We naturally think of the “attendees” as the stakeholders in an event, but there are always several others who have “skin in the game”, and frequently these others have additional, or even conflicting, expectations. Some remain on the sidelines, while with others they need to be active communication and consulting. Using the Bob Dylan event as a case study, who (which entities) are stakeholders in this event. To the best of your ability, identify what you anticipate their expectations of the event to be.
To get you started, you may include the funder of this (an unnamed company in Qatar), the personal representatives of Bob Dylan, and the exhibit (of the show in the Frost Art Museum) designer. Your task is to identify the others; some will be esoteric, and others highly involved.
Without contact with these stakeholders, I realize your assessment of their expectations might be difficult to know, but please list what you think their prime motivations for event participation are. This would be the way one would start, eventually verifying whether your assessment or their motivations are correct or not. Think broadly, as everyone involved is a stakeholder to a greater or lesser degree.
List the entity (stakeholder firm or agency, as you won’t have specific names) and their expectations of the event, and don’t forget the attendees (who may have multiple motivations to be considered). Using your functional line-staff diagram, to whom would you assign primary communication responsibilities to each stakeholder (several may be the event director, but some you (as the event director) may want to move off your plate and give to a functional manager.