Two monarchs who had a huge impact on Europe included Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia

This week we are learning about absolute monarchs. Two monarchs who had a huge impact on Europe included Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia. After reading Chapter 15, what did Louis XIV and Peter the Great have in common? (provide at least two examples). What did each monarch deal with those who resisted their attempt to impose absolutist rule? And finally, which ruler do you feel was more of an absolute monarch and why?

Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia were both powerful monarchs who had a significant impact on Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. Both rulers attempted to centralize power in the hands of the monarchy. Louis XIV did this through his famous phrase, “L’état, c’est moi” (I am the state), while Peter the Great worked to westernize and modernize Russia, centralizing power in the process.

Both monarchs also implemented significant religious and cultural changes in their countries. Louis XIV promoted the Catholic Church and sought to impose a single, unified culture in France, while Peter the Great encouraged the spread of Western culture and education in Russia.

In terms of dealing with those who resisted their attempts to impose absolutist rule, both monarchs took strong measures to suppress any opposition. Louis XIV used a combination of military force and political manipulation to maintain his power, while Peter the Great relied heavily on military force and repression to control and subjugate any opposition.

It can be argued that both Louis XIV and Peter the Great were absolutist rulers, however Louis XIV may be considered as more of an absolute monarch due to his extensive use of censorship, propaganda and the establishment of a powerful secret police to control the population and stamp out any opposition. While Peter the Great also took strong measures to maintain his power, Louis XIV’s use of these tactics was more extensive and sophisticated.

Louis XIV and Peter the Great seemingly had similar successes during their rule. They both brought great economic wealth to their country, even if the poorest people didn’t see any of that wealth, they both built something massive that’s still standing to this day as an example of their power, The Palace of Versailles built by Louis XIV and St. Petersburg built by Peter the Great, and they were both absolutists. They believed that they were direct descendants of God to rule over their country and people with total control. According to Western Civilization 5th edition, if there was any resistance to his rule, Louis XIV would exile anybody that opposed him. Peter the Great was much more brutal to resistance, like the time he stopped a rebellion by executing everyone involved and leaving their corpses in front of the Kremlin for months to remind people what happens when they try to oppose Peter. I believe the more absolute monarch was Peter the Great. This is because he did not inherit a country anywhere near as rich and well connected as France and he propped it up to the powerhouse it has become today. He also had a larger influence on the culture of Russia by forcing people to dress and act a certain way distancing themselves from their culture and copying western culture.

what did Louis XIV and Peter the Great have in common?

Both Louis XIV and Peter the great had a big influence back then and brings us to where we are today. First off, they were both autocrats who had all and unlimited power and helped their nations in very similar ways. They both helped France and Russia improve their ways of trade. Peter helped Russia to make connections with the western world, which allowed them to trade; and Louis regulated trade in France by placing high tariffs on imports and building more export industries that allowed more money to come into France.

What did each monarch deal with those who resisted their attempt to impose absolutist rule?

Both rulers viewed themselves as god’s representatives on earth, present with the divine right to show off the absolute power the monarchy had. In Louis’s case, he controlled the nobles by making them spend lots of time in the Versailles to avert them from developing their own regional power and manipulated them in ways that would keep them competing for his approval and not for his power. Peter the great passed laws that protected his noble’s needs, such as their land, which encouraged them to serve the state.

which ruler do you feel was more of an absolute monarch and why?

I believe Peter was more of an absolute monarch because he actually worked with his nobles and made equal exchanges with them, while Louis seemed more selfish and exploited his nobles.

Both Louis XIV and Peter the Great were very powerful and very successful over their time periods as rulers. I think that the main thing that they both shared was that they were able to build a central hub for their government. Louis XIV was able to build the palace of Versailles which was a huge palace that was created by using very advanced architecture. Before the palace was built Versailles was just a hunting lodge and he was able to transform it into a place where many nobles and officials moved to. Peter the Great was able to accomplish something similar when he was able to build St. Petersburg from swampy land along the Baltic Sea. Similar to Louis XIV he used very advanced architecture. He needed to bring in architects from Italy to be able to complete the construction. Another similarity between Louis XIV and Peter the Great is that they were both able to expand their empires to be more powerful than they were before they took power. Peter was able to expand his empire by using the powerful military he built to expand west and begin trading with Europe. Louis was able to expand his empire by fighting wars against other European countries and was able to place tariffs on imported goods, created overseas colonies, and regulated trade. Both rulers were able to keep absolute rule by using their power. Louis was able to do this by giving benefits to high ranking government officials and Peter accomplished it by using his powerful military. I think that Peter the Great was the better absolute monarch because he was able to change his empire more. He was able to abandon old traditions and was willing to travel west to learn from other great empires which overall allowed him to improve his own.

Peter the great and Louis the 14th were both recognized as one of the greatest rulers of their times. They were both autocrats with unlimited power and were recognized for their contributions to their nations. Louis the 14th was the ruler of France who focused on improving and increasing the overall territories of France, and Peter the Great focused on improving the overall condition of Russia. For some context, there are many differences between Peter the Great and Louis the 14th as they had different levels of success; however, they had many similarities. For example, when it comes to buildings, Louis the 14th built the Palace of Versailles to demonstrate control and power effectively (Beik, (2005)). In contrast, Peter the Great effectively built Saint Petersburg to showcase the country’s nobility (Waugh, (2001)).

Furthermore, it is essential understand that, Another significant similarity between the two is that they had traumatic childhoods, as they were not shown respect as a child and were often ignored. Furthermore, they also utilized their ability to make sure that they could remain in power and that both were well recognized for their benefits and contributions to the overall development of their nations. Furthermore, they also inherited decentralized countries, effectively showcasing the similarities between the two and how they were recognized as the greatest rulers of their time.

The most obvious similarity between Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia is the fact that they were both absolute monarchs who held strong beliefs in the Diving Right of Kings. This ancient and medieval way of thinking meant that they believed themselves to be the law, appointed by God. They had total power over their nations. Another aspect of their kingship that these rulers had in common was their handling of their country’s economy. Both rulers used trade and taxes on imported goods as a means of bringing extreme wealth to their countries.

The people who resisted Louis XIV’s rule, would inevitably face negative consequences. One prime example of this came from the members of regional parliments who were exiled for refusing to approve Louis XIV’s laws. This practice enforced his total rule over government. When it came to religion, those who refused to follow the specific Roman Catholic ideas that Louis XIV appointed would be jailed or exiled. The earliest example of people who refused Peter the Great’s rule came when an inside rebellion attempted to give the Russian throne back to his half-sister Sophia. The 1000+ people who were suspected to have been involved in this rebellion were executed. It was clear that Peter the Great had a set vision for his country and he would do whatever it took to secure it.

Between these two rulers, I believe that Peter the Great was more of an absolute monarch. Although Louis XIV had several corrupt practices, it is clear that Peter the Great was more forceful and strict. Peter the Great’s Western vision of Russia impacted the daily lives of his people on a much grander scale than Louis XIV’s policies ever did. In addition to this, the refusal to follow these new Western customs and other rules would be far more deadly.

During their rules, both King Louis XIV and Peter the Great were both big leaders during their times, however their ideals were different, as Peter wanted a strong militaristic nation, Louis XIV wanted religious unity. Despite their differences, the two rulers were well alike. Both rulers came to the throne at very young ages. Another Similarity to make was their way of rule, both leaders ruled with absolute power and had made their own changes to their respective governments. Peter and Louis were both known for their ways of ruling, but they were also well known for building their biggest achievements. During his rule, Peter had constructed St. Petersburg, which later became the the center of Russian culture, commerce, and government. Louis had constructed the Palace of Versailles, where he had his nobles and government administrators reside. His palace was a way to show off King Louis XIV’s wealth, power, and status as royalty.

During their rulings, they had the right to deal with those that oppose them. During the early years of Peter’s rule, at the age of 17, he overthrew his half sister. The Streltsy rebelled but was dealt with. Around 1,200 conspirators were executed and others were left to be displayed as a reminder for those that wished to challenge his authority.
During King Louis XIV’s rule, leading nobles were required to live with Louis to greatly reduce the possibility of disobedience. The nobility however, despite giving up most of their powers, they reserve the privileges and rights over peasants under their rule. The relationship between the King and nobility were regarded as a “negotiated settlement”(Cole, 2020), instead of total control. Another way King Louis XIV dealt with opposition was within the French administrations to shape policies. “Members of regional parliaments (law courts) that refused to approve his laws were exiled” (Cole, 2020).

While understanding the meaning of an absolute monarch of being the monarch rules with no limitations and absolute power, I personally feel that Peter the Great was more of an absolute monarch from the way he had ruled. Instead of negotiation as King Louis XIV had with his nobles, Peter reconstructed the noble system and dealt with opposition in a savage manner.

Both Louis XIV and Peter the Great were monarchs of both France and Russia respectively. They both ruled under absolute monarchy, which is when all of parliament and government officials that give all their authority in the king. Back then These Kings felt as god put them into that position to rule and conquer so when they did it was under a religious belief so religion had a lot to do with royalty. Both Louis XIV and Peter the Great also built these great palaces to show how their characteristics in their ruling. Louis XIV built the palace of Versailles to show his strength and authority while Peter the Great built St. Petersburg to show no nobility. They also were involved in many wars for example Louis XIV and they both took the thrown at a very young age. They both had rule of the their people that they even had laws under what they should wear and behave.

When People would revolt and deny their absolutist rule Louis XIV would be revengeful and attack his own citizens or if they didn’t practice his religion he would burn down churches and on occasions schools as well. Peter the Great would just slaughter them if they didn’t agree with his rules. For instance when he thought his own son was going to revolt against him he killed him and that left no no king or hierarchy when he died.

I believe Peter the Great was more of an absolute monarch because even though they were both ruthless and ruled this way Peter the Great, in my opinion, ruled under the definition of an absolute monarchy. He did go to war to gain territory, such as the war they had with Sweden, but he also taxed Russia for every inconvenience. For he wanted clean shaven men and if that wasn’t possible the men were taxed on their beards. But all taxes were benefiting the army he was trying to build for Russia.

Louis XIV and Peter the Great have a few things in common that I noticed when I read the current chapter. One of the things they have in common is that they both had to rule the throne at a young age. Another thing they had in common is that they both reformed their taxing system so that way they could receive more funds through taxes. Each monarch had their own way of handling those who opposed their power. One way Louis XIV of France punished those who resisted his absolutist rule was by exiling them. Peter the Great would punish any sort of resistance through executions as he did with his palace guard, who had attempted to give power of the throne back to his half sister, Sophia. I believe Peter the Great was more of an absolute monarch as he seemed to be stricter with social and societal rules, such as men having to cut their long beards or forbidding the act of spitting on the floor. He also completely changed the hierarchy of Russian nobles, as he made nobles work their way up from being the lower landlord noble class, to being an administrative noble class, then to the military class, which was the highest noble class. Louis XIV seemed less strict when it came to his nobility as he would seem to negotiate more with them and allowed them to keep their privileges that peasants did not have.

One of the things they had in common was that they both had their nobles under control in different ways but both of them did not want them to revolt or start their own regional power. The other thing they had in common was how both in a short time made their countries the biggest powers in the world although in different ways but both made their ways work. Louis the 14th made the nobles stay at Versailles for a very long time while Peter made them work their whole life for the government to impose their absolutist rule. I believe Louis the 14th had a more absolute monarch because he didn’t change his religious ways or didn’t impose much cultural change while Peter the Great didn’t make drastic changes in the culture and even the structures by bringing different cultures’ ideas into theirs. Another thing why I believe he fits more the absolutist rule idea was by saying and imposing that he is the “sun king” basically saying that everyone and everything revolves around him.

Louis XIV and Peter the Great had several things in common, one of them being that they were both absolutists. In their domains, absolutist rulers asserted a monopoly of power and authority. The military and legal system of the states were under jurisdiction of the absolutist monarchs. Additionally, they claimed unrestricted access to the states’ financial assets to collect and spend. Another similarity between Louis XIV and Peter the Great was that both men reduced the influence of the nobility. While Peter the Great forced his nobles into lifelong government service, Louis XIV stripped the French nobility of political influence while increasing their social standing by making them reside at his court at Versailles. However, rather than a royal victory, Louis XIV’s relationship with the nobles was more of a negotiated settlement.

Exile was imposed on members of regional parliaments who objected to Louis XIV’s policies. On the other hand, Peter the Great used fear and intimidation to push his ideals. It’s said that Peter had his son Alexey tortured and imprisoned for the rest of his life after he returned from fleeing Moscow as part of a conspiracy. Peter the Great beheaded his enemies and anybody who opposed him and kept their heads in a pickle jar for his own amusement.

Like Peter, Louis XIV had all the traits of an absolute monarch. Louis XIV promoted the arts and literature and raised funds by doing so. He significantly increased his nation’s strength and respectability on an international level.

Louis XIV and Peter the Great shared a few things in common which then led them both to become very powerful monarchs. Both of these absolute monarchs had stepped up to the throne at a very young age. Louis XIV became king at 4 years old and Peter the Great became the joint Tsar with his brother at ten years old. Since both of them became rulers at such a young age you know the must have felt invincible. Both of these rulers were absolutists meaning the had absolute control and power over their country and could basically do anything they wanted. Louis XIV would convict people and put them in a special court to those who resisted his rule while Peter the Great would have people excecated in public as a sign to show people not to resist him. I feel as Peter the Great was a more absolute monarch simply due to the fact he was much more harsh on people who were against him and they way he would handle it by giving out many taxes and taking away their rights.

This was a very interesting read about Monarchies and Absolutism. The two Monarchs that implemented Absolute Monarchy the most effectively were King Louis XIV and Russian Zsar Peter I also know as Peter the Great.  According to the textbook, Cole, Joshua, Symes, Western Civilizations, Brief 5th ed., e-book ed., W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 2020 the two Monarchs had a few things in common. The first item they had in common is that they both ruled by using an Absolute Monarchy system. The second similarity was that they both invoked massive construction projects. King Louis XIV overtook the task of building the Palace of Versailles which was a monumental palace that originally was a hunting lodge, expanded to a hunting Chateau, then developed to one of the grandest palaces of the time. Peter the Great supervised the design and construction of an entire city called St. Petersburg.

Both monarchs made their Nobles and Aristocrats live with the rulers to reduce the ability of the Nobles or Aristocrats to become resistant to the Absolute Monarchies. Peter the Great. According to the text book, Cole, Joshua, Symes, pg. 512, Western Civilizations, Brief 5th ed., e-book ed., W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 2020, “Louis XIV deprived the French nobility of political power but increased their social prestige by making them live at his court at Versailles.”, and as mentioned in the textbook, Cole, Joshua, Symes, pg. 532, Western Civilizations, Brief 5th ed., e-book ed., W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 2020, Peter the Great interrogated, tortured, and executed any Nobles that opposed the Absolute Monarchy of his rule.

I think Peter the Great was more of an Absolute Monarch because of the way he dealt with his opposers in a more vicious manner and displayed their dead bodies as a reminder to the other nobles not to challenge his authority.

During the 17th and 18th centuries, great rulers Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia both had a big influence on Europe. Both kings made an effort to consolidate the monarchy’s hold on power. Significant religious and cultural changes were also enacted by both rulers in their respective nations. While Peter the Great promoted the expansion of Western culture and education in Russia, Louis XIV promoted the Catholic Church and aimed to establish a single, united culture in France. Despite the fact that the poorest citizens did not benefit from their vast economic contributions, they both erected enormous structures that are still standing today as symbols of their dominance. Both kings saw themselves as god’s emissaries on earth, with the divine right to flaunt the monarchy’s unbridled authority. In Louis’s case, he kept the nobles under control by forcing them to spend a lot of time in Versailles in order to prevent them from establishing their own local power and by manipulating them in such a way that they would continue to vie for his favor rather than his power.

Because Peter truly collaborated with his nobility and engaged in equal business with them, whereas Louis seemed more egotistical and exploited his nobles, I think Peter was a more absolute monarch. 

One thing that Louis XIV and Peter the Great had in common was that they both built large cities as displays of their sovereignty. They both also forced people to live in these cities. Louis XIV forced French nobles to live in his court in Versailles and Peter the Great forced 1000 aristocrats to move to the city he had built with their families even though they protested against it. Louis XIV took those who attempted to resist his rule to court and sentenced them with his own verdicts. He also took the rights of the nobles who opposed him and replaced them with others to come to an agreement of sorts. Peter the Great did something similar by taking rights and replacing them with others but both of these absolutists captured and slaughtered the people and territories of those who came in their way. I believe Peter the Great was more of an absolute monarch because the way he ruled established that all of Russia belonged to him and every person within was expected to serve him, some of them even being classified as property.

Louis XIV and Peter the Great are similar in having created a grand centralized capital city for their respective nation. These capitals, Versailles and St. Petersburg, were the de facto centers of culture, commerce, and government. Another aspect in which the two leaders are similar is their use of war to secure their country’s presence on the world stage. Finally, both rulers manipulated nobles and established immense bureaucracies to weaken those that resist them, and they were unafraid of using violence on their own subjects when necessary.

I believe that Louis XIV was more of an absolute monarch than Peter the Great. While Peter the Great had an iron grip on Russia, he significantly improved the lives of millions of his countrymen by modernizing the nation. On the other hand, Louis XIV wanted to squeeze an already developed nation to its limit, for his own gain. His goal was to use incredible amounts of France’s resources to project opulence and godliness unto himself, and I would have to say that he succeeded.

Louis XIV and Peter the Great did have a lot in common, for examples both Louis XIV had the ability to turn their military into the most powerful military, giving them everything they needed to be strong and successful. And both Peter the Great and Louis XIV were very greedy and wanted total control on everything and everyone in their state.

Absolute monarchies did not have any pity for people that opposed their rules, Both leaders wanted power of everything and believe what they say goes for everyone whether they have an opinion or not. And for the people that did have an opinion, they were either persecuted immediately or the absolute monarchies raised taxes, which was very difficult to abide by. And lastly, in my opinion I feel like was Louis XIV was more of a absolute monarch. Both Louis XIV and Peter the Great were the greatest leader in their time and put their own people through suffering time, Louis XIV made grand history with his country because when something didn’t go his way, he started problems with everyone around him. He built his country and made is very strong and successful. Louis XIV was great at showing his greed and was eager, cold hearted during the rise of his country.

Two things that Louis XIV and Peter the Great have in common are that they both were the best rulers of their time. They both also had similar goals. For example, they were both committed to proving that their rule would go down in history by making their buildings last.  Louis XIV would find a way to lure the people who resisted the attempt to impose absolutist rule to his court and habituate them to the wealthy lifestyle there or he would attack them into exile. Peter the Great wanted to strengthen his military and consolidate power. I think I would say that Peter the Great was more of an absolute monarch because of all the things he did for his country and his focus on keeping his military strong while expanding Russian borders. On the other hand, Louis XIV  was violent toward his people and was revengeful and rude to them especially when they wouldn’t listen or he didn’t get his way. Peter the Great is known as the most absolute ruler. He did not share his power with anyone.

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