Module 1 Homework HMG6477


Question 1

The cash flow cycle:

reminds a financial manager that profits are important

illustrates that profits and cash flows are the same.

focuses on financing activities only.

describes the flow of cash through a company.


Question 2

In measuring value, the firm’s focus should be on:

earnings per share.

time value of money.

accounting profits.

cash flow.


Question 3

The three basic types of cash-related activities that every business faces are:

investing, working capital management, and financing

financing, operations, and investing.

working capital management, financing, and budgeting.

capital budgeting, investing, and cash management.


Question 4

Borrowing monies from financial institutions to fund the firm’s revenue growth is an example of which cash-related activity in the cash flow cycle?

Profitability activity

Operating activity

Investing activity

Financing activity


Question 5

Raising new capital through the sale of common equity is an example of which cash-related activity in the cash flow cycle?

Investing activity

Financing activity

Operating activity

Profitability activity


Question 6

To generate cash to invest in fixed assets, a firm can issue equity or obtain a loan from a bank. This is an example of which cash-related activity in cash flow management?

Investing activity

Profitability activity

Financing activity

Operating activity


Question 7

Cash flows and profits are synonymous, in other words, higher cash flows equal higher profits




Question 8

The ________ measure a firm’s performance over a specified period of time whereas a ________ provides a snapshot of the firm as of a specific date.

None of the choices are correct.

balance sheet and cash flow statement; income statement

income and balance sheets; cash flow statement

income and cash flow statements; balance sheet

Excel Proficiency Assignment

Use the instructions below to complete the assignment.

Use of Excel for Organizing

Change the name of the “Dataset” worksheet to “Excel Proficiency Exam”

Insert a new column between Column A and Column B

Split the single column A data into two separate columns

Add a new heading name to these columns, “Last Name” and “First Name”

Format Column C, D, E, and G for currency

Format Column F for percentages

Use of Formulas in Excel

Create a formula in Column E to Add Columns C and D

Label Column G “Taxes Paid”

Create a formula in Column G to Multiply Column E and F

Label Column H “Net Pay”

Create a formula in column H to subtract G from E

Insert a new column between Column E and Column F

Label the new column F “Average Daily Wage Rate”

Create a formula in the new column F to divide “Total Weekly Wages” by 7

Merge cells K1 and L1 and name the cell “Employee Averages”

In column K, under the heading, copy the heading titles from C1:I1 to K2:K8. Use a formula to link the cells.

Create a formula in column L that calculates the averages for each matching category in K2:K8

Use of Complex Formulas in Excel

In cell K25, create a heading titled, “Thunder Occurrences”

In cell K26, create a formula that counts the number times “Thunder” occurs in the columns containing “Names”

Use of Excel to Create Graphs

Using data in the average table, create a pie chart that compares the amount of average weekday wages to the average weekend wages

Change the chart title to, “Weekday & Weekend Wage Comparison”

Position the chart so that it is placed between K10-L23

Use of Excel for Aesthetics

Change the font for your entire workbook to 12pt Arial

Widen or shrink all columns to the exact size of the words in the heading

Wrap text in headings with three or more words so that are no more than 3 words per line

Center the entire data set

Sort the entire data set according to last name

Add all borders to the entire data set along with the Employee Averages and Thunder Occurrences data set

Add a thick outside border to the first row of headings including the Employee Averages and Thunder Occurrences headings

Italicize and bold the text in the headings along with the Employee Averages and Thunder Occurrences headings

Add a Light Gray Background to all headings including Employee Averages and Thunder Occurrences

Insert an image of any GCU logo under the number of “Thunder Occurrences”

The subject property is a 52-room limited-service facility.

The subject property is a 52-room limited-service facility. Its ADR is $42.00 and it has an annualized occupancy of 65%.


What is the RevPAR on the subject property?

Consider the following information and calculate the Cost Approach Value.

Sale Price: $6,500,000

Land Value : $1,750,000

Improvement Cost: $5,525,000 (inclusive of direct and indirect fees)

Depreciation: $775,000

Entrepreneurial Percent: 15%

No site improvement fee.

Average Room Nights (ARN)

Number of rooms in the property multiplied by……

Smith Travel Research is used for ?

A. Revenue and Operating expenses

B. Payroll and Management Cost

C. Revenue, Operating, Payroll, and Management

D. Revenue, Operating, Payroll, and Management plus fixed charges

Calculate the capitalization rate from the problem presented below.

Net Operating Income ( NOI) – $955,314

Purchase price of $15,921,900

Discussions FIU Hospitality/Real Estate

You have completed your analysis of the financial feasibility of the purchase of Pier House 60. Now let’s consider which of the two loans offers the best terms for Stiles. Which financing option—the base case or the optional case—would you recommend the firm choose? Why?

You should characterize the additional risks that Stiles is taking under the optional case financing scenario, and then make a recommendation.  You should also respond to the recommendation of at least one of your classmates.

You have completed your analysis of the financial feasibility of the proposed Crest Hotel. Now let’s consider which of the two loans offers the best terms for Henderson. Which financing option—the base case or the optional case—would you recommend the firm choose? Why?

You should characterize the additional risks that HD is taking under the optional case financing scenario, and then make a recommendation.  You should also respond to the recommendation of at least one of your classmates.

You have completed week 5 Equity and Debt analysis. Which of the three investors would you rather be and explain your answer:

  • The fund sponsor raises equity capital from many different investors
  • The sponsor provides their expertise and raises debt capital as needed
  • Fund investors contribute equity in exchange for a percentage of profits, cash flow, and other proceeds

You should also respond to the recommendation of at least one of your classmates.

Do the Interests Overlap?
You are required to participate in all discussions in this course.
Discussion topic:
On the previous two pages, you learned about owners, Juan, Liz, and Elena, and the proposed investment property in Charlotte. Each owner may be interested in investing in the proposed three-star branded property in Charlotte under the right circumstances. Create a post in which you discuss the following:

  1. Which of the proposed owners seems the most likely to seek a deal? Why?
    2. Comment on the prospective investments outlined for Juan, Liz, and Elena.
    3. Contribute your own proposed investment and respond to at least one proposal of a classmate.

You are required to participate in all discussions in this course.

Discussion topic:

In the previous section, you learned about the Income Approach, Sales Comparison Approach and Cost Approach to value. Create a post in which you discuss the following

  1. What valuation approach is given primary emphasis? and when would the other two approaches be applicable.
  2. Respond to at least one post of a classmate.

Quiz: Joshua, Judges, Ruth

The book of Joshua concludes by mentioning the fact that the Israelites took _______ into the Promised Land in fulfillment of prophecy.

  1. Joseph’s coat of many colors
  2. Joseph’s family
  3. Joseph’s bones
  4. Joseph’s blessing

Question 2

2 / 2 pts

At the beginning of the book of Joshua, the LORD tells Joshua _______.

  1. “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.”
  2. “Be strong and courageous.”
  3. “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth.”
  4. All of the above

Question 3

2 / 2 pts

One of the failures mentioned in Judges 1–2 is that the Israelites did not _______.

  1. Drive out the Canaanites
  2. Dig enough wells in the land
  3. Divide up the land appropriately
  4. Appoint priests throughout the land

Question 4

2 / 2 pts

Samson had a weakness for _______.

  1. Philistine food
  2. Philistine money
  3. Philistine women
  4. Philistine clothing

Question 5

2 / 2 pts

Biblical history is free of any theological interpretation.

  1. True
  2. False

Question 6

2 / 2 pts

The story of Israel’s survival after the Exile is told in ________.

  1. Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes
  2. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
  3. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Question 7

2 / 2 pts

The “Writings” in the Hebrew canon include Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and ________.

  1. Chronicles
  2. Kings
  3. Samuel

Question 8

2 / 2 pts

One point of emphasis in the opening chapters of Joshua is the ________ of the people of Israel.

  1. Military preparation
  2. Spiritual preparation

Question 9

2 / 2 pts

Several lines of evidence point to ________ as the primary author of Joshua.

  1. Moses
  2. Joshua
  3. Samuel

Question 10

2 / 2 pts

The book of Joshua tells the story of the conquest and settlement of the ________.

  1. Promised Land
  2. Land of Egypt
  3. Persian Empire

Question 11

2 / 2 pts

The conquest in the book of Joshua is a fulfillment of the land promises given by God to ________.

  1. Adam
  2. Noah
  3. Abraham

Question 12

2 / 2 pts

Archaeological excavations at Jericho and Hazor show that these cities were burned in the fifteenth century BC.

  1. True
  2. False

Question 13

2 / 2 pts

The victory of Jericho was the result of Joshua’s ________.

  1. Strength
  2. Skill
  3. Obedience

Question 14

2 / 2 pts

What phrase is repeated throughout the book of Judges?

  1. “Love the Lord your God.…”
  2. “Be holy, for I am holy….”
  3. “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes….”

Question 15

2 / 2 pts

One debated point in the story of Jephthah is whether or not he ________ his own daughter.

  1. Abandoned
  2. Appreciated
  3. Sacrificed

Question 16

2 / 2 pts

One possible candidate for the authorship of Judges is ________.

  1. Samuel
  2. Samson
  3. Solomon

Question 17

2 / 2 pts

Who was the left-handed judge?

  1. Othniel
  2. Ehud
  3. Samson

Question 18

2 / 2 pts

The book of Judges tells of Israel’s ________ in maintaining the land they had conquered.

  1. Struggle
  2. Success
  3. Strategy

Question 19

2 / 2 pts

The term shophet (“Judge”) is closely related to the Hebrew term for ________.

  1. Salvation
  2. Deliverance
  3. Justice

Question 20

2 / 2 pts

The tension in the book of Ruth that must be resolved is that Boaz is not the ________.

  1. Right age
  2. Right height
  3. Nearest kinsman

Question 21

2 / 2 pts

According to _______ marriage, the next of kin was to marry the deceased widow and produce offspring to carry on the name of the deceased man.

  1. Levitical
  2. Levirate
  3. Melchizekedian

Question 22

2 / 2 pts

The book of Ruth highlights God’s faithfulness to His own covenants.

  1. True
  2. False

Question 23

2 / 2 pts

The story of Ruth and Boaz illustrates the biblical concept of ________.

  1. Deliverance
  2. Redemption
  3. Forgiveness

Question 24

2 / 2 pts

Ruth chose to stay with her widowed mother-in-law, ________, rather than go back to her own people.

  1. Naomi
  2. Miriam
  3. Rahab

Question 25

2 / 2 pts

The kinsman-redeemer ________ shows kindness to Ruth by letting her glean in his fields.

  1. Mahlon
  2. Chilion
  3. Boaz

Philosophy of Ministry Paper Assignment Instructions


You have spent the term learning various aspects of ministry.  In this assignment, you will put it all together and develop your own philosophy of ministry.   How are you preparing for ministry and how will you maintain your spiritual health?  What do you believe about the local church?  What role with the Gospel play in ministry?  How will you incorporate those things that you consider essential and what methods will you use? 


You will submit a paper about your ministry meeting the following criteria.  [Note that “your ministry” is not defined as full time vocational ministry, nor is it defined as ministry exclusively in the church.  “Your ministry” is defined as anything that you do to the glory of God and for the advancement of the Gospel.  Therefore, everyone should engage with each section.]

  • The body of your paper will be 4-7 pages in length.
    • The title page and reference page are not included in this page count.
  • APA, MLA and Turabian are accepted formats. Please choose the format that aligns with your major of study.
  • You must include citations from at least two sources other than the Bible and textbooks for this course. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.

Your paper should include the following sections, and each section should be identified with the given section title.  This paper is mean to be written in first person.

Part One: The Meaning of Ministry

  • How are you preparing for ministry? This should not be a general answer such as, “I am going to school.” Explain more specifically how school is preparing you for ministry. This is only one example.
  • How will you continue to grow spiritually as you enter ministry? This must be specific and measurable. As the day to day of ministry becomes more involved, how will you stay faithful to time alone with God? What will your time alone with God look like? What are potential pitfalls for you as you grow in ministry?

Part Two: The Motives of Ministry

  • What are your beliefs about the local church? Specifically, what is the mission of the church? What makes a church, a church?
  • What role will the Gospel of Jesus Christ play in your church or ministry? How and when will the Gospel be presented?
  • What will you specifically do to help those in your ministry develop the mind of Christ?

Part Three:  The Essentials of Ministry

  • What do you consider the essentials of ministry and why? You can agree or disagree with the authors, but you should not simply rewrite your previous paper.
  • How will you specifically incorporate these essentials into your ministry? How will pass these essentials on to others?

Part Four: The Methods of Ministry

  • What methods will you incorporate into your ministry and why? You may agree or disagree with the authors.
  • How will you specifically incorporate these methods into your ministry?

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Discussion Thread: Encouragement

Encouragement is essential in ministry, but if you are not intentional, it may never happen. This Discussion is designed to help you construct a specific plan for encouragement into your ministry. Your thread must answer the following questions:

  • How can you incorporate encouragement to those you lead into your ministry?  Make sure that your response is specific and measurable.
  • How can you incorporate encouragement to those who lead you into your ministry?  Make sure that your response is specific and measurable.
  • Identify one of the entries from Be Encouraged by Ben Gutierrez, and explain how this entry was particularly encouraging to you.
  • NOTE: “Your ministry” is not defined as full-time vocational ministry, nor is it defined as ministry exclusively in the church. “Your ministry” is defined as anything that you do for the glory of God and for the advancement of the Gospel. Therefore, everyone should answer all the questions above.

Please review the prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.

Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.

Discussion Thread: Spiritual Gifts

Your spiritual giftedness has a great impact on your effectiveness in ministry, and it can help guide you where God wants to use you. This Discussion is designed to answer the questions you may have about your spiritual gifts. First, you will need to complete a spiritual gifts analysis. This is not meant to be an exclusive tool to discover your giftedness; however, analyses like this one are very effective in helping you discover your spiritual gift. This survey can be accessed through the Interact: Spiritual Gifts Survey Learn item.

When you are answering the questions on the analysis remember that no one is going to see your individual responses. Answer the questions honestly and not in the way you think they should be answered. For example, if asked, “Do you have a consuming passion for the lost?” Answering “not very often” does not mean that you are a bad person or that you do not care about people coming to know Christ. It simply means that this is not what consumes you. It would indicate that your spiritual gift is in another area.

After completing the analysis and reading the information provided about the results, you will post it in the Discussion Thread.

To complete this assignment, you must submit a thread and 2 replies. Your thread must answer the following questions:

  • First, list the gifts and scores from the analysis. (This does not count toward the 300-word minimum.)
  • What did the assessment say were your top spiritual gifts?
  • Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
  • How will your strengths impact your ministry?
  • How will your weaknesses impact your ministry?
  • NOTE: “Your ministry” is not defined as full-time vocational ministry, nor is it defined as ministry exclusively in the church. “Your ministry” is defined as anything that you do for the glory of God and for the advancement of the Gospel. Therefore, everyone should answer all the questions above.

Please review the prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.

Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.


Essentials of Ministry Paper Assignment Instructions


Whether you are choosing to go into vocational ministry or serving as a lay person in the church, it is important to know the things that are non-negotiable.  The authors have identified ten essentials of ministry.  You will summarize their choice of essentials, express your agreement or disagreement, and identify those areas where you need to improve.  At the end of the term, you will compile your own list of essentials.  These will give you a starting point.



After reading Part 3 of Everyday Ministry by Early and Gutierrez, you will submit a paper meeting the following criteria.

  • The body of your paper will be 4-7 pages in length.
    • The title page and reference page are not included in this page count.
  • APA, MLA and Turabian are accepted formats. Please choose the format that aligns with your major of study.
  • You must include citations from at least two sources other than the Bible and textbooks for this course. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.


Your paper should include the following sections, and each section should be identified with the given section title.  This paper is mean to be written in first person.


Part One:  A Summary of Early’s and Gutierrez’s Essentials

  • Each chapter title in Part 3 is an essential. Identify each of them.
  • Provide a summary for each essential.
  • Discuss whether you agree or disagree with Early’s and Gutierrez’s choice of essentials.
  • If you agree, explain why you think they are important.
  • If you disagree, what essentials would you add or delete?


Part Two: Areas Where I Can Improve

  • Identify two essentials from the list where you feel you need the most improvement.
  • Express your struggle in these areas and why you need improvement.


Part Three:  My Specific and Measurable Plan for Improvement

  • For both areas that you have identified, provide a plan for improvement.
  • Your plan should be specific. It will not be acceptable to make general statements such as, “I will pray more.”  Rather you need to have a specific prayer plan: place, time, method, etc.   This is only one example.  It is not necessary, nor is it prohibited to use prayer in your plan.
  • Your plan should be measurable. Again, it will not be acceptable to say, “I will pray more.”  Rather you need to have a measurable plan such as, “I will spend 20 minutes in prayer every morning before going to work.”  This can be measured.  Did you pray every day?  Did you pray for 20 minutes?


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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Government Unit 2

The Founding Fathers wanted the Congress to be the “_______” of American national government.

last branch

equal cohort

first branch

privileged branch


In 1913 US Senators were to be chosen in a direct popular election instead of being elected by ______.

their state legislators

their party leaders

presidential electors

the electoral college


The most powerful position in the House of Representatives is

the minority party leader

the Speaker of the House

the majority party leader

the president Pro tem


What influences the way that Congressmen vote?

Their constituents’ interests

Political party priorities

Their own political beliefs

All of the above


The president can submit a bill to the house on his own.

