Quiz 3 BIBL 110/Quiz 8 BIBL 105/COSC 505 Quiz # 7 Young, Ch. 8

Quiz 3 BIBL 110

  • Question 1

    3 out of 3 points

    The major emphasis of this epistle is a call to avoid false teachers. The author emphasizes that followers of Jesus must be careful not to sacrifice truth in the name of love. A proper balance between truth and love must be maintained.

    Selected Answer:

    Correct2 John

    Correct Answer:

    Correct2 John

  • Question 2

    3 out of 3 points

    This epistle may have been the first NT letter to be written and reflects the Hebrew mind. The author illustrates the principle of a faith that works with the famous mirror metaphor and two OT personalities, Abraham and Rahab.

    Selected Answer:


    Correct Answer:


  • Question 3

    3 out of 3 points

    A major emphasis of this epistle is on holy living. The author refers to believers as “pilgrims” who share in the suffering of the Messiah.

    Selected Answer:

    Correct1 Peter

    Correct Answer:

    Correct1 Peter

  • Question 4

    3 out of 3 points

    This epistle was written to assure believers of their position as children of God and to call illegitimate children and their teachings into question. Its major theme is assurance of salvation.

    Selected Answer:

    Correct1 John

    Correct Answer:

    Correct1 John

  • Question 5

    3 out of 3 points

    This epistle is the greatest book of apocalyptic literature ever written with its emphasis on the coming of the King. It concerns the past, present, and future.

    Selected Answer:


    Correct Answer:


  • Question 6

    3 out of 3 points

    The major theme of this epistle is growing in grace. The basis for Christian growth is the divine power of God, which through the knowledge of God and God’s promises enables believers to share in the divine nature.

    Selected Answer:

    Correct2 Peter

    Correct Answer:

    Correct2 Peter

  • Question 7

    3 out of 3 points

    This epistle presents Jesus Christ as the Great High Priest and encourages Christians to continue in faith, focusing on Jesus, our Great High Priest, as we run the race toward God’s everlasting kingdom.

    Selected Answer:


    Correct Answer:


  • Question 8

    3 out of 3 points

    This epistle provides a window into a church body that was in the midst of a struggle between godly and ungodly leaders. Believers are called upon to imitate what is good.

    Selected Answer:

    Correct3 John

    Correct Answer:

    Correct3 John

  • Question 9

    3 out of 3 points

    The bulk of this epistle is devoted to warning believers against the growing wave of apostasy. In so doing, he gave Christianity a memorable and robust description of God’s keeping power for those who are truly his.

    Selected Answer:


    Correct Answer:


  • Question 10

    24 out of 24 points

    Matching: Key Verse

    • Question Correct Match Selected Match

      “Therefore since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens—Jesus the Son of God—let us hold fast to the confession.”

      Correct B.Hebrews

      Correct B.Hebrews

      “A man who endures trials is blessed, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.”

      Correct F.James

      Correct F.James

      “Dear friends, don’t be surprised when the fiery ordeal comes among you to test you as if something unusual were happening to you. Instead, rejoice as you share in the sufferings of the Messiah, so that you may also rejoice with great joy at the revelation of his glory.”

      Correct A.1 Peter

      Correct A.1 Peter

      “I consider it right, as long as I am in this bodily tent, to wake you up with a reminder, knowing that I will soon lay aside my tent, as our Lord Jesus Christ has also shown me. And I will also make every effort that you may be able to recall these things at any time after my departure.”

      Correct H.2 Peter

      Correct H.2 Peter

      “I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.”

      Correct G.1 John

      Correct G.1 John

      “Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God.”

      Correct C.3 John

      Correct C.3 John

      “Dear friends, although I was eager to write you about the salvation we share, I found it necessary to write and exhort you to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints once for all.”

      Correct E.Jude

      Correct E.Jude

      “Therefore write what you have seen, what is, and what will take place after this.”

      Correct D.Revelation

      Correct D.Revelation

  • Question 11

    24 out of 24 points

    Matching: Key Word

    • Question Correct Match Selected Match


      Correct E.Hebrews

      Correct E.Hebrews


      Correct C.James

      Correct C.James

      hope, suffering

      Correct B.1 Peter

      Correct B.1 Peter


      Correct D.1 John

      Correct D.1 John


      Correct G.2 John

      Correct G.2 John


      Correct F.3 John

      Correct F.3 John


      Correct A.Jude

      Correct A.Jude


      Correct H.Revelation

      Correct H.Revelation

quiz 8 BIBL 105

  • Question 2

    2 out of 2 points

    When God saw that the Ninevites repented at Jonah’s preaching, He destroyed them anyway. 

    Selected Answer:

    B. False

  • Question 3

    2 out of 2 points

    Zechariah 14 predicts that the LORD Himself will set His feet upon and will split _____ when He returns.

    Selected Answer:

    C. The Mount of Olives

  • Question 4

    2 out of 2 points

    The Minor Prophets include both pre-exilic and post-exilic prophets.

    Selected Answer:

    A. True

  • Question 5

    2 out of 2 points

    Joel predicts the coming invasion of an army of _____.

    Selected Answer:

    A. Locusts

  • Question 6

    2 out of 2 points

    The book of Amos teaches the concept of _______ whereby God holds all nations accountable.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Universal justice

  • Question 7

    2 out of 2 points

    The closing chapters of the book of Zechariah focus on the coming of _____.

    Selected Answer:

    B. The Messiah

  • Question 8

    2 out of 2 points

    Amos compares the voice of the LORD to a _____.

    Selected Answer:

    A. Lion’s roar

  • Question 9

    2 out of 2 points

    Hosea 11:1, “Out of Egypt I called my Son,” is fulfilled _____ in Matthew 2:15 in the life of Jesus.

    Selected Answer:

    B. Typologically

  • Question 10

    2 out of 2 points

    Nahum predicts the destruction of the Assyrian city of _____.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Nineveh

  • Question 11

    2 out of 2 points

    The ministry of Malachi, like that of Haggai and Zechariah, was _____ the Babylonian exile.

    Selected Answer:

    C. After

  • Question 12

    2 out of 2 points

    Zechariah’s prophesies many things concerning Israel’s future _______.

    Selected Answer:

    A. King

  • Question 13

    2 out of 2 points

    God tells Hosea to give symbolic names to his three _____ that predict destruction on Israel.

    Selected Answer:

    B. Children

  • Question 14

    2 out of 2 points

    Jonah was sent by the LORD to preach against the Assyrian city of _____.

    Selected Answer:

    A. Nineveh

  • Question 15

    2 out of 2 points

    Micah 5 predicts that the Messiah will be born in _______.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Bethlehem

  • Question 16

    2 out of 2 points

    In the book of Haggai, the LORD tells Zerubbabel, the Davidic ruler, “I will make you like my _____.”

    Selected Answer:

    A. Signet ring

  • Question 17

    2 out of 2 points

    The LORD prepared a _____ to save Jonah’s life.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Great fish

  • Question 18

    2 out of 2 points

    The big idea of the Old Testament is that it is all about _______.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Jesus

  • Question 19

    0 out of 2 points

    The last verse of the Old Testament ends with _____.

    Selected Answer:

    A. The promise of a blessing

  • Question 20

    2 out of 2 points

    The Edomites in the book of Obadiah were descendants of _______.

    Selected Answer:

    B. Esau

  • Question 21

    2 out of 2 points

    The book of Jonah teaches that God’s offer of salvation extends to _______.

    Selected Answer:

    B. All nations

Quiz 6

  • Question 1

    2 out of 2 points

    The book of Proverbs emphasizes that the ________ is the key to wisdom and knowledge.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Fear of the LORD 

  • Question 2

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following topics is addressed in the book of Proverbs?

    Selected Answer:

    B. Marriage and sexuality

  • Question 3

    0 out of 2 points

    Job’s reaction to God’s many questions includes ________.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Anger

  • Question 4

    2 out of 2 points

    Proverbs often presents a sharp contrast between ________.

    Selected Answer:

    A. Wisdom and folly

  • Question 5

    2 out of 2 points

    The book of Psalms is the most frequently quoted Old Testament book in the New Testament Scriptures.

    Selected Answer:

    A. True

  • Question 6

    2 out of 2 points

    The last chapter of Song of Songs states, “Love is as strong as ________.”

    Selected Answer:

    A. Death

  • Question 7

    2 out of 2 points

    _______ offers the final response to Job’s suffering.

    Selected Answer:

    C. God

  • Question 8

    2 out of 2 points

    Song of Songs opens with which of the following lines?

    Selected Answer:

    C. “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!”

  • Question 9

    2 out of 2 points

    The Song of Songs tells of the love between the Shulammite girl and King ________.

    Selected Answer:

    B. Solomon

  • Question 10

    2 out of 2 points

    In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon’s frustrations concern life “under ________.”

    Selected Answer:

    C. the sun

  • Question 11

    2 out of 2 points

    The primary author of the book of Proverbs is ________.

    Selected Answer:

    B. Solomon

  • Question 12

    2 out of 2 points

    The book of Job deals with the question of human ________.

    Selected Answer:

    B. Suffering

  • Question 13

    2 out of 2 points

    The traditional Jewish interpretation of the Song of Songs is a(n) ________ interpretation.

    Selected Answer:

    B. Allegorical

  • Question 14

    2 out of 2 points

    The Song of Songs is quoted twice in the New Testament.

    Selected Answer:

    B. False

  • Question 15

    2 out of 2 points

    Hebrew poetry is often used to express emotions and to evoke feelings rather than propositional thinking.

    Selected Answer:

    A. True

  • Question 16

    2 out of 2 points

    What did Job’s wife say to Job after he lost his children, possessions, and health?

    Selected Answer:

    C. “Why don’t you curse God and die?”

  • Question 17

    2 out of 2 points

    Job maintains his innocence despite his friends’ accusations.

    Selected Answer:

    A. True

  • Question 18

    2 out of 2 points

    The book of Psalms contains ________ psalms that can be divided into ________ sections.

    Selected Answer:

    B. 150, 5

  • Question 19

    0 out of 2 points

    Which of the three friends offered the correct interpretation of Job’s circumstances?

    Selected Answer:

    A. Eliphaz

  • Question 20

    2 out of 2 points

    The Shulammite girl in the Song of Songs is ________.

    Selected Answer:

    A. Pure

  • Question 21

    2 out of 2 points

    The Hebrew word hevel occurs 38 times in the book of Ecclesiastes and means ________.

    Selected Answer:

    A. “Vapor”

  • Question 22

    2 out of 2 points

    The book of Proverbs has a ________ view of wealth and poverty.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Balanced

  • Question 23

    2 out of 2 points

    In Psalm 23, the LORD is depicted as David’s _______.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Shepherd

  • Question 24

    2 out of 2 points

    Psalms 8, 19, 29, and 104 reflect on the Lord as ________.

    Selected Answer:

    B. Creator

  • Question 25

    2 out of 2 points

    ________ psalms focus on the Davidic king.

    Selected Answer:

    C. Royal

COSC 505 Quiz # 7 Young, Ch. 8


  • Question 1

    1 out of 1 points

    Clients often initially respond to confrontation with
    Selected Answer:
    A and C.
  • Question 2

    1 out of 1 points

    Why use an I-message” when giving feedback?
    Selected Answer:
    It emphasizes that this is the helper’s personal perspective
  • Question 3

    1 out of 1 points

    Which is not recommended when giving feedback?
    Selected Answer:
    All of the above
  • Question 4

    0 out of 1 points

    Feedback to the client about progress
    Selected Answer:
    Should be carefully worded so as not to retard future progress
  • Question 5

    1 out of 1 points

    A confrontation is uncomfortable for the client because:
    Selected Answer:
    It creates dissonance.
  • Question 6

    0 out of 1 points

    Feedback and self-disclosure:
    Selected Answer:
    Are skills that every helper should learn before challenging skills
  • Question 7

    1 out of 1 points

    A good confrontation contains:
    Selected Answer:
    A balance between challenge and support
  • Question 8

    1 out of 1 points

    Clients may need to be challenged when they:
    Selected Answer:
    All of the above.
  • Question 9

    1 out of 1 points

    The “mum effect” refers to:
    Selected Answer:
    People withhold feedback so as not to deliver bad news.
  • Question 10

    1 out of 1 points

    Friends and family tend to withhold accurate feedback because
    Selected Answer:
    they don’t want to risk losing the relationship.

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