1. The DHS used The Strategic National Risk Assessment [SNRA] in support of PPD-8 to drive development of the National Preparedness Goal/System/Report. Review the SNRA and provide a succinct, cited analysis of the following 2 points.
A. Compare and contrast the deductions about the national-level threats and hazards as listed by the DHS in the SNRA against the findings you made in Week 5’s analysis of the WTAs. As always, assume what is listed first is the greatest risk [also called “most dangerous”] and probability [also called “most likely”] and the last is least.
B. Given the “Natural” events that have occurred across America since 2006 [i.e. post-Katrina], are the ranking of riskiest/most dangerous events in the “Natural” threats and hazards in the table on p2 logical? Why or why not?
Having read, analyzed and understood the DNI for fiscal year 2013, 2014 and 2015 Worldwide Threat Assessment for the Intelligence Community there are similarities and a few differences among the three reports.
Cyber threat appeared to be the area which presents the top concern to the intelligent community.
There is a trend that shows that cyber threat has grown significantly from 2013 to 2015 which has created serious concerns to the U.S. It was noted that in 2014, cyber-attacks increased which cost the U.S base companies millions of dollars to repair and defend against further attacks. Particular concerns about North Korea’s cyber warfare program demonstrated its advance capabilities when the country carried out an attack on Sony for retaliation for releasing a comedy film about North Korean Leader. According to all the DNI, the key players in cyber-attacks are the same and includes; Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. The 2015 report confirmed that cyber threats to U.S national and economic security are increasing in frequency, scale, sophistication, and severity of impact which leads me to believe that cyber-attack will most likely be the next terrorist attack on the U.S. Counterintelligence threat was not a main concern in 2013, however, in 2014 and 2015 it appeared that counterintelligence threat was given much more priority. The threat is still a major concern to the United States, with the U.S global supply chain listed as being very vulnerable to interference from people, groups, or states actors who wishes to undermine the United States. . Within each APP there are different sectors of the DHS reporting their progress. Select any one of those sectors [FEMA, USCG, etc…]. B. Compare and contrast what was reported by DHS about that sector this year and last year. C. Why the difference[s]? What happened?