Now that you have watched the video, created the matrix, and chosen the intervention strategies it is time to put it all together and write the report.
• Writing the report
• You will write a 3-5 page report about your virtual inclusion learning experience.
• Guidelines to follow:
· Word document
· 12 inch times new roman font
· double spaced
· 1 inch margins
• There are 4 sections. Write the title of each section (just as you see them below – ex. Development, Effective Feedback etc.) and underline them on your report.
• Section 1: Development (this section should have four paragraphs)
- Paragraph 1
• Discuss Sam’s fine motor development – strengths, challenges (was he engaged, peer interactions)
- Paragraph 2
• Discuss Sam’s gross motor development – strengths, challenges (was he engaged, peer interactions)
- Paragraph 3
• Discuss Sam’s cognitive development – strengths, challenges (was he engaged, was the activity too easy/challenging)
- Paragraph 4
• Discuss Sam’s language/communication development –strengths, challenges (did he use verbal language, receptive language)
- Paragraph 5
• Discuss Sam’s social-emotional development – strengths, challenges (was he able to initiate interactions, could he continue back and forth interactions, did he understand the play sequence)
• Section 2: Effective Feedback (2 paragraphs)
• Provide overall suggestions/feedback to the teachers working with Sam. Develop a script on what you would say to the teachers to help Sam become more engaged and move up the developmental ladder.
• Paragraph 1
• Start with a couple of things the teachers did well (Ex. “I really liked how you…” “Sam seemed to enjoy when you…”)
• Paragraph 2
• Then provide a few suggestions (Ex. “When you are playing with Sam…” “A way to increase his communication development is…”)
• Section 3: Activity Matrix
• Create a table as seen on slide 3 – your table should be embedded in your report and look EXACTLY as it is formatted on slide 3
• In Microsoft word, click on insert in the tool bar and then table.
• The matrix must be in this section and not at the end of the paper.
• Section 4: Intervention Strategies (3 paragraphs)
• Paragraph 1: Strategy 1
• Start by telling me what strategy you chose. Explain the strategy and how you would attempt to implement it with Sam. Give one pretend scenario of you and Sam (you can include peers, materials/toys, and any environment) in your pretend scenario.
• Paragraph 2: Strategy 2
• Start by telling me what strategy you chose. Explain the strategy and how you would attempt to implement it with Sam. Give one pretend scenario of you and Sam (you can include peers, materials/toys, and any environment) in your pretend scenario.
• Paragraph 3: Strategy 3
• Start by telling me what strategy you chose. Explain the strategy and how you would attempt to implement it with Sam. Give one pretend scenario of you and Sam (you can include peers, materials/toys, and any environment) in your pretend scenario.
• Turning in your Virtual Inclusion Learning Experience
• You will upload your typed word document. Double check that you have followed all the guidelines from Step 4. Then go back and read your report once again to proof read for spelling, grammar, and mechanical errors. The due date is: Friday, October 30, 2020.