Quizzes – COSC 611 BIBL 105 And others

Quiz 2 COSC 611


  • Question 1

    2 out of 2 points

    Counselors need to focus on their self-care in working with traumatized clients so they
    Selected Answer:
    Do not burnout.
  • Question 2

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Children and adolescents that are considered at-risk if they are experiencing
    Selected Answers:
    Both cultural and economic vulnerabilities.
    A reduction in their capacity to live independent, productive lives as adults.
    A need for additional resources through social service prevention and intervention.
  • Question 3

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Which of the following are symptoms associated with trauma you might see as a counselor?
    Selected Answers:
    Depression and anxiety.
    Substance abuse.
    Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicide.
  • Question 4

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following are examples of systemic consequences of trauma at the societal level?
    Selected Answer:
    Low socioeconomic status (SES) AND racism.
  • Question 5

    2 out of 2 points

    What are the steps listed in the framework for working with at-risk children and adolescents?
    Selected Answer:
    Assessment, prevention, intervention, social advocacy.
  • Question 6

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following factors predict stress reactions in children following traumatic events?
    Selected Answer:
    Level of exposure to the event AND level of distress at the time of the event.
  • Question 7

    2 out of 2 points

    An effective intervention with at-risk children and adolescents could be
    Selected Answer:
    All of these could be effective since no one intervention will work for everyone.
  • Question 8

    2 out of 2 points

    LGBTQIA+ youth have (a) ________ risk for suicide as compared to heterosexual youth.
    Selected Answer:
  • Question 9

    2 out of 2 points

    Examples of protective factors include:
    Selected Answer:
    Proactive parenting AND grit.
  • Question 10

    2 out of 2 points

    The school to prison pipeline refers to
    Selected Answer:
    Kids that are systematically targeted due to their often misunderstood behavior.
  • Question 11

    2 out of 2 points

    According to Olweus, for a behavior to be categorized as bullying, it must be intentional, repetitive, and:
    Selected Answer:
    Have an imbalance of power.
  • Question 12

    2 out of 2 points

    The DSM-V recognizes all of the following categories of eating disorders except:
    Selected Answer:
    Extreme picky eating.
  • Question 13

    2 out of 2 points

    The belief that intelligence can change, grow, and develop is frequently referred to as:
    Selected Answer:
    Growth mindset.
  • Question 14

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: How well children adjust to divorce depends on
    Selected Answers:
    Whether a child has to move or change living arrangements.
    Whether there is a significant shift in the family finances.
    A child’s temperament and personality.
  • Question 15

    2 out of 2 points

    Children who are being raised by same-gender parents:
    Selected Answer:
    Do not experience teasing and bullying due to their parenting situation any more than they do for other reasons.
  • Question 16

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Typical outcomes for students who experience bullying include:
    Selected Answers:
    Reduction of investment in school work.
  • Question 17

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Children of divorce may experience which of the following?
    Selected Answers:
  • Question 18

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following statements best describes an adolescent’s typical response to a death or loss?
    Selected Answer:
    Adolescents understand the concept of death.
  • Question 19

    2 out of 2 points

    Children age three to six usually believe that:
    Selected Answer:
    Death is reversible.
  • Question 20

    2 out of 2 points

    Adolescents who are adjusting to a new step family often struggle most when:
    Selected Answer:
    The “new parent” is the opposite sex from the child.
  • Question 21

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Children and adolescents who do not have opportunities to work through the stress often involved in the changing family landscape can exhibit:
    Selected Answers:
    Signs of anger.
    Low self-esteem.
  • Question 22

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following could be protective factors?
    Selected Answer:
    A sense of control.
  • Question 23

    2 out of 2 points

    How can social advocacy support posttraumatic growth?
    Selected Answer:
    Standing alongside clients in their healing journey far beyond the counseling session.
  • Question 24

    0 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Which of the following family characteristics is associated with child maltreatment?
    Selected Answers:
    Substance abuse and stress.
    Parents who were themselves victims of childhood maltreatment.
  • Question 25

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Incidents of mass violence can result in trauma for
    Selected Answers:
    Individuals and families.


Quiz 4 BIBL 105

Question 1
2 out of 2 points

David’s confrontation with Goliath in the valley of Elah was known as a “________.”
Selected Answer:
A. Battle by champions

Question 2
2 out of 2 points

The Israelites asked Samuel for a king in order to _______.
Selected Answer:
C. Be like all the other nations

Question 3
2 out of 2 points

The major enemies in the books of 1-2 Samuel are the ________.
Selected Answer:
B. Philistines

Question 4
2 out of 2 points

The events in 1-2 Kings transpire over a period of about _______.
Selected Answer:
A. 400 years

Question 5
2 out of 2 points

David is anointed king because he has the right _______.
Selected Answer:
B. Heart

Question 6
2 out of 2 points

The Philistines were known as the “_______.”
Selected Answer:
B. Sea Peoples

Question 7
2 out of 2 points

The book of 1 Samuel highlights the ________ of Saul in comparison with David.
Selected Answer:
A. Inferiority

Question 8
2 out of 2 points

According to 1 Kings 10, what was considered of little value during Solomon’s kingship?
Selected Answer:
C. Silver

Question 9
2 out of 2 points

The pinnacle of Solomon’s career came with his construction of the ________.
Selected Answer:
C. Temple

Question 10
0 out of 2 points

When the people approached Saul to make him king, Saul was _______.
Selected Answer:
A. Eager

Question 11
2 out of 2 points

Elijah summoned the prophets of Baal to a contest at ________.
Selected Answer:
A. Mount Carmel

Question 12
2 out of 2 points

The last godly king of the southern kingdom of Judah was ________.
Selected Answer:
A. Josiah

Question 13
2 out of 2 points

The birth of Samuel was in answer to the prayer of his mother, ________.
Selected Answer:
B. Hannah

Question 14
2 out of 2 points

The order of Israel’s first three kings is ________.
Selected Answer:
C. Saul, David, Solomon

Question 15
2 out of 2 points

Numerous theological themes in 1-2 Samuel support the basic teachings _______ fidelity.
Selected Answer:
C. Covenant

Question 16
2 out of 2 points

Before Elijah ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire, Elisha asked him for _______.
Selected Answer:
A. A double portion of his spirit

Question 17
2 out of 2 points

According to 2 Kings 17, the northern kingdom of Israel was defeated by Assyria because _______.
Selected Answer:
D. The Israelites had rejected God’s commands.

Question 18
2 out of 2 points

Saul was “the people’s choice” for a king because of his ________.
Selected Answer:
C. Outward appearance

Question 19
2 out of 2 points

Several lines of evidence point to ________ as the author of 1-2 Kings.
Selected Answer:
A. Jeremiah

Question 20
2 out of 2 points

One of the key takeaways from 1 Samuel 15 is Samuel’s statement to Saul that _______.
Selected Answer:
B. To obey is better than sacrifice

Question 21
2 out of 2 points

The Syrian commander Naaman is healed of his ________ after he seeks help from Elisha the prophet.
Selected Answer:
B. Leprosy

Question 22
2 out of 2 points

The Elijah narratives show that ________ is supreme over nature.
Selected Answer:
B. Yahweh

Question 23
2 out of 2 points

The two main prophets in 1-2 Kings are ________.
Selected Answer:
C. Elijah and Elisha

Question 24
2 out of 2 points

According to 1 Kings, the central problem with Solomon’s marriages to foreign women was _______.
Selected Answer:
C. Pagan worship

Question 25
2 out of 2 points

God’s promises to David in the Davidic Covenant were ________.
Selected Answer:
B. Unconditional


Question 1
3 out of 3 points

This book, the first listed in the New Testament canon, was written initially to Jewish Christians.

Correct Answer:


Question 2
3 out of 3 points

This book was written by “the beloved disciple.”

Correct Answer:


Question 3
3 out of 3 points

This book was written to Greek-speaking Jews living outside of Israel.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 4
0 out of 3 points

This book was written to “the most excellent Theophilus.”
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:

Both A and C

Question 5
3 out of 3 points

This book begins very much like Genesis: “In the beginning was the Word.”
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 6
3 out of 3 points

This book, the second volume in a two-part series, was also written by a physician.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 7
3 out of 3 points

This book, presenting Jesus as the Savior of all humanity, is the longest book in the New Testament.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 8
3 out of 3 points

This book was written by a former tax collector.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 9
3 out of 3 points

This book emphasizes the individual person and the social outcasts throughout.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 10
3 out of 3 points

This book was written by a physician, missionary, evangelist, historian and researcher.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 11
3 out of 3 points

This book presents Jesus as the perfect doulos (servant, slave) of God.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 12
3 out of 3 points

This gospel is known for it’s rich use of the Old Testament.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 13
3 out of 3 points

The pace of this book moves quickly and has been referred to as “the Gospel in a hurry.”
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 14
3 out of 3 points

This book was written by a close companion of the Apostle Peter.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 15
3 out of 3 points

The Holy Spirit is the main character of this book.
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 16
15 out of 15 points

Correct Match
Selected Match

Question 17
15 out of 15 points

Correct Match
Selected Match
“Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?”
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life-a ransom for many.”
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.”
“Jesus performed many other signs that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you might believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in his name.”
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


Question 1
2 out of 2 points

One point of emphasis in the opening chapters of Joshua is the ________ of the people of Israel.
Selected Answer:
B. Spiritual preparation

Question 2
2 out of 2 points

The kinsman-redeemer ________ shows kindness to Ruth by letting her glean in his fields.
Selected Answer:
C. Boaz

Question 3
2 out of 2 points

Biblical history is free of any theological interpretation.
Selected Answer:
B. False

Question 4
2 out of 2 points

The “Historical Books” cover which section of the Old Testament?
Selected Answer:
B. Joshua to Esther

Question 5
2 out of 2 points

By nationality, Ruth was ________.
Selected Answer:
C. A Moabitess

Question 6
0 out of 2 points

One of the failures mentioned in Judges 1–2 is that the Israelites did not _______.
Selected Answer:
D. Appoint priests throughout the land

Question 7
0 out of 2 points

The end of the book of Ruth notes that Ruth is in the genealogy of ________.
Selected Answer:
B. Daniel

Question 8
2 out of 2 points

Boaz takes notice of Ruth’s ________.
Selected Answer:
C. Virtuous character

Question 9
2 out of 2 points

The “Writings” in the Hebrew canon include Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and ________.
Selected Answer:
A. Chronicles

Question 10
2 out of 2 points

The book of Joshua ends with the record that Joseph’s ________ were buried in the Promised Land at Shechem.
Selected Answer:
C. Bones

Question 11
0 out of 2 points

The tribe of ________ was nearly exterminated at the end of the book of Judges.
Selected Answer:
A. Judah

Question 12
2 out of 2 points

The book of Ruth highlights God’s faithfulness to His own covenants.
Selected Answer:
A. True

Question 13
2 out of 2 points

What phrase is repeated throughout the book of Judges?
Selected Answer:
C. “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes….”

Question 14
2 out of 2 points

The term shophet (“Judge”) is closely related to the Hebrew term for ________.
Selected Answer:
C. Justice

Question 15
2 out of 2 points

The conquest in the book of Joshua is a fulfillment of the land promises given by God to ________.
Selected Answer:
C. Abraham

Question 16
2 out of 2 points

According to _______ marriage, the next of kin was to marry the deceased widow and produce offspring to carry on the name of the deceased man.

Selected Answer:
B. Levirate

Question 17
2 out of 2 points

The book of Judges tells of Israel’s ________ in maintaining the land they had conquered.
Selected Answer:
A. Struggle

Question 18
2 out of 2 points

Samson had a weakness for _______.
Selected Answer:
C. Philistine women

Question 19
2 out of 2 points

One prerequisite to taking the Promised Land in Joshua 5 is that the Israelite men needed to _______.
Selected Answer:
C. Get circumcised

Question 20
2 out of 2 points

The tension in the book of Ruth that must be resolved is that Boaz is not the ________.
Selected Answer:
C. Nearest kinsman

Question 21
2 out of 2 points

Several lines of evidence point to ________ as the primary author of Joshua.
Selected Answer:
B. Joshua

Question 22
2 out of 2 points

One debated point in the story of Jephthah is whether or not he ________ his own daughter.
Selected Answer:
C. Sacrificed

Question 23
2 out of 2 points

The book of Judges centers around _____ cycles of apostasy, distress, and deliverance.
Selected Answer:
B. 6

Question 24
0 out of 2 points

Joshua’s encounter with the “commander of the LORD’s army” in Joshua 5 points to the ________ nature of this person.
Selected Answer:
A. Humble

Question 25
2 out of 2 points

At the beginning of the book of Joshua, the LORD tells Joshua _______.
Selected Answer:
D. All of the above


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