“communication in organizations goes far beyond training managers to be effective speakers and to have good interpersonal communication skills” Give an example
“communication at the micro, meso, and macro levels; formal and informal communications” Classify the following internal organizational communication practices: newsletters, presentations, strategic communications, work direction, performance reviews, meetings, public communication, media communication, inter-organizational communication. Innovation, organizational learning, knowledge management, conflict management, diversity, and use of communication technologies
Drenth et al (1988) define “organizational communication as a key element of organizational climate” … what is ‘organizational climate’ and how will this view affect the way you write your messages inside a company?
What is “the contextual approach to communication” ?
Give an example. Give an example of each of the following: (1) levels; (2) formal versus informal; (3) direction (vertical, horizontal, diagonal); and (4) internal versus external focus. Give an example if each of the following levels: ♦ Interpersonal communication ♦ Group level communication ♦ Organizational level communication ♦ Inter-organizational level communication ♦ Mass communication. Thoughts? Some experts see “diversity training as a mechanism for sensitizing staff to potential issues associated with informal (as well as formal) communication. Still others have emphasized conflict management as a strategy for dealing with issues that arise from informal communication and interactions between workers. More recent discussions focus on the growing dependence on dynamic computer-facilitated communications that are neither formal nor informal, such as communication within teams or within communities of practice and Knowledge Management. It may be that the formal/informal dichotomy of the past is becoming less salient as many new communication channels now exist within organizations that are neither formal nor informal.” What is the difference between downward communication and upward communication? Give some examples. Which is easier to control? 1) Communication channels, 2) Communication climate, 3)Network analysis and, 4) Superior-subordinate Which of the following nine most frequent Organizational Communication topics according to (Aust, Limon,& Lippert, 2002) do NOT need to feature in this course? 1) leadership, 2) conflict and conflict management, 3) communication networks, 4) decision making and problem solving, 5) morals, ethics, or values, 6) communication technology, 7) human resources perspective, 8) human relations perspective and, 9) classic management theory. Which of the following skills do you develop most: organizational socialization, interviewing, individual and group presentations, work relationships, performance evaluation, conflict resolution, stress management, decision making