on marriages and relationships (, 2019). It has however been used to settle religious divorces in a mediated manner of resolving disputes such as divorce in setting up ecclesiastical courts of Judaism. The other expectation is set on dietary laws that have a considerable impact on the hygiene of the people as it sets principal motivation to their lives to develop some sense of morality and self-control. The people and the believers of the Jewish religion are expected to obey the Torah and dietary laws to remain useful in life. Human service providers should be able to engage and interact with members of the Jewish religion to make meet the cultural perspectives and impacts in development on daily encounters.


1. Aimie, Hope & Jones. C (2014) The impact of religious faith on attitudes to environmental issues and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies: A mixed methods study. pp 48-59. Accessed from

2. Alkire. S. (2002) Dimensions of Human Development. pp 181-205.


Batnitzky, L. (2017). How Judaism became a religion: An introduction to modern Jewish thought. Princeton University Press. Retrieved from

Uehlinger, C., Meyer, B., & Stordalen, T. (2019). Beyond ‘Image Ban’and ‘Aniconism’: Reconfiguring Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish Religion\s in a Visual and Material Religion Perspective. Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion, 99-123. Retrieved from DOI:

*****Discussion Board Forum 2: Replies*********

This week you will post a draft of your PowerPoint presentation by 11:59 p.m. posting it as an attachment to a reply to your own thread. Your instructor will assign you to 2 classmates, and you will complete peer evaluations for these 2 classmates’ PowerPoint presentations using the Peer Evaluation Form. The Peer Evaluation Form can be found in the Assignment Instructions folder under the Impact Assignment: Part 2. Along with attaching the Peer Evaluation Form, address these 4 questions in your replies to your assigned classmates.

1.) In evaluating the quality of the presentation, is the content interesting, relevant, and professional?

2.) Do the slides have good organization and attractive appearance?

3.) What did you learn or appreciate most from the presentation?

4.) What improvements could be made to the presentation? Identify at least 1 recommendation.

The peer evaluation is meant to give you an opportunity to evaluate others’ work, recognizing the strengths and challenges of producing original professional presentations. You will also benefit from critical and complimentary feedback from others. Note that peer feedback is not considered in the instructor’s evaluation of your work. Your instructor will provide the grade for your thread, PowerPoint presentation, and your peer reviews of your classmates’ work.

**Student 1 Candy***

Adult Attachment and the Implications on Romantic Relationships


Unhealthy relationships start early and can last a lifetime. There are a number of theories explaining human behavior and development, a number of agencies across the country for people to seek out regarding their mental health and an abundance of resources including spiritual, emotional and psychological works experts have released to help people have healthy relationships and the divorce rate in the United States of America is still 50 percent. Romantic relationships continue to fail despite the resources available. Break- ups are hard, each person reading at this very moment once in their life has experienced a failed romantic relationship. Romantic relationships are a topic in which everyone is their own expert, each person, despite their faith, culture, economic status etc. can have insight on what a romantic relationship looks like, feels like and ends like. As mentioned previously, break- ups are hard and this topic is relevant because finding love is innate in human behavior. This topic is important, should be discussed and spread more awareness to because bottom line is that people lose their lives to unhealthy romantic relationships, this is called intimate partner violence.

Theories are a great resource to explain human behavior and development. There are multiple theories published pertaining to attachment. When discussing adult attachment many theories refer back to infancy and childhood. The theories to discuss as it pertains to this particular assignment include Erikson’s Personality Theory, the nuclear family tradition and the peer/romantic partner tradition. Erikson in his theory describes eight psychosocial stages (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). According to Erikson, in every stage the person faces a different “crisis” or developmental task (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). Within each stage, people qualitatively change along with the crises or tasks that they are confronted with (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). Erikson theorizes that if a person does not successfully achieve the stage and receive the intended developmental skill that the individual in turn develops the negative outcome of the stage. The nuclear family tradition like the Erikson’s theory shares the same belief that the earliest attachments to primary caregivers may endure throughout life (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). This theory describes adults in four categories based off research consisting of interviewing adults about their childhoods (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). The attachment styles or categories include secure or insecure along with three subcategories dismissing, preoccupied, and unresolved (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). According to this theory, the level of insecurity a person has determines if the person can manage the anxiety of early relationship failure, loss, or trauma (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). Lastly, the peer/romantic partner tradition differs from the theories mentioned above. This theory stresses that as an individual ages their behaviors toward peers appear to serve more attachment functions than caregivers (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). By early adolescence, the need for intimacy and support are often met within the peer group (Broderick & Blewitt 2015). When an individual reaches late adolescence and early adulthood, romantic partners may satisfy all the needs of the attachment system (Broderick & Blewitt 2015).

Every theory or belief may have a different way of explaining why people are the way they are but no matter the theory or belief used there are people in adulthood unable to have safe, quality, and successful attachments with others. This affects all relationships but for the purpose of this assignment, romantic relationships fail due to these unstable adult attachments. A failed or toxic relationship can be as simple as a break-up; it didn’t work out or feelings develop for someone else. A failed or toxic relationship can also be dangerous including abuse. With that being said one can apply the theories that state childhood experiences shape attachment when public studies show a significant association between child witnesses to domestic violence and child problems (Kitzmann, Gaylord, Holt & Kenny 2003). When discussing the theory of adult attachment one can apply the clinical studies that show that physically and sexually violent acts by intimate partners are consistently associated with several negative health outcomes including physical, emotional and psychological ailments (Jansen, Heise, Watts & García-Moreno 2008).

Ensuring people develop healthy attachments is essential to not only saving relationships but also for saving lives. The most important consideration for human services providers to know as they work with

******Student 2 Terry *****

Poverty impact


For my impact assignment I chose to write on how poverty affects an individual and how the person is impacted by poverty. Poverty is a very serious condition and the impact can be devastating to the individual. The Human Services profession can have their hands full in just trying to take care and to advocate for the poverty stricken. According to the 2018 United States Census, the poverty rate was 11.8 percent. This percentage is made up of 38.1 million people in the United States. These are staggering statistics. It is heartbreaking in the eyes of a Human Services Counselor. To narrow down these statistics, there was 12.9 as a single mother. One more statistic that is heartbreaking is the 16.2 percent of children in poverty, which is 11.9 million children. Moreover, seniors made up 9.7 percent.

The impact can be different for any given individual or group of individuals. These impacts can be beiological, psychological, and cognitive. A child can be very vulnerable to the effects of poverty. The stress alone can cause psychological and biological problems. If a child is stressed about whether he is going to have something to eat, he will not be able to function properly.

Individuals who live in poverty are affected negatively in relation to cognitive development. One such reason is because of how the environment affects the individual. If the household lacks the resources to provide for materials needed to learn the child will suffer cognitively. Some of the resources that are stimulating for learning at home are books and computers. According to Haft & Hoeft (2017), “cognitive stimulation promotes synaptic changes in the hippocampus and cortex that in turn lead to improved cognitive performance”. Individuals in poverty also lack cognitive achievements in reasoning, memory and language skills (Wax, 2017). Most individuals brought up in poverty are the result of parents that also lack the proper education. Some parents in poverty do not care about the cognitive development of their children and will not try to help them succeed. For those few parents that do want their children to succeed, they do not have the proper resources to do so. For these reasons it is important for the Human Services professional to understand how poverty affects the individual and how to help treat it. The Human Services professional needs to educate themselves in resources that are available in and around their area that can help the individual overcome poverty.


The Population of Poverty USA. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2020, from

Haft, S. L., & Hoeft, F. (2017). Poverty’s impact on children’s executive functions: Global considerations. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2017(158), 69-79. doi:10.1002/cad.20220

Wax, A. L. (2017). the poverty of the neuroscience of poverty: Policy payoff or false promise? Jurimetrics (Chicago, Ill.), 57(2), 239-287.


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