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The crime control model of the criminal justice system is a more conservative approach and viewpoint on criminal punishment. People who favor this model usually believe in harsher punishment on offenders to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens. The conservative viewpoint on criminals is that they are a product of their social values and self-control. The main goal of the crime control model is to repress crime and to deter it by strict punishment. (Neubauer & Fradella, 2009)
The due process model of the criminal justice system is the exact opposite of the crime control model. This model main focus is to protect the rights of the accused. Instead of rushing a court case, due process is a careful consideration of all the evidence and other information in the case.It also focuses on rehabilitation. (Neubauer & Fradella, 2009)
Unfortunately, I don’t believe there is any perfect model for the criminal justice system. I do wish we could have harsher punishments on criminals, in the beginning, to help deter them from committing crimes again. With that being said, I do believe the U.S. Constitution was designed to protect the citizens of their rights. Not to aid the government in violating them. “The Constitution protects us against criminal conviction unless the state can prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt” (Cicchini, M. D. 2019, p1443-1499. 57p). To better protect an individual’s rights, the due process model is the best fit. Everyone wants harsh punishment on criminals until they are falsely accused, and their freedom is on the line because of someone’s false statement.
A prime example of a typical false accusation scenario is divorce. Divorces can be nasty and can often take a toll on everyone involved. Most don’t realize false accusations of child sex abuse are a growing trend in divorce cases. One party may begin to develop distorted perceptions of reality and will come up with an allegation of child sex abuse (Sheehan, E. 2019). Imagine being falsely accused of something so heinous all because of a former spouse acting out of spite. You would probably want careful consideration of all information in the case. Not only for your freedom, but the right to your children.
Two ideas behind the criminal justice system are the crime control model and the due process model. These models discuss different opinions concerning the court’s role in criminal court.
The crime control model is a conservative based outlook that focuses on crime suppression (Neubauer, Fradella, 2009). The crime control model also believes that a police officer and prosecutors’ informal fact-findings about the case is a fool proof model that will not only convict the guilty, but also will eliminate the possibility of wrongful convictions. The crime control model also provides an outcome much quicker since cases are handled and settled much quicker (Klein, 2006).
The due process model is relatively different from the crime control model. The due process model is a liberal outlook, wanting each court case to be individualized with great attention to detail (Neubauer, Fradella, 2009). Additionally, the due process model looks for formal fact-finding, which allows more scrutinization on an officer’s investigation.
I feel that the due process model would provide a more solid and evaluated outcome. By looking at each case individually, it could help ensure that the most effective response to not being “just a number.” By individualizing a case, specialty courts could provide a long term solution to truly help those who need help, versus criminalizing behavior (Wolf, 2008). However, the due process model requires much more time and dedication teach case, which can lead to higher court costs and backlogging the court system.