Mineral in the earth, geology homework help
Instructions: Choose the best answer for the following questions.
Question 1
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The silicates are the most common minerals in the Earth.
Select one:a. Trueb. False
Question 2
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What is a silicon-oxygen tetrahedron?
Select one:a. An oxygen surrounded by four siliconb. A silicon surrounded by four oxygen
c. A silicon surrounded by two oxygen
d. An oxygen that can have a random amount of silicon attaching to it.
Question 3
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What is a single-chain silicate?
Select one:a. Silicon-oxygen tetrahedrons that are connected in a chain due to oxygen bonding to other oxygen.b. Silicon-oxygen tetrahedrons that are connected in a chain because they are sharing oxygen.
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Part II – Silicate Structures
Below are two silicate structures. Figure 1 is a single silicon oxygen tetrahedron. Figure 2 is a single chain silicate showing the tetrahedrons are sharing oxygen atoms in their structure to create a chain. Using these two images, answer the questions below.
[img width=”125″ height=”122″ alt=”tetra5″ src=”https://ilearn.sfsu.edu/ay1617/pluginfile.php/125818/question/questiontext/132931/5/27194/tetra5.jpg”>FIGURE 1
[img width=”216″ height=”587″ alt=”tetra6″ src=”https://ilearn.sfsu.edu/ay1617/pluginfile.php/125818/question/questiontext/132931/5/27194/tetra6.jpg”> FIGURE 2Question 4Not yet answeredPoints out of 10.0
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Why are there more silicon relative to oxygen in Figure 2?
Select one:a. Figure 2 has more oxygen than figure 1b. There are more silicon atoms in Figure 2 than in Figure 1
c. Polymerization has occurred in Figure 2, where the oxygen are being shared between tetrahedrons
d. In Figure 1, the oxygen are sharing with surrounding tetrahedrons
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Print out the two figures above onto a piece of paper. Draw an S on the oxygen that are being shared in the structure(s) above. Then draw a black dot onto the oxygen that are not being shared to represent the iron atom attaching to that oxygen. Once you have finished this, answer the following questions. (Note: when looking at the single chain, please note that there is an oxygen sitting on top of the silicon in addition to the three other oxygen next to the silicon.)
Question 5
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How many iron cations were you able to draw in for the single silicon-oxygen tetrahedron (Figure 1)?
Select one:a. Oneb. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. Five
Question 6
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What mineral does Figure 1 represent?
Select one:a. Quartzb. Muscovite
c. Pyroxene
d. Olivine
e. Plagioclase Feldspar
Question 7
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Look at Figure 2. How many iron cations were you able to draw in for each silicon-oxygen tetrahedron (not the entire chain)? Choose a silicon-oxygen tetrahedron that is sitting in the middle of the chain, not the ends.
Select one:a. Oneb. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. Five
Question 8
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What mineral does Figure 2 represent?
Select one:a. Quartzb. Muscovite
c. Pyroxene
d. Olivine
e. Plagioclase Feldspar
Question 9
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Which of the following minerals from the choices below share all oxygen in the silicate structure.
Select one:a. Quartzb. Muscovite
c. Hornblende
d. Olivine
e. Pyroxene