Quiz: 1 and 2 Samuel; 1 and 2 Kings

One of the amazing things about Elisha the prophet is his ability to _______.

  1. Predict the future
  2. Fight in battle
  3. Perform miracles
  4. Overcome depression

Question 2

Before Elijah ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire, Elisha asked him for _______.

  1. A double portion of his spirit
  2. Advice on being God’s prophet
  3. A final meal together
  4. A selfie

Question 3

According to 1 Kings, the central problem with Solomon’s marriages to foreign women was _______.

  1. Mixed ethnicities
  2. Political compromise
  3. Pagan worship
  4. Domestic problems

Question 4

When the people approached Saul to make him king, Saul was _______.

  1. Eager
  2. Entitled
  3. Hiding
  4. Confident

Question 5

David is anointed king because he has the right _______.

  1. Height
  2. Heart
  3. Experience
  4. Ambition

Question 6

According to 1 Kings 10, what was considered of little value during Solomon’s kingship?

  1. Weapons
  2. Marriage
  3. Silver
  4. Wisdom

Question 7

In 1 Samuel 13, Saul foolishly _______ instead of waiting for Samuel to arrive.

  1. Offers up a sacrifice
  2. Leads the troops into battle
  3. Declares a fast
  4. Kills the Amalekite king

Question 8

The Israelites asked Samuel for a king in order to _______.

  1. Have a godly leader like Samuel
  2. Pave the way for the Messiah
  3. Be like all the other nations
  4. Fulfill the prophecy given to Abraham

Question 9

The books of 1-2 Samuel form the transition from the era of the judges to that of the ________.

  1. Prophets
  2. Priests
  3. Kings

Question 10

The Philistines were known as the “_______.”

  1. Purple Peoples
  2. Sea Peoples
  3. Noble Peoples

Question 11

The book of 1 Samuel highlights the ________ of Saul in comparison with David.

  1. Inferiority
  2. Superiority

Question 12

The major enemies in the books of 1-2 Samuel are the ________.

  1. Egyptians
  2. Philistines
  3. Babylonians

Question 13

The prophet ________ confronted David after David sinned with Bathsheba.

  1. Samuel
  2. Elijah
  3. Nathan

Question 14

The order of Israel’s first three kings is ________.

  1. Solomon, David, Saul
  2. David, Saul, Solomon
  3. Saul, David, Solomon

Question 15

Numerous theological themes in 1-2 Samuel support the basic teachings _______ fidelity.

  1. Marital
  2. Governmental
  3. Covenant

Question 16

The books of 1-2 Samuel are anonymous works but are most likely the work of Samuel the prophet in their entirety.



Question 17

First Samuel is the first biblical book where the term ________ or “anointed one” is used.

  1. Messiah
  2. Seraphim
  3. Chesed

Question 18

The two main prophets in 1-2 Kings are ________.

  1. Enoch and Ezekiel
  2. Elihu and Ezra
  3. Elijah and Elisha

Question 19

The kings of Israel and Judah are evaluated by their adherence to the ________.

  1. Customs
  2. Covenant
  3. Culture

Question 20

The books of 1-2 Kings are written from the perspective of the ________.

  1. Prophets
  2. Priests
  3. Kings

Question 21

The Syrian commander Naaman is healed of his ________ after he seeks help from Elisha the prophet.

  1. Blindness
  2. Leprosy
  3. Paralysis

Question 22

The Elijah narratives show that ________ is supreme over nature.

  1. Baal
  2. Yahweh
  3. Zeus

Question 23

The last godly king of the southern kingdom of Judah was ________.

  1. Josiah
  2. Hezekiah
  3. Zedekiah

Question 24

Several lines of evidence point to ________ as the author of 1-2 Kings.

  1. Jeremiah
  2. Jotham
  3. Josiah

Question 25

Jerusalem was finally destroyed by the Babylonians in ________.

  1. 722 BC
  2. 701 BC
  3. 586 BC

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