Several Quizzes…. text for answers

  • Question 1

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Which one of the following was not a function of the camp meetings?

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectThe revival traveled to you.
    Correct Answer:
    CorrectThe revival traveled to you.
  • Question 2

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Which practice did Whitefield not popularize?

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectOrganizing Christians together for Bible study.  This led to the Methodist movement.
    Correct Answer:
    CorrectOrganizing Christians together for Bible study.  This led to the Methodist movement.
  • Question 3

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Out of the 100+ Utopian communities in existence in the 1800s, none exist today.

    Selected Answer:
    Correct Answer:
    Correct False
  • Question 4

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Leaders for the First Great Awakening included Jonathan Edwards and ______________.

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectGeorge Whitefield
    Correct Answer:
    CorrectGeorge Whitefield
  • Question 5

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    The Holiness movement led to Pentecostalism.

    Selected Answer:
    Correct Answer:
    Correct True
  • Question 6

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    ________________ may be considered as the first American celebrity.

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectGeorge Whitefield
    Correct Answer:
    Correct George Whitefield
  • Question 7

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    [This is a multiple-answer question; choose all answers that appy.]. The Second Great Awakening produced the following:

    Selected Answers:
    CorrectUtopian communities
    CorrectSocieties for the betterment of the new country
    CorrectCamp meetings
    Correct Answers:
    CorrectUtopian communities
    CorrectSocieties for the betterment of the new country
    CorrectCamp meetings
  • Question 8

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Arrange in chronological order of when it occurred:

    Correct Answer Selected Answer
    Correct1.Halfway Covenant
    Correct1.Halfway Covenant
    Correct2.Creation of Evangelicalism
    Correct2.Creation of Evangelicalism
    Correct3.Camp meetings
    Correct3.Camp meetings
    Correct4.Popularizing the Anxious Bench (forerunner to the “altar call”)
    Correct4.Popularizing the Anxious Bench (forerunner to the “altar call”)
    Correct5.Civil War
    Correct5.Civil War
  • Question 9

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    William Miller began the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    Selected Answer:
    Correct Answer:
    Correct False
  • Question 10

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    The driving force for Baptists to unify was _____________.

    Selected Answer:
    Correctshared resources.
    Correct Answer:
    Correctshared resources.
  • Question 11

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Which of these were not part of Finney’s New Measures?

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectHaving new converts fill out cards so that local churches could contact them.
    Correct Answer:
    CorrectHaving new converts fill out cards so that local churches could contact them.
  • Question 12

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    The first group to evanglize the Americas were the _____________________.

    Selected Answer:
    Correct Answer:
  • Question 13

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Open communion means that __________________________.

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectCommunion is open to everyone, even non-Christians.
    Correct Answer:
    CorrectCommunion is open to everyone, even non-Christians.
  • Question 14

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Which one is not a function of the First Great Awakening?

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectMost pastors were Arminians.
    Correct Answer:
    CorrectMost pastors were Arminians.
  • Question 15

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Match the Awakening to the result:

    • Question Correct Match Selected Match

      First Great Awakening

      Correct B.Evangelicalism began
      Correct B.Evangelicalism began

      Second Great Awakening

      Correct A.Baptists and Methodists became the largest denominations in the USA.
      Correct A.Baptists and Methodists became the largest denominations in the USA.
  • Question 16

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    The first black denomination formed in the United States was the __________________

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church.
    Correct Answer:
    CorrectAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church.
  • Question 17

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Two of these denominations experienced tremendous growth during the Second Great Awakening and one did not.  Which one did not?

    Selected Answer:
    Correct Answer:
  • Question 18

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    After the American Revolution, the __________________ in America changed their name to the Episcopal Church.

    Selected Answer:
    CorrectChurch of England
    Correct Answer:
    CorrectChurch of England
  • Question 19

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Which country focused on exploring Canada?

    Selected Answer:
    Correct Answer:
  • Question 20

    2.5 out of 2.5 points

    Only two Utopian communities still exist:  the [a] have almost died out whereas the [b] have experienced tremendous growth.

    Selected Answer:

    Only two Utopian communities still exist:  the Correct Shakers have almost died out whereas the Correct Mormons (LDS) have experienced tremendous growth.

    Correct Answer:

    Only two Utopian communities still exist:  the Correct Shakers have almost died out whereas the Correct Mormons (LDS) have experienced tremendous growth.

Quiz 3 COSC 611


  • Question 1

    2 out of 2 points

    Effective parent education programs
    Selected Answer:
    Utilize a strength-based approach AND build on family’s protective factors.
  • Question 2

    2 out of 2 points

    Consultation with parents is
    Selected Answer:
    An indirect service to the child.
  • Question 3

    0 out of 2 points

    After the initial assessment phase in family counseling, ________ is important for the therapeutic process
    Selected Answer:
    Family sculpting.
  • Question 4

    2 out of 2 points

    Homeostatis is…
    Selected Answer:
    When the family continues patterns that maintain the status quo within the family system, whether or not those patterns are useful or functional.
  • Question 5

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Which of the following is a possible outcome of parent education and consultation?
    Selected Answers:
    Acquisition of parenting skills.
    Acquisition of helpful behaviors.
    Improvement in children’s behavior.
  • Question 6

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following is NOT an example of a normative stressor that may impact a family?
    Selected Answer:
    Exposure to crime.
  • Question 7

    0 out of 2 points

    Short-term parenting styles are
    Selected Answer:
    Permissive, overprotective, and rescuing.
  • Question 8

    2 out of 2 points

    Which approach emphasizes an orientation to the future with quick, concrete, working solutions?
    Selected Answer:
  • Question 9

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following describes the authoritative parenting style?
    Selected Answer:
    Kind but firm.
  • Question 10

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Which of the following represent stages in the consultation process?
    Selected Answers:
  • Question 11

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following, according to Levine, is true?
    Selected Answer:
    There is a mental health epidemic among privileged youth AND affluent teens experience the highest rates of depression, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders than any other group of children in this country.
  • Question 12

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following is the first step in establishing a parent education program?
    Selected Answer:
    Appoint a committee of professionals and parents to decide on the best evidenced-based approach.
  • Question 13

    2 out of 2 points

    An example of externalizing behaviors at school is
    Selected Answer:
    Bullying other children.
  • Question 14

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following is an example of internalizing behavior?
    Selected Answer:
    Being withdrawn and quiet.
  • Question 15

    2 out of 2 points

    The main difference between parent support groups and parent education groups is that
    Selected Answer:
    Parent support groups are less structured than parent education groups.
  • Question 16

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Family counseling is appropriate in schools because
    Selected Answers:
    Both hold common goals.
    Family problems can impact learning.
    Parental involvement is essential.
  • Question 17

    0 out of 2 points

    Parents who continually relinquish their personal time together as a couple may place additional stress on
    Selected Answer:
  • Question 18

    2 out of 2 points

    Which approach evaluates the roles of family members, considers past solutions, and often uses creative or paradoxical interventions?
    Selected Answer:
  • Question 19

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: Which of the following parenting practices are associated with greater pathology in children?
    Selected Answers:
    Lack of involvement
  • Question 20

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following is an example of a normative stressor that may impact a family?
    Selected Answer:
    Birth of a child.
  • Question 21

    2 out of 2 points

    Good candidates for Brief Family Counseling Models will have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:
    Selected Answer:
    The family denies any problems and has refused to talk with school personnel.
  • Question 22

    2 out of 2 points

    Which approach emphasizes the family’s problem saturated stories as a reality for each individual?
    Selected Answer:
  • Question 23

    2 out of 2 points

    Mark all that apply: The components of parent education programs include which of the following?
    Selected Answers:
    Practicing new skills with the children.
    Promoting positive family interaction.
    Teaching parents the appropriate use of time out.
  • Question 24

    2 out of 2 points

    Which of the following is NOT true regarding logical consequences?
    Selected Answer:
    They do not need to be explained in advance.
  • Question 25

    2 out of 2 points

    According to Sax, parenting is collapsing because
    Selected Answer:
    Parents defer to their children AND parents suffer from role confusion.


Final exam CHMN 201

  • Question 1

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 28, “Ministry is obeying the __________________of Jesus by making disciples.

    Selected Answer:

    Great Commission

  • Question 2

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 6, Ed Stetzer concludes, “The Great Commission is servant leadership.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 3

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “Remember that [in regards to accountability] the issue is ______ ______ ______!”

    Selected Answer:

    always the heart

  • Question 4

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 4, “you and I can and must live positively ________ lives for God”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 5

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “When dealing with the practical challenges of life, people find comfort in having a spiritual person nearby to simply “_______ _______ _______ them.”

    Selected Answer:

    do life with

  • Question 6

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 22 of Everyday Ministry, at least who is involved in the spiritual growth process?

    Selected Answer:

    All of the Above

  • Question 7

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Appendix – Figure 1 – Chart of Philippians 2:1-11), which verses comprise the “Rationale?”

    Selected Answer:

    Philippians 2:1

  • Question 8

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Appendix), “Regardless if, in your own human thinking, you rationalize that His way will not work out for the best, you need to at the outset purpose in your heart to obey God no matter how tempted you are to turn away from His teaching.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 9

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 24 of Everyday Ministry, how can you deprive yourself of one of God’s most loving ways to protect yourself from a multitude of sins?

    Selected Answer:

    By not receiving correction from a Spirit-led confronter

  • Question 10

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 1, “Sometimes young leaders assume Christian leadership is about titles and positions, but soon they mature and always grow out of this mindset.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 11

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 23 of Everyday Ministry, encouragement is a one-size fits all activity.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 12

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 3, “Our mandate as servants of Christ is to be ______ ______.”

    Selected Answer:

    merciful ministers

  • Question 13

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    Pg. 99 According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 10, “The highest level of praise is reserved only for Jesus. Whatever we do in life and ministry, we must commit to do whatever it takes to make sure people talk about how great God is and what He is doing in their lives much more than they talk about ___.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 14

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 3, “Who better to deliver the message of mercy than those who have personally experienced God’s ______!”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 15

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, my prayer for you is that your words would not merely be perfunctory acts of liturgy, but rather…”

    Selected Answer:

    …be authentic and heartfelt offerings of pure praise to God!”

  • Question 16

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 27, “One of the great servant intercessors is the prophet ______. [He] has been labeled “the weeping prophet.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 17

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “Therefore, this support system needs to be prepared, thoughtful, and tethered to the Word of God so as to support us with ______  _______.”

    Selected Answer:

    unshakeable truth

  • Question 18

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Introduction), Which one of the following options is NOT one of the two “Misconceptions are about the Mind of Christ” that he mentioned in the Introduction?

    Selected Answer:

    It is not possible to completely understand the theology surrounding the teaching about the Mind of Christ.

  • Question 19

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “When the Bible instructs you to “Let this mind be in you,” it is implying that if you want to have the Mind of Christ you must also change your thinking.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 20

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “According to this verse [Phil. 2:6], Jesus was _____100% God in the flesh the entire time He was physically on this earth.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 21

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 7, “All John saw and wrote in the book we call the Revelation points to one dangerous question. It may be the most important question ever asked. That question is this: ____ _____ ____?”

    Selected Answer:

    Who is worthy?

  • Question 22

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 5, “As members of The Jesus Academy, the disciples were to develop the compassion for lost people that characterized their _______.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 23

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 31, “Therefore, an accountability group is there for the purpose of _____ and positioning the souls of the members into perfect alignment with God’s Word”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 24

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 25 of Everyday Ministry, ministry is teaching your people with a Bible study the balance of doing ministry and communing with Jesus.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 25

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Self-promoters eventually reveal themselves to everyone because the ones who desire to promote themselves begin to deceive themselves in believing that they are better disguisers of their motives than they really are!”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 26

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 29, “Ministry is stepping up to ________ ________ ______ __________.

    Selected Answer:

    lead a small group

  • Question 27

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, “It was “God” who performed all that was necessary to prepare him to be a minister. God _______ you! God _______ you! God _______ you! God _______ you!”

    Selected Answer:

    equipped; called; appointed; cleansed

  • Question 28

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “’Unity of Affection’ is another way of saying that you have a deep commitment to love one another no matter the personality or physical differences.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 29

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, “If we aspire to be __________, we best be forever grateful for God’s appointment into ministry!”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 30

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, “Ministry is living forever grateful for God’s ________.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 31

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 4, in his journals, Jim Elliot wrote, “Oh that God would make us __________!”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 32

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 30, “Therefore, the major concern for the preacher or teacher should be to make sure that he or she makes sure that he or she has a firm grasp on the accurate understanding of the “_______,” “_______,” “_______,” and “_______” of the Bible that he or she is preaching.

    Selected Answer:

    “truths,” “principles,” “concepts,” and “teachings”

  • Question 33

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 27, Samuel so prioritized intercession that he felt it to be ______ to fail to pray for his people.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 34

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 22 of Everyday Ministry, the last words of Jesus are certainly to be considered some of the most significant words ever uttered on this planet and involve the promise of the Holy Spirit empowering us for global ministry.  Where do we find these words?

    Selected Answer:

    Acts 1:8

  • Question 35

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 5, “The followers of a rabbi not only memorized his words, they imitated his ________.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 36

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 24 of Everyday Ministry, the purpose of few on one confrontation is to

    Selected Answer:

    bring more pressure on the one caught in sin to repent

  • Question 37

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 2, “For those of us called into a life of ministry, we need to recognize that ministry means being the ____ of Jesus Christ.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 38

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “True, God-honoring praise requires a heart that first has acknowledged its _____ and _____ for Jesus alone to cleanse it from unrighteousness.”

    Selected Answer:

    sinfulness and need

  • Question 39

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 5, “_________” was a prime learning technique of the first century.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 40

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”  When Paul penned this verse in his own language, he chose an interesting word for “mind.”  The word mind here means “_____” or “_____.”

    Selected Answer:

    “attitude” or “thinking.”

  • Question 41

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 30, “A vital and required ingredient of Biblically-balanced preaching is “_______.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 42

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 23 of Everyday Ministry, ministry is being thoroughly equipped to provide appropriate and unique encouragement to each individual in ministry.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 43

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), Which one of the following options is NOT one of “the three ways in which Jesus stripped Himself of His Majestic Glory and humbled Himself?”

    Selected Answer:

    The King of Kings emptied Himself of His Diety/Godness.

  • Question 44

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 6, “How does Jesus feel about the Church?”

    Selected Answer:

    “He loves the church.”

  • Question 45

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 3, “_____” is God’s way of withholding the punishment and judgment we deserve.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 46

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 1, “Paul was a man who understood real ministry. He lived the life of a(n) ____ (διάκονος – Ephesians 3:7; Colossians 1:23,25) and a ________  God (δοῦλος-  Romans 1:1; Galatians 1:10; Philippians 1:1; Titus 1:1).”

    Selected Answer:

    servant; bond slave

  • Question 47

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Preface), “Only after you acknowledge that Jesus Christ is indeed the incarnate God Himself, that He lived a sinless life, that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross is the only sacrifice that is able to provide a payment for your sins, and that Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead in bodily form, and repent of your sins and ask Jesus Christ to save you from your sin and to be your Savior – THEN, will you be able to receive the benefit of being able to live out Mind of Christ!”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 48

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “It is hard to know why the Lord allows some to continue in their pride as they live their lives and even minister as Christian leaders. But be assured of this truth: …”

    Selected Answer:

    …there will be a time when God will deal with the sin of pride in every person’s life.”

  • Question 49

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “The Apostle Paul penned Philippians 2:6-8 in order to provide…”

    Selected Answer:

    …for us an example of someone who both lived out the Mind of Christ and would inspire us to follow his example!”

  • Question 50

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 30, “________”: The word the Apostle Paul used in his day is the word meaning to “formally preach” or simply “proclaim.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 51

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 28,”Instead of working the crowd, Jesus ________ ________  ________  ________  ________  to join him in a three-year mentoring relationship.”

    Selected Answer:

    invited a handful of men

  • Question 52

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 27, “Jesus lived ______. His entire ministry is identifying with us, standing in our stead, and going to God the Father on our behalf.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 53

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 2, the slave’s mindset: I serve where He wants. I serve ______He wants. I serve how He wants. I serve ______He wants. I serve only if He wants. I serve Him no matter what.

    Selected Answer:

    when; who

  • Question 54

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Four), “Any theological teaching that is able to be abstracted from Philippians 2:6-8 is a mere by-product to the main point of these verses!”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 55

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 10, “So, literally, Philippians 2:9 teaches that Jesus Christ is and should be “_____ _____!”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 56

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Dr. Gutierrez in Be Encouraged!, by learning to say “no” you are showing a level of spiritual wisdom.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 57

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Bill Hornsby’s “Rules for Relationships” you should speak negatively of ideas and actions to help people grow.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 58

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 27, “There is no great ______ ______ without brokenhearted tears.”

    Selected Answer:

    servant leadership

  • Question 59

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 10, “Within us is a desire to steal the praise of our Creator and take credit for all of the accomplishments that we experience in our lives.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 60

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 28, “Today we call these statements, these details instructions, the ________  ________  .”

    Selected Answer:

    Great Commission

  • Question 61

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 27, “Prayer as a general term describes talking to God. Intercession is more specific It describes coming to God ______ ____ _____ ________.”

    Selected Answer:

    on behalf of another

  • Question 62

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 21 in Everyday Ministry, education qualifies us to minister effectively to others.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 63

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “The Enemy of Humility is _____.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 64

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 1, “if you don’t want to serve…”

    Selected Answer:

    you don’t want to be in ministry.

  • Question 65

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    “If the believer desires to live out the Mind of Christ, he must…”

    Selected Answer:

    …inculcate all three attitudes listed in vs. 2-4!”

  • Question 66

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 7, “The heart of ministry is shouting the worthiness of Jesus.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 67

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 4, the Jewish exorcists “soon discovered that a _______ _______ with Jesus is not enough when encountering the dark spirits of the Devil.”

    Selected Answer:

    second-hand relationship

  • Question 68

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 22 of Everyday Ministry, effective ministry begins today as you learn to spend time with God the Holy Spirit by all of the following except:

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 69

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 29, “Man being made in the image of God beckons back to the ________ essence of God”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 70

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 3, “Everyday Ministry… A____ ___ _____.”

    Selected Answer:

    Mission of Mercy

  • Question 71

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “It brings honor and glory to God when we love one another – Unity of Affection – because…”

    Selected Answer:

    …we are reflecting the very Mind and example of Christ.”

  • Question 72

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 2, “A slave finds his or her greatest and only true ____ in serving the Master.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 73

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    Gutierrez says in Chapter Four, “If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, I want to encourage you not to ever utter the word “____” without thinking of this beautiful verse [Phil.2:8].”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 74

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 1, “when it comes to Christian leadership, the measure of real success is…”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 75

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 26 of Everyday Ministry, ministry is being content with who God made you to be and what God has called you to do.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 76

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 6, “The Church should be understood as existing simultaneously in two spheres: universal and past.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 77

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, “Grateful ministers beget grateful congregations!”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 78

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 25 of Everyday Ministry, Jesus said that _________________________ can make an eternal impact on anyone’s life.

    Selected Answer:

    All of the above

  • Question 79

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 21 of Everyday Ministry, God never wastes a hurt.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 80

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 5, “To follow Jesus as their rabbi and they as His disciples, James and John were also saying farewell to their _______.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 81

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 21 of Everyday Ministry, when we suffer and learn to position ourselves to receive the comfort of God in our sorrow, we gain a priceless key that enables us to unlock hearts and minister to them more effectively.

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 82

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Five), “If, after hearing us preach, teach, or sing, people walk away and talk more about how “great” we are and how “impressed” they are with our skill and talent — rather than talking about how great our God is …”

    Selected Answer:

    …something is seriously wrong with the way we are ministering to people!”

  • Question 83

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “Admittedly, you can perform a singular act that resembles selflessness, but you cannot brand yourself as a selfless person unless your life is characterized by a heart attitude that _____ _____ _____ _____.”

    Selected Answer:

    continually exemplifies biblical selflessness.”

  • Question 84

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 26 of Everyday Ministry, great gain is found in

    Selected Answer:

    Pursuing godliness

  • Question 85

    0 out of 1.5 points

    Finzel writes, “when all is said and done the crowns of my achievements will not be the systems I managed, the things I wrote, the structures I built, but the people I personally, permanently influenced through direct contact.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 86

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “If [conceit and selfish ambition] are resident in you, there is no way you should believe that you are living according to Biblical humility and you are subsequently unable to live out the Mind of Christ.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 87

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 29, “Small group leadership was the ministry strategy of ________.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 88

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 29,”People drop out of groups because they do not ________      ________       ________.”

    Selected Answer:

    feel cared for

  • Question 89

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “Remember, it is not the _____ that make a response reflect the attitude of humility; it is always the _____ behind the _____.”

    Selected Answer:

    words; heart; words

  • Question 90

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 6, “When the Great Commission is analyzed more closely, it reveals several important practices essential to fulfilling the mandate.” These 4 practices are:

    Selected Answer:

    Go, Teach, Baptize, Make Disciples

  • Question 91

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 22 of Everyday Ministry, when Scripture says, “He will give you another Counselor” in Greek the word “another” means

    Selected Answer:

    another of the same kind

  • Question 92

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter One), “The Bible is mandating “Unity of Purpose,” not “_____ _____ _____.”

    Selected Answer:

    Uniformity in Personality

  • Question 93

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 9, “If we are truly grateful ministers, then gratitude will be a _______ _______ in our sermons, writings, publications, emails, and conversations.”

    Selected Answer:

    common anthem

  • Question 94

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 2, “in order to live as a slave of Jesus Christ, you must recognize your place.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 95

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 28, “Ministry is following the example of Jesus by practicing ____________________________________”

    Selected Answer:

    spiritual mentoring and multiplying.

  • Question 96

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Two), “God will sustain you with His encouragement that is neither empty nor fleeting by informing you of _____ _____!”

    Selected Answer:

    eternal results!”

  • Question 97

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    Rick Warren says, “God intentionally allows you to go through ________________ experiences to equip you for ministry to others.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 98

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Chapter 24 of Everyday Ministry, the approach to confrontation includes all of the following except:

    Selected Answer:

    Public confrontation

  • Question 99

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Everyday Ministry, chapter 6, “Jesus is the head, the Church is His _____.”

    Selected Answer:


  • Question 100

    1.5 out of 1.5 points

    According to Gutierrez (Chapter Three), “The Mind of Christ is cultivated when you actively meditate on the teaching of Philippians 2:2-4, confess with your heart any sin, and carefully follow all of the Biblical directives about cultivating _____, _____, and _____.”

    Selected Answer:

    unity; humility; selflessnes

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