& Dermot Shea (NYPD Police Commissioners past and current) faced a moral or ethical dilemma and successfully overcame the issue.
Provide enough detail so as to be able to cull valid arguments for and against identified ethical issues involving criminal justice leadership. Ask at least three questions at the end of the case scenario which involves the reader in applying information from the situation described in the case and requires them to make a determination as to how the leader responded.Grading will be based on the degree to which students meet the following criteria:-Cover page with student’s name, course title and number, and date submitted.-The quality of the “Case” in study:Sufficient background information and detail around pertinent “facts” of the case so as to give the reader enough information to answer the three questions at the end of the case.-Relevance of the case to the concepts covered in the course.-The complexity and quality of the three questions at the end of the Case Study.-Originality All Case Studies will adhere to APA guidelines and be a minimum of three (4) computer-generated, double-spaced 12 point font pages (maximum 5 pages). Margins are to be 1 inch (top, bottom, right, and left), including the three (3) end questions.