The goal of this assignment: Demonstrate your understanding of the following: 1. How students learn and develop. 2. Craft a meaningful lesson that is culturally responsive to the needs of diverse populations of students. 3. Create a lesson that is adapted and appropriate for students with diverse backgrounds 4. How to incorporate and align district standards. 5. How to use teaching strategies that encourage student development of critical thinking, cultural awareness, and positive social interaction. 6. How to use assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure students can gain an understanding of culturally sensitive information and apply to continuous social and emotional development. Objectives: • Develop grade-level appropriate lesson plan using the lesson plan template format. • Be able to teach the lesson at your perspective school. • Reflect on the effectiveness of your plan and your teaching of the lesson activity. Directions: 1. Using the template, develop a lesson plan based upon selected historical content discussed in the Culturally Responsive presentation. 2. After reading the standards, select the appropriate standard that will align with the intended lesson activity. 3. You can reference similar lesson plans that you find during your research. 4. You can attach any handouts or supporting resources. 5. This lesson plan should be aligned clearly with the desired results (i.e., geared towards having students meet the objectives, answer the essential questions, and be able to complete the assessment activities). The lesson should include all of the following components: • List of instructional materials & resources • Timeline: next to each step, indicate the approximate length of time you expect each step to take. • Pre-activity or Bell Ringer: hook/capture student interest, set the stage, relate to previous learning (review), how this fits into what is to follow (preview), tell students what they will learn, and be expected to do as a result of the lesson. • Developmental activities: outline the content and outline the instructional strategies & learning activities. Include details of what you will do, how you will organize/prepare students for tasks, and what students will do. If you plan to involve students in discussion, list key/stem questions that you might ask to generate discussion. • Closing activities: list activities that you & students will do to summarize the lesson, reinforce what was covered, and tie everything together so students see how the lesson fits into the context of the rest of the course (what they have already done
materials & resources
Files: ClassAssignment.pdf, Lessonplantemplate.docx, Syllabus-CulturallyResponsive21stOnlineCourse.docx