MKT203 Exam 2 –
Q1-Q2. Use the survey “MKT203 Exam 2020 Spring – 2 – Segmentation – Sixth Cents – Survey” and the data “MKT203 Exam 2020 Spring – 2 – Segmentation – Sixth Cents – SPSS data.sav” to answer the following questions.
1. Based on the data, conduct market segmentation and report its process and result. Don’t copy/paste the SPSS output, but summarize and tabulate and explain the analysis.
2. Select one of the segments as the target market. Then defend why the segment is the best target market based on the profile variables.
Q3-Q4. Use the survey “MKT203 Exam 2020 Spring – 2 – Brand Positioning – Medical Chip – Survey” and the data “MKT203 Exam 2020 Spring – 2 – Brand Positioning – Medical Chip – SPSS data.sav” to answer the following questions.
3. Based on the data, run the multidimensional scaling and name (a) the two sides of each of the two dimensions and (b) the two dimensions. Show the procedure of your naming the sides and dimensions.
4. (a) Draw the brand positioning map with the overall mean score of each brand and (b) discuss where you want to re-position the Medical Chip and explain why.
5. Pick any one product category (e.g., sneakers) and survey its brands’ average prices and market shares (or revenues or sales volumes). Based on the data, draw a scatter plot, in which x = price and y = market share (or revenue or sales volume). Then, discuss whether price is positively linked to
market share (or revenue or sales volume). Report the sources of your data.
6. Pick five major brands in five different product categories (or industries) of any one company and put the brands on the product life cycle (PLC) based on their industries’ PLC phases (Reference the product categories’ revenue trend from Statista, a Hofstra database, to determine the PLC phase).
Then, evaluate the company’s product portfolio.
7. Pick any one brand and report and evaluate how it achieves omni-channel strategy.
8. List all major brands of any one company (divide them by product categories) and evaluate how successful or unsuccessful the company’s brand extension strategy is. Explain why.
9. Pick the advertisements of any two rival brands in the same product category and compare the ads in perspectives of brand positioning, endorser credibility and attractiveness, appeal, theme, objective, and likely conversion rate. Discuss which brand is more successful. Show the ads. If they
are TV ones, screen-capture four representative scenes.
10. (TBA)
What I expect
Q1-Q2. You should run the cluster analysis four times and compare their results to select a target market.
Reference the following guide.
Q1. Create the following tables, then discuss what
they mean and what to do with them.
Q2. Create the following tables, then discuss what
they mean and what to do with them.
Q6 ABCDE represent five brands in fiv