Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: When communicating with an audience face-to-face (in person), what are the non-verbal elements used? Discuss some of the ways that non-verbal ele
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
When communicating with an audience face-to-face (in person), what are the non-verbal elements used? Discuss some of the ways that non-verbal elements are limited in other public speaking situations, such as a teleconference or webinar? What can we do as public speakers, to help relay messages more effectively when we are limited in our non-verbal communication? Finally, discuss which elements of non-verbal communication you feel you could improve upon (ex: tone, volume, pace, gestures, eye contact) when engaging in public speaking.
Reply to the following in a minimum of 100 words:
“When communicating with a person in a face to face setting, there are a number of ques that can be picked up from the audience. If you as a presenter are aware of these ques, you will have the opportunity to adjust your presentation to make it more effective. One of the major ques to be aware of would be how open you audience is to your presentation. if your audience has their arms crossed or is looking away, they may be closed off or not paying attention. You can also check for a person’s facial expressions to determine the receptiveness of your audience.
The hardest part of presenting in a teleconference or over a webinar, is you are unable to observe your audience and they are unable to observe you. This means that your tone of voice and the content of your presentation are the only things holding your audience’s attention. This means that you should use your speaking voice to your advantage and provide some range to keep your audience’s attention.” – Kathlene G.
Respond to the following thread in a minimum of 100 words:
“When communicating face to face some non verbal elements that are used would be a persons body language, a presentation that is very formal may involve very little body movement or hand gestures where as a more heated discussion or a presentation meant to get the crowd pumped would more than likely have the speaker moving about the stage and involve hand gestures. Facial expression is also a non verbal element that is used in face to face that can be used to convey different feelings or can change the meaning behind the words you are trying to convey.
In instances when these 2 things are not available to us ensuring that the message we are intending to convey is matched by are tone and choice of words, refraining from sarcasm or jokes that may fall flat due to an inability to see the full picture from those on the other end.
I know that my volume is always something that needs improvement, my voice is naturally on the quieter side and in order to be heard I almost, from my perspective need to yell, I also tend to increase my rate of speech when I am anxious or really excited about something.” – Krystal L.