1.1 Introduction
Bangladesh is a developing country. In the electricity sector, day by day develops so renewable energy is developing. Our work is performance testing and analysis of rooftop solar panels. It is suitable for our country and start renewable energy. It supports that the non-renewable energy in our country. The solar rooftop also helps in our electricity cost minimization, supports the load shedding time and many other help. In this local area there is no electricity there is no reach grid area, this helps the rooftop solar system. But the solar system is the most important problem, low light, rainy season in rainy day, there is not work a solar system. Our work is performance and analysis of the rooftop solar system in the capital of Bangladesh, this name is Dhaka. We work to see the performance of the three solar panels. There are 45 watts, 60 watts, and 100 watts. We see their performance, efficiency, short circuit current, short circuit voltage, peak circuit, and voltage and the fill factor (FF). Our country is a six season’s country. There are the summer, rainy, winter, autumn, spring and late autumn. Each season comprises two months, but some seasons flow into other seasons, while others are short. Actually, Bangladesh has three distinct seasons from March through May this time the solar irradiance is very high, so this time out solar panel output is high, we take a good electricity in the solar panel. The Rainy monsoon season which lasts from June through October, this time the Rainy season is not comfortable to a solar panel. The majority day the sky is cloudy and rain at any time of the day and night. So this time the solar system is not working. In that time we pick our current is discontinuously and a cool dry winter season from November through February. This time solar irradiance is middle level. The sun flows the day 3 or 4 hours, the highest 5 hours. So this time we take middle electricity.
In the present situation of our country, we generated seventeen thousand megawatt electricity. It is not enough for our country so we produce a new installation side. These are the solar system on-grid and rooftop SP off-grid. The other energy installation is wind, Biomass, Biogas, Hydro, etc. These are very helpful and supportive of our electricity.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Bangladesh depends on fossil fuels in the power sector. In public and private sector generates electricity this fuel. About 89% of installed power comes from carbon-emitting liquid fuel, natural gas, coal, and hydropower. From natural gas we get a big amount of electric power, it’s a big help for our power sector. The supply of natural gas is not adequate to meet the demand. The present situation gas production capacity in Bangladesh cannot support our needs and as well as the wider electricity generation for our country. The existing reserve of gas and oil will be ended very soon. This time our country is facing big trouble and to fall down to generate our electricity. So we should take various steps to run our the time worldwide there are big steps for clean and sustainable energy. These times both are developing renewable sources like solar, wind, biomass, biogas, hydro, tidal power and geothermal, etc. Bangladesh is very good for renewable energy. This topology our country is suitable for solar energy. In this time solar energy is a preferable reliable and good secure energy of the country. But the present time Bangladesh share of RE for electricity generation is only 3.05% of total major people are lives in rural areas. These areas of electricity distribution is not good. So they take solar energy to reduce the grid electricity. This time their cost is minimized. Solar energy type the rural electrification begun in the country 1988 at Norshingdi Power Development Board (PDB), Rural Electrification Board (REB), Local Government Engineering Direction (LGED), Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) and a significant number of private-sector agencies including Non-Government Organization (NGO) are involved in solar electricity development. In the city area, this time SHS is increasing day by day. The majority of building owners has there solar panel on the rooftop of the building. Here these places generate the electricity of on-grid in this building so their electricity bill decreases.