Initial PostAll discussions are “Post-first- session. This means, to participate in the discussion session, you must make your mainpost first. The initial post should be original and address the main task of discussion question (DQ). Main post should be substantive, academically written with “Concise Expression” ( not to exceed two clear, concise purposeful paragraphs). In sum, the initial post should entail the following characteristics: Required task Timeliness Originality Concise Expression APA formatting (In-text Citation and Reference list) Grammar and mechanicFull ParticipationParticipation in the discussion sessionrequires you to “create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum.”Participationwill be heavily graded. To earn full participation, the following is required: Use concise expression.In 50 or less words, respond to at least two class mates (instructor as well), here you should acknowledge, build, and continue the conversation topic (here you can ask for clarification, provide external references, or share your experiences Actively post on two separate days – encourage the conversation Academic writing with APA formatting (In-text Citation and Reference list where necessary) Be purposeful in all your responses What are the substantive posts?Your responses should be thoughtful, respectful and stimulate further thoughts and discussions. You will be graded on two short (approximately 20 – 50 words) substantive replies.Substantive posts consist of the following three parts (ABC): acknowledge build continueAll post should be purposeful and aim to accomplish one or more of the following goal: Reflection of the topic Analysis Elaboration Application Synthesis EvaluationPlease visit the following for samples of the acceptable discussion post.1. Substantive post Citations APACitation forDiscussion Post – APA Format: In-Text Citations, Quotations, Paraphrases to Avoid Plagiarism - the Discussion Requirements above.ResearchReview the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism ( video. Then research at least two recent articles concerning plagiarism incidents in the news. The article should be no more than two years old. Use the issue presented in the article to continue the discussion using the guidelines below.TasksIdentify and discuss the plagiarized issue within the article, then address the following questions in your main discussion post: In what way did the plagiarized work impact others? What was the penalty? Present your own advice on how to prevent future plagiarism