Case Brief 2: Global Wine Industry
Please read completely the document provided about the Wine industry and choose one of the following questions for your case brief for each of the essays. Be thorough in your answers and describe the evidence clearly! I am asking you for three things in each answer.
Global Wine Industry. Please answer one of the following four questions.A. What are three reasons why the French wine industry strategy appear to be working? B. What are three reasons why the New World wine industry strategy appear to be working?C. There are numerous strengths and weaknesses of the French wine industry. What are two strengths and one weaknesses of the French wine industry?D. There are numerous strengths and weaknesses of the New World wine industry. What are two strength and one weaknesses of the New World wine industry?
Click here to see all Case Briefs.
Written Case Brief Requirements: Each student will write a case brief for each of the cases assigned in class. There will be three paragraphs. The first paragraph will begin with these two sentences: “In [insert case name in italics], I am asked to answer this question: [insert case brief topic discussion assigned for that week in italics].” For example, “In the case The Global Beef Industry, I am asked to answer this question, “The global beef industry has moved from perfect competition to monopolistic competition.”After the quote, and a sentence or two explaining the quotation in your own words, you will end the first paragraph by writing: “In what follows I will provide evidence that this statement is [true or false].” You will then, in a second and third, large paragraph develop one critique of the view expressed in the quotation. You will argue persuasively (giving good reasons or evidence in support of your position from the case) that this view is true. If you cite information from the case, please list that information followed by the page number. For example, you might say, “One piece of evidence that the statement is true is that the country of Uruguay was the first to begin using a passport for each beef cow (p.5).”This essay is about you personally understanding and interacting with the text. If I find that you have quoted or paraphrased any other sources this will constitute cheating and will result in your failure of the entire course. No extra source necessary, use only the text provided and your own knowledge for this short essay.
- Header: On the top three lines of the page, list in order (a) your name, (b) date of submission, and (c) your exact word count. Your word count should be no greater than 1000 words (including the quotation). I mean it, stick to the limit and revise your essay accordingly. If you try hard you can say something meaningful in few words. In fact, that is the hallmark of good writing.
- Formatting: The essay should be single-spaced, Times New Roman (12pt.), on one side of one page.
- Submission: All essays must be submitted as a Word or PDF file, on time, via Canvas, or they will receive a zero. I suggest that you submit these well ahead of time so as to avoid any issues with illness, accidents, etc.