Have a paper due by morning on Physician assisted suicide and I have to use one or two ethical theories such as Unitarianism I need 1200 words and I am stuck can I get help please?
This section of the Final Paper consists in explaining and applying the core principles of two ethical theories to the question or problem you have chosen. One of these theories may be the theory you used in your Week Three Assignment, but your discussion here should be more refined and correct any mistakes or weaknesses in the earlier discussion. You may also, however, choose to write on two different theories rather than the one discussed previously.
In either case, with each theory you must explain its main principles and identify the specific moral conclusions(s) that result when the theory is applied to the question or problem you are addressing. First explain one of the theories. You should make reference to one of the primary texts that defends this theory (see the assignment instructions for the list of acceptable resources), and demonstrate a solid grasp of that theory based on the primary text (not just the textbook other secondary resources). When you have provided a sufficient explanation of the key elements of that theory, you will want to apply its form of reasoning to the problem. This may involve drawing upon factual evidence (with support), logical demonstration of how certain conclusions follow from the key elements of the theory, and it should demonstrate depth and critical thought. It should be clear how a certain conclusion to the moral question at hand results from the specific form of reasoning represented by that theory. This last sentence should tie up the discussion so far and prepare for the transition to a discussion of the second theory. Include a statement here that transitions the discussion from a focus on the first theory to a focus on a second theory. Explain the second theory. Again, you should make reference to one of the primary texts that defends this theory (see the assignment instructions for the list of acceptable resources), and demonstrate a solid grasp of that theory based on the primary text (not just the textbook other secondary resources). When you have provided a sufficient explanation of the key elements of that theory, you will want to apply its form of reasoning to the problem, in the same way as before,drawing comparisons along the way with the earlier discussion to keep the paper coherent. Again, it should be clear how a certain conclusion to the moral question at hand results from the specific form of reasoning represented by that theory. This section should be around 1000-1200 words. In other words, I suggest you discuss how each ethical theory would look at the question as it’s being asked.
Would utilitarianism support the death penalty? Why or why not? Would deontology? Would virtue ethics? For example, a discussion that identifies and applies the core principles of utilitarian theory might yield the specific conclusion that the death penalty is moral because it ensures the greatest good for the greatest number. Applying virtue ethics might conclude that the death penalty exhibits the vice of cruelty, or a deontological theory might worry that it fails to treat the criminal as an end-in-itself. (Note that these are just examples; you may not write on the death penalty, nor is it necessarily the case that each theory would lead to the conclusion mentioned).