Instructions for Chart Assignments (Excel)
You will be making three charts. The first two charts will be a composition of the current assets in an exploded pie chart. You will need to use absolute cell referencing to make a common size balance sheet, which is assets as a percentage of total Current Assets. Place the Current Assets as a percentage in the column next to the numbers in the Balance Sheet. Remember to save often in order to not lose your work!
1) Create a Pie Chart for both charts.
a. The title of the chart should be “Composition of Current Assets.” You should also include the year within the title.
b. The legend should be placed at the right side of the chart. Place the chart in a sheet named “Charts.”
c. Do not use any data labels for these two charts.
2) Complete a similar chart for the prior year.
3) The third chart you will create will be a breakdown of expenses in comparison from the two most current years. Create a Column Chart and place it in the “Charts” sheet you created. Show the legend and place it on the right side of the chart. Rename the legend for the year the expenses were incurred.
a) Title the chart “Income Statement Breakdown”
b) The chart should be placed in the tab named “Charts”
c) Add data labels and percentages
d) Use Total Revenues, Cost of goods sold/revenue, R&D (if applicable), Selling and Admin Expenses, Marketing and Sales, General and Administrative expenses, Technology and development, etc.