heorist PowerPoint Presentation (20 points)
Theory to be presented: “Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model”
Follow the information below for the PowerPoint Presentation.
Each presentation should consist of 17 slides and be submitted as a Microsoft PowerPoint document.
Your presentation needs to include all the following:
A. Learning objectives for presentation, a brief background on theorist, and relevance of the theory in current healthcare (3 points)
B. Appropriateness of theory to the role of nurse practitioner & key concepts of theory and applicability of concepts to daily advanced nursing practice and relevance to MSN Essentials (5 points)
C. Critique [evaluation of theory’s strengths/weaknesses and discussion of future practice implications (5 points)
D. Creativity & organization of presentation (bullet points & excerpts only, slides should not be cluttered or contain lengthy paragraphs/ graphs, statistics and graphics should be included in presentation (2 points)
Ensure that you follow the grading rubric below.
- Title Slide (Title, You Name, School Name, Course Number and Name, Professor Name, Date)
- Introduction of the Nursing Theorist (Select any theorist from this course)
- Classification of the theory (Grand Theory, Middle Range, Practice Level, etc.).
- Discuss the model/concept of the presented theory (theoretical overview).
- Applicability to nursing practice (Clinical or Professional Examples)
- Implications for Nursing Research (How will this theory advance nursing practice?)
- Conclusion (Summary)
- References
APA 7th ed. required. Plagiarism free. 5 scholarly references required. Due date: Thursday @10am.