
BUS 520 Assignment 1 Leadership & Organizational Behavior



Due Week 4, worth 150 points

Leaders address issues and propose solutions. As a leader, you’ll need to stay on top of events that may facilitate or hinder productivity. You must create and implement solutions to address these issues.

This assignment exposes you to complex modern organizational challenges. The solutions you devise should reflect your learning and research of organiza- tional and individual influences in the workplace.


1.  Select an organization

Select an organization in which current events have adversely affected productivity, requiring management to resolve an issue related to: corporate culture, managing diversity, leading teamwork, and developing motivational strategies. The organization should be one with which you are familiar — where you work now or have worked previously (business, nonprofit, government, or military). You may also consider other organizations in the news, such as Macy’s for the retail industry, United for the airline industry, Wells Fargo for the banking industry, etc. The focus is on finding solutions, but you should be somewhat familiar with the organization or industry.

2.  Plan your research

Use research from the course textbook, company website, business websites (CNBC, Bloomberg, etc.), resources from the Strayer Library, or outside resources to develop solutions to the following questions as they relate to corporate culture, managing diversity, leading teamwork, and developing motivational strategies to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. Your recommendations must be fully articulated and supported with appropriate detail and sources. Note: Wikipedia and web-based blogs do not qualify as credible resources.


Imagine yourself as the task force committee leader at this organization. You have been tasked with analyzing hindrances to organizational efficiency. You must propose strategic solutions.

Create a full report in which you do the following:

1.  Describe the Organization and the Issue to Resolve

Provide a brief description of the organization you selected. Present the organizational issue that adversely affected productivity and that you, the task force leader, will review and resolve.

2.  Analyze Current Corporate Culture

How has the current corporate culture facilitated the development of the current issue? Research the organization, dig into the culture, and analyze how it contributed to this issue. Hint: Review the mission and vision statements as well as the corporate website.

3.  Identify Areas of Weakness

What are the organization’s areas of weakness? Using your research on organizational behavior approaches to corporate culture, diversity, teamwork, and motivational strategies, identify areas of weakness.

4.  Propose Solutions

What organizational practices would you modify? What solutions should your task force recommend to management? As the leader of the task force, identify the suggestions you would present to the organization’s leadership with regard to modifying current organizational practices to resolve the issue.

5.  Prepare an Executive Summary

Summarize your recommendations and research findings in a

one-page executive summary that you will present to the CEO in an upcoming executive meeting. Note: An executive summary is a condensed version of your full report. It should summarize briefly all the main points in concise paragraphs. It should be written clearly and should use language appropriate for the audience.


Your assignment must follow these general APA formatting requirements:

Be typed (five to seven pages recommended, excluding cover and reference pages), double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides

Include a References List

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date Include in-text citations following APA style, using attributive tags and signal verbs

Cite at least two credible sources




Unacceptable Below 70% F


70-79% C

Proficient 80-89% B

Exemplary 90-100% A

1. Describe the Organization and the Issue to Resolve

Weight: 20%

Does not

describe the

organization or provide details about the

company. The issue and its

impact on the company are not provided.


describes the organization and provides some details about the

company, but additional

details would improve the description.

The issue and its impact on the company are not clearly articulated.


describes the organization and provides details about the company.

The issue is

identified and the author


describes what he/she knows about it and its impact on the company.

Fully describes the organization by providing a relevant and

robust but con- cise overview of the company

(e.g. when they were estab-

lished, what service(s) or

products they provide, and other relevant information).

Additionally, the author fully

describes the

issue he/she has identified; what he/she knows

about it and how it has impacted the company.

2.Analyze Current

Corporate Culture

Weight: 20%

The culture is not described or the compa- ny is not

differentiated completely

from others. Poses unsup- ported con-

nections or connections are not



describes the company’s

culture. Lacks details and/or multiple sourc- es are not

utilized to provide a

well-rounded perspective. Makes loose connections that were not supported by

sources or that were not fully articulated

Satisfactorily describes the company

culture by

drawing on and synthesizing


information about the


Makes logical and realistic connections

that are

supported by

source material.


describes the company’s

culture by

detailing how the company

positions itself from internal

and external perspectives. Draws strong,

logical connec- tions about how the culture did or could have

supported/facil- itated the chal-

lenge. Makes direct connec- tions and sup- ports points with source


3. IdentifyAreas of Weakness

Weight: 20%

Does not

identify areas of weakness or does not

provide sup-

porting source material

Partially identi- fies areas of

weakness and makes loose connections

between the weaknesses

and supporting material.


identifies areas of weakness

and provides valid details supported by

source material.


identifies areas of weakness

and provides strong details with logical


and supporting source


4. Propose Solutions

Weight: 20%

Does not

describe modifi- cations to

organizational practices, or

does not identi- fy solutions that would resolve

the issue. No

source material is provided.

Partially describes

modifications to organization- al practices

and solutions to resolve the issues. Lacks supporting

details and

source material


describes modi- fications to

organizational practices. Pro- vides solutions

that make some connections

with supporting source material to indicate how the solutions

will resolve the issue


describes modi- fications to

organizational practices and provides solu- tions with

strong connec- tions and sup- porting source material. Logi- cally details

how the solu- tions will

resolve issue.

5. Prepare an Executive Summary

Weight: 10%

Did not

prepare a one-page executive summary.

Prepares a

partial execu- tive summary. The issue and problem are

not clearly

stated and the main points are not summa-


Paragraphs are not short or

concise. Lan-

guage could be more appropri- ate for the


Satisfactorily prepares an

executive sum- mary. The issue and problem are stated and most of the main

points are



could be more concise.

Language is

appropriate for the audience.

Prepares an exemplary

executive sum- mary. The issue and problem

are clearly

stated. All of

the main points are summa-


Paragraphs are short and con- cise, providing the right

amount of detail.

Language is ideal for the audience.

6. Write

Professionally Using Quality Resources

Weight: 10%

Writing does

not meet mini- mum standards.

Tone is not


Communication is wholly lack-

ing in logic,

clarity, and/or consistent


Contains many spelling,

mechanical, formatting,

citation, and/or grammatical


References are not provided.

Writing is

satisfactory. Professional tone is devel- oping. Shows

moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent

formatting. May contain more than a few spelling, grammar,


formatting, or citation errors.

Does not meet the required

number of references; some or all

references are of poor quality.

Writing could be improved, but

meets accept- able standards. Tone is profes- sional. Shows

logic, clarity,

and consistent formatting. May contain few or no spelling,

mechanical, and/or gram-

matical errors. There may be minor format- ting or citation errors.

Meets the number of

required refer- ences; all refer- ences are

high-quality choices

Writing is excel- lent. Tone is


and sophisticat- ed. Shows

logic, clarity,

and consistent formatting.

Contains no spelling,

mechanical, or grammatical

errors. Is free of formatting and citation errors.


number of

required refer- ences; all refer- ences are

high-quality choices


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