Edward Neumeier & Michael Miner’s Robocop and Agatha Christie’s The Case of the Caretaker illustrate and detail the themes of Betrayal, Greed, and Retribution over time. Robocop is set in the modern and futuristic time while The Case of the Caretaker is set in the early 1900s. Robocop examines a society that incorporates arms dealers and requires assistance from the technologically advanced law enforcer. On the other hand, The Case of the Caretaker explores small town crimes solved by the deductions of an amateur detective. Both texts look at how crime is dealt with within their subsequent societies with the advancement of social rights and technological achievements. Consequently, Neumeier and Miner and Christie depict the evolution of society through cinematography, imagery, symbolism and characterisation.
Para graph 1 – include camera shots as well as imagery and symbolism relating to the theme and introduction (Robocop 2014) & (the case of the caretaker) – include stylistic features relating to the theme (Robocop 2014) & (the case of the caretaker- Agatha Christie) Cinematography, Imagery & Symbolism
The actions of betraying one’s group or cause, committing treachery. Betrayal is very noticeable throughout Robocop, when detective Murphy is going through the final stages of programming, his memory has been wiped, he no longer sees his family, and he is enslaved to serve the company that gave him new life. The eventually decide to kill him as he broke through their programming and has become a liability, betraying him in the act. Like Robocop betrayal is a key theme in the case of the Caretaker when Harry married Louise only to attain her wealth and killing her in the process. Overtime betrayal was taken its toll on society, and how it is presented. It depended on the writers if they want to make the theme obvious or keep on the low to surprise and shock the audience.
Paragraph 2– include camera shots as well as imagery and symbolism relating to the theme and introduction (Robocop 2014) & (the case of the caretaker) – include stylistic features relating to the theme (Robocop 2014) & (the case of the caretaker- Agatha Christie) Imagery & Symbolism, and Cinematography,
The intense and selfish desire for something, such as wealth, power, or food. Greed is quite noticeable throughout Robocop, as Omni Consumer Products pushes Detective Murphy to be the perfect cyber law enforcer. Main protagonist CEO of Omni Consumer Products Raymond Sellars is in charge of the cyber law enforcement project in it to make a large profit. Greed is a major theme within the case of the Caretaker, Louise’s husband Harry Laxton, has schemed a decisive plan that would’ve made him even richer. He married Louise’s because she was wealthy, killed her, and was going to do to the same thing to Dr Haydock’s niece, all for the money. Overtime greed has remained the same, like betrayal, it depended on the writers if they want to make the theme obvious or keep on the low to surprise and shock the audience.
Paragraph 3 – include camera shots as well as imagery and symbolism relating to the theme and introduction (Robocop 2014) & (the case of the caretaker) – include stylistic features relating to the theme (Robocop 2014) & (the case of the caretaker- Agatha Christie) Cinematography, Imagery & Symbolism
Punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong doing or criminal act. Retribution is very prominent towards the end of Robocop, as Detective Murphy realises that Omni Consumer Products is trying to kill him, and take away his family. He seeks retribution for numerous acts the company has inflicted upon him and his family, taking away his identity as a human, violating human nature & human rights, enslaved him to work and only work for them, and etc. Similar to Mrs. Murgatroyed in the case of the Caretaker¸ as she kills Louise because of threats from Harry. She seeks retribution for Louise and confesses to the police for killing her but was forced by Harry Laxton, sentencing him to jail.