

In order to fulfill this assignment you are required to write about 6 different artworks from the San Antonio Museum of Art.  You can view the work here: (Links to an external site.).   We used to visit the San Antonio Museum of Art as a group, and it was always a good time, but since this class must be entirely online, we’re just using their database.

If you’re in San Antonio, and you’d like to visit the museum, you can use your free admission with your Alamo Colleges ID at any time.   Sundays before noon is free admission for everyone, so you can bring along a non Alamo Colleges friend or family member for free.

Your response must be submitted as either a .doc, .pdf, or a .rtf file.  I’m not able to open some of the other file types.  Your essay can be double-spaced and must be written in a cohesive, grammatically correct manner.


From the list below, select THREE (and only three) questions to respond to. Your response to each artwork should consist of approximately one paragraph. Be sure to tell me which question you are answering, and identify each artworkby the label information provided by the museum. Answer all of the questions within the topic for each object selected.

Make sure that you answer only 3 of the 6 possible questions.  Please note that Question #6 is split into an A or B option.  You can only pick one of those.  For all the questions, you’re asked to find two different artworks as examples.  That will be a total of 6 different artworks.  Please don’t repeat the same work for multiple questions.

1. Locate two objects that have a function beyond serving an aesthetic ordevotional purpose (make sure each object serves a different function). Describeeach object: how was each made? How did it function? Next, discuss how twoformal elements operate in each work.

2. Compare and contrast two artworks that are dependent on two differenttypes of line. Identify each work by artist, title, medium, and date. Define thetype of line used in each work as actual (outline or contour) or implied. Definethe expressive nature of line in each work: is it rational and geometric, oremotional and expressive? If the work is representational, describe how the linequality relates to (defines or enhances) the subject depicted. If the artwork isnon-representational, assess how the line quality affects the formal composition.

3. Search for two portraits, one of which is two-dimensional (drawing,painting, print) and one of which is three-dimensional (sculpture). Describeeach. Who is represented? Summarize how the individual is represented. Next,discuss how two elements of art and are used in each portrait. How does themedium contribute to the appearance of the portrait (e.g., an oil painting will havevery different qualities than a marble sculpture)?

4. Find two works of art; one two-dimensional (drawing, painting, print) and onethree-dimensional (sculpture). How does each work make use of space? In thetwo-dimensional piece, is the artist rendering the illusion of three-dimensionalspace? How? In either piece, what is the interplay between negative andpositive space? In the three-dimensional piece, think about how we, the viewers,are supposed to interact in the space of the object.

5. Find two works of art that use two different color schemes – analogous,monochromatic, complementary, or polychromatic. Identify each work by artist,title, medium, and date. Identify the color scheme of each and describespecifically how it makes you “read” the artwork. Last, assess how the colorscheme is related to the subject matter and/or the form (if non-representational).Think about how color enhances the subject and/or form. How does it contributeto the content (meaning) of the work?

6.  This question has an A or B option.  Option A is about pattern.  Option B is about texture.

Please only pick one, do not write about both pattern & texture.

A)  Find two artworks in which pattern plays a vital role. Define how pattern iscreated. Is pattern the result of the media used to create the artwork (forexample pattern may result from the weaving process in fiber art) or is it “applied”(drawn, painted, carved, etc.)? Describe in detail the effect that pattern has onthe work of art (Does it create movement? Does it give structure to the work?Does it direct your eye in a specific way)?

B)  Find two artworks in which texture plays a vital role. Define the texture asactual or visual. How is the texture created? What does this element contributeto the work?


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