Need help with my writing homework on Influencing Tactics, Power and Personality Development. Write a 500 word paper answering; Leadership Self Assessment
Chapter 1: SA1: Influencing Tactics, Power and Personality Development:
Influence or power is displayed when a person is able to change or influence the actions and behaviors of others, or attitudes to serve one’s interests. The choice of influence to be exerted on a person is determined on whether one is low or high in the power related traits. When persons influence others successfully, there is more motivation, as people become increasingly assertive and decreased manipulative. On the other hand resistance results to changed influence mechanism and use of threats and promises become evident.[Lus10]
SA 2: Nature of Organizational politics and use of political behavior: Organizational politics are both positive and detrimental. It is important when people work to promote organizational goals and negative when people are concerned about their self interests at the expense of the organizational objectives. It therefore becomes apparent that there is direct relationship between performance and organizational politics. Within this, leadership should find means of protecting employees from negative organizational politics to enhance employee performance while matching organizational values with those of employee.[Lus10]
SA 3: Networking: Leadership networking within social and cultural levels helps organizations to exploit business opportunities. As leaders form network groups there is shared information and improved capacity to deal with various organizational issues. When leaders recognize the essentiality of networking, they improve their leadership roles by being in the forefront to develop and your leadership skills, and create benefits at the various levels of the organization. [Lus10]
SA 4: Negotiating: Negotiation concept in leadership embraces a mutual agreement amongst all organizational players. Negotiation entails working together such that each person’s interest is recognized in the process. Successful leadership skills incorporate vision, decisiveness, passion, working with teams, and leadership character.[Lus10]
SA 5: Theory X & Y attitudes: Lussier and Achua further argue that McGregor’s theory X and Y describes two different employee attitudes. While theory X is more adaptable, theory X is difficult to practice. Both theories are used a basis for employee motivation and performance appraisal and solving organizational problems.[Lus10]
Chapter 5: SA 1: Leadership styles
Various styles exist within organizational leadership. Within the larger framework of emerging contemporary views on leadership styles, leadership recognizes a set of characteristics that contribute to the leadership process and generally include communication, level of involvement with other organizational members, motivating followers, efficient communication, coaching, rewarding and team building.[Lus10]
SA2: Leadership contingency theories. Lussier & Achua hold that contingent leadership theory holds that each leadership style is unique and dependant on every situation that comes about as a result of situational complexities. This theory view broader contingent factors about the individuals’ capability and various variables within the environment.
SA3: Preferred Normative Leadership style. the theory emphasizes decision making as a primary function of the leader. Within this sphere, leaders should be persuaded by the weight of the decision and its effect on employees. But whatever the circumstance three models of leadership are of prime importance. autocratic, delegative and participatory depending on the prevailing situation. [Lus10]
Lus10: , (Lussier & Achua, 2010, p. 119),
Lus10: , (p. 120),
Lus10: , (pp. 127-128),
Lus10: , (Lussier & Achua, 2010, p. 133),
Lus10: , (pp. 48-50),
Lus10: , (Lussier & Achua, 2010),
Lus10: , (Lussier & Achua, 2010, pp.