Does   not relate paper to future goal


Dr. Moses’ theory on grief and loss (as described in the Dr. Deb Gough article) provides the perspective that we, as clinicians, should listen and allow individuals to experience their grief (instead of cheering up, reassuring, “fixing”). This is a new concept to many students in health care fields.

Your requirements:

Ø Name Dr. Moses’ 4 stages of grief & the 4 ways that he believes people typically respond when someone displays these stages of grief.

Ø After naming the 4 stages and 4 common responses, describe your own personal perspective on this. How can clinicians best respond to those who are grieving (in order to enhance healing)?

Q#2 (5%)


When considering our clients/patients culture and identity, we identified two reasons in which to do so:

1 – To be aware of assumptions that are made by both us and our clients/patients &

2 – To examine our own personal beliefs about the:

cause of illness – response to illness – what causes healing

and compare our beliefs about these things with what our patients/clients may believe

Your requirements:

Ø Describe one of the “I am ______ but I am not _________” that someone shared in class that made a particular impact on you and describe why it did so (This should NOT be your own I am ___, but I am not___ – it should be one that was shared by a classmate)


Ø Describe an assumption that you might make about a particular culture or identity of your future clients/patients, and how you might handle that assumption or make a step toward being more “culturally competent”


Ø Describe how your personal beliefs about cause-response-healing might be different than your clients/patients and how you might handle these differences

(2%)   Anywhere throughout your paper (in your introduction, Q1, or Q2) make CONNECTIONS TO SUPPLEMENTAL COURSE CONTENT or TO YOUR PERSONAL LIFE. “Supplemental Course Content” includes anything not specifically found on the PPTs (all videos, activities, course discussions, small group discussions).

(2%) Anywhere throughout your paper (in your introduction, Q1, or Q2) relate this exam to your SPECIFIC future career.

(1%) Written professionally with 0-1 errors in grammar


Within each paper, you should include the two stated questions and should follow the below rubric in order to obtain points for connections and relations to future career. You may include an introduction and/or conclusion if you feel it will enhance your paper, however it is not required (as long as you meet the below rubric expectations).

Each paper is worth 15 points.

5 pts

4 pts

3 pts

Criteria for Q1

Full,   thorough and complete answer, leaving the reader with further insights   about the question.

Complete   answer, however lacking thoroughness or depth, leaving the reader with   further questions regarding the question.

Attempt   to address the question, however lacking full answer, thoroughness, or depth.

5 pts

4 pts

3 pts

Criteria for Q2

Full,   thorough and complete answer, leaving the reader with further insights   about the question.

Complete   answer, however lacking thoroughness or depth, leaving the reader with   further questions regarding the question

Attempt   to address the question, however lacking full answer, thoroughness, or depth.

2 pts

1 pt

0 pts

Criteria for


between your   answers and course content (anywhere within your paper)

(Anywhere   within your paper) Provides 2+   connections to supplemental course information (videos, visuals,   course discussion, etc. that would not be found on Bb) OR to   personal/professional experiences

(Anywhere   within your paper) Provides 1   connection to supplemental course information (videos, visuals,   course discussion, etc. that would not be found on Bb) OR to   personal/professional experiences

Does   not provide connections

2 pts

1 pt

0 pts

Criteria for   relating your paper – specifically – 

TO YOUR FUTURE   CAREER (anywhere within your paper)

Clearly   states your specific future goal and gives at least one example of how this   information is applicable to your future goal and leaves the reader with   further insights about your application of this information to your   future career

Vaguely   states your specific future goal and gives at least one example of how this   information is applicable to your future goal and leaves the reader with   further questions about your application of this information to your   future career

Does   not relate paper to future goal

1 pt

.5 pts

0 pts

Criteria for 



Written   in professional language with 0-1 errors in grammar; proper overall length

Contains   2-3 grammatical errors and/or improper length

Contains   3+ grammatical errors and/or improper length

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