NU 629 Week 3 Assignment 1: Levels of Prevention and Preventive Services Guidelines


This course focuses on healthy living and preventive screenings to help promote health and prevent disease and illness. The following is a list of screenings that will be explored throughout the course: cervical cancer (CA), breast CA, colorectal CA, testicular CA, prostate CA, suicide, hypertension, sexually transmitted illnesses, human papillomavirus, intimate partner violence, smoking/vaping, depression, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, fall prevention, lung CA, cardiovascular disorders, childhood and adult immunizations. Many organizations promote their own guidelines. One particular agency that promotes such guidelines is the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), along with the NIH, CDC, ACOG, AFP, ACC, JNCC, and others. It is recommended that you utilize the guidelines from the USPSTF and supplement with the other guidelines as you prepare for your work in this course.

For this assignment, utilize the NU629 Week 3 Prevention and Guidelines Excel Template (Excel). To complete the table, list an example of each type of prevention as it relates to the health concern listed. Note: When providing an example of a type of prevention, you need to be specific when applicable (for example, for breast cancer, you might list “mammogram” as a preventive measure, but you should also list the recommended ages for this screening tool, etc.). You must cite your work as applicable (for example, if you come up with your own primordial prevention idea, this would not require a citation).

Remember that during Week 1 there is an interactive experience in the Learning Materials that can help you with this assignment if you should have any questions. This is also a great place to make notes related to specific preventive guidelines – use this as a study tool for the final exam.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. Note that specific/additional instructions within Moodle may not be precisely outlined within the rubric but are required.

NU 629 Week 3 Discussion: How Do Resilience, Low Health Literacy, and Justice Affect the Health of the Vulnerable?

Initial Post

For this week’s discussion, you should focus on the vulnerable population group that you choose during Week 1 for your paper. Select one of the following topics and respond to the thread corresponding to the question/discussion, utilizing at least three scholarly references to support your post. As a class, please make sure that all topics are addressed.

Note: As you are choosing a topic, please try to make sure that all topics are chosen by at least by one person. You can see this by noting if anyone has posted to the topic within the corresponding threads.

  1. Discuss how low literacy within your vulnerable population group affects the group’s health and how you, as an APRN, can improve their overall health literacy.
  2. How do the three (social, distributive, market) concepts/types of justice affect the health of your vulnerable population? How would you suggest enhancing social justice in advanced practice nursing?
  3. Analyze how you could motivate the vulnerable population that you chose in Week 1 to make changes. What is your primary health concern for this group and what theory might you utilize to encourage them to make behavior changes?

Reply Posts

Reply to at least TWO of your classmates; choosing two peers that picked the other two topics (replies must be on two separate days). For your response, compare and contrast your vulnerable population to theirs. What do you see as their population’s most resilient characteristics? Replies must use at least two scholarly references per peer post.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

NU 629 Week 2 Journal: Palliative and Hospice Care: An Approach to Health Promotion

Grading Category: Journals

In this course, we consider vulnerable populations and Health Promotion and Disease Prevention standards. We look at content through the lens of pediatrics, women’s health, adults, mental health, and the elderly. Having just completed exercises related to the five levels of prevention in Week 1, consider what you have learned and how to apply Quaternary Prevention. Watch the following video and write a one-page journal submission regarding your thoughts about the use of palliative and hospice care as an option for health promotion. In your journal submission, you must demonstrate an understanding of each, palliative and hospice care, as they are not the same. In what scenario(s) might this be applicable? Have you ever thought about palliative and hospice care promoting health? Why or why not?

You may journal in first person, and this assignment does not require references as it is your thoughts. However, be sure to review the rubric, as a minimum of one reference is required to be considered exemplary work. If you choose to use quotes or citable material, you are expected to follow APA formatting

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

NU 629 Week 2 Discussion: Cultural Competency Caring for a Vulnerable Population in My Own Community


Cultural Respect & Competency—Caring for a Vulnerable Population in My Own Community

Effective health communication is as important to health care as clinical skill. To improve individual health and build healthy communities, providers need to recognize and address the unique culture, language, and health literacy of diverse consumers and communities. As Advanced Practice Nurses, we must be knowledgeable but also culturally savvy and understand the nuances of the populations that we serve.

Prior to writing this week’s discussion post, first, complete the self-assessment checklist, reflect upon the information you learned about yourself, and then review the following learning material:

  1. Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Checklist (PDF)
  2. National Institutes of Health: Cultural Respect
  3. Health Resources and Services Administration: Cultural Language and Health Literacy
  4. Effective Communication Tools 2016 (YouTube)

Initial Post

For this discussion, identify a vulnerable population in your own community. Describe the characteristics of this group—what makes them vulnerable—and utilize at least three scholarly resources to answer one of the following questions for your initial post.

  1. Paraphrase concepts/theories specific to healthcare disparities as related to vulnerability; provide at least three applications of concepts/theories that could be implemented within your community.
  2. As an APRN, how can you advocate for this identified vulnerable population within your community? List and discuss at least three ways in which you can advocate.
  3. How does what you learned about your own cultural competency affect how you might approach your role as an advocate? Did you find that you had bias? Were you aware of your bias prior to this exercise?
  4. As an APRN, how will you strive to be culturally competent and respectful to those you serve? List and discuss at least three behaviors/characteristics of a culturally competent and respectful APRN.

Note: Evaluate your APA proficiency and make sure you address each of the required elements for this discussion. Utilizing headings for each aspect of the question is a great way to know that you covered the elements of the question.  As you continue to move through this course and our program, expectations related to APA, grammar, professional writing, and assessment instructions will encourage you to stretch and push yourself, ensuring you are producing graduate-level academic work that you can be proud of.

Reply Posts

Reply to at least two of your classmates that answered different questions than you did. The replies should be well thought out with strong paragraph development (minimum of five to six sentences each), citations, and APA formatting. Note: The expectation is not that you “agree” or “disagree” with your peers but that you develop a conversation with information that is validated via citations to encourage learning and to bring your own perspective to the conversation.

In one of your reply posts, compare and contrast your vulnerable community’s characteristics or conditions, or even your own bias, with those of your peers in relationship to the question your peer answered. For your second reply post, discuss the pros and cons of an interdisciplinary approach to advocacy; evaluate the focus of team members and how they might benefit your peer’s vulnerable population in relation to the question that they chose to answer.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. Reply to at least two of your classmates on two separate days (minimum) utilizing at least two scholarly references per peer post.

NU 629 Week 1 Topic Choice: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Population Specific Paper

Grading Category: Complete/Incomplete

Outline and Requirements for paper: See Week 10 Assignment: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Population-Specific Final Paper Submission for specific information.
Selecting your topic: Each student is to choose from the following list of topics of perceived vulnerable populations. The vulnerable population group you choose will be the focus of your paper that is due in Week 10. Please utilize your textbooks, the Regis Library, and other online resources to help develop all the required section content for this assignment.

  1. Your topic is chosen in Week 1.
  2. Work with SmartThinking to help develop your paper and address  the requirements for the assignment. NOTE: You are required to submit a SmartThinking report with your rough draft and with your final paper, so please plan accordingly.
    1.  When submitting to SmartThinking, if you submit under “nursing” you will get help with the paper’s content.
    2. If you submit under “writing” you will get help with APA formatting, grammar etc.
    3. You can choose to submit to one or both; however, only one SmartThinking Report is required to be submitted as explained in #2, but you will be graded on both aspects, so please review the Rubric as well.
  3. Your draft submission (Sections 1–3 minimum, 1-4, highly encouraged, so that faculty has the opportunity to review the entire paper and give feedback) and your SmartThinking report is due Week 6.
  4. Your final corrected paper (Sections 1–4) and your SmartThinking NEW report is due Week 10.


To choose your topic:

  1. Select the radio button next to the topic of your choice.
  2. Select Save my choice to log your selection.

NU 629 Week 1 Discussion 2: World Health Organization (WHO) and “Your” Definition of Health

Initial Post

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity” (World Health Organization, 2005). This 1946 historical definition of health remains pertinent to this day, and it helps to guide not only our perception of health but also that of illness. For this week’s discussion, you should review the WHO’s definition of health and do an online search to see how others perceive the concept of health, then create your own definition. Consider that there are individuals who have physical abnormalities but do not feel “ill,” and those with no physical changes who yet report feeling “less than well.” How might these two statements affect the overall balance or well-being of an individual and their outlook on their total health? What is the role of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in terms of addressing the health of individuals and communities?

Include the following in your initial post:

  1. Discuss your own personal definition of health.
  2. How does your definition compare to the WHO’s definition of health?
  3. What do you see as the role of the APRN in addressing not only the health of individuals but that of the community?
  4. Include a minimum of three scholarly references.

Reply Posts

When replying to your classmates, compare your post to the content of your peers and answer the following questions. Reply to at least two of your classmates on two separate days (minimum), utilizing at least two scholarly references per peer post.

Reply 1: Using the definition of health and an individual’s perception of their own health, how can you distinguish between a vulnerable individual versus a vulnerable group?

Reply 2: Compare and contrast your personal definition of health to that of a peer. Are you satisfied with your definition? Why or why not?

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded

NU 605 Week 7 Assignment 1: Nurse Leader Interview


Interview a master’s prepared nurse leader (chief nurse, associate chief nurse, director, supervisor, manager), a master’s prepared nurse with leadership responsibilities (nurse educator, nurse quality specialist, nurse risk manager, nurse case manager, etc.), or advanced practice nurse with leadership responsibilities (clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, or nurse practitioner).

Analyze the leader’s role as it relates to a minimum of five of the major course concepts addressed (ethics in leadership, emotional intelligence, communication, conflict resolution, change theory, cultural competence/diversity, labor relations management, leadership models, management theory, motivational theory, Nurse of the Future competencies, interprofessional collaboration, and team building).

Provide a narrative summary of your interviewee’s responses to each of the concepts (but not a verbatim account) of the interview. Incorporate references to provide support and analyze the concepts you discussed. Include your impression of congruence between the leader’s self-reflection and your personal observations of demonstrated leadership.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Comprehension: Introduce the leader, his or her credentials, title, job responsibilities, placement on the organizational chart/reporting responsibilities, education, experience, mentors, and pathway to their current role.
  • Application: Describe the predominate model/theory of leadership used by this leader. Describe their style of leadership.
  • Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify and illustrate the leader’s level of authority and influence within the organization. Discuss their sense of empowerment and efforts to empower others. Describe their intra- and extra-organizational responsibilities.
  • Compare your personal philosophy/style/model of leadership with this leader and share whether or not expectations/perceptions of this leader were accurate.
  • Evaluation: Summarize the leader’s behavior, strengths, successes, challenges, and weaknesses.

Your paper should be 9–10 pages long, not counting cover page or references list, and should utilize 10–12 scholarly references.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

NU 605 Week 7 Discussion 1: Analysis of Ethical Leadership Style

Initial Post

Complete the assigned readings and the “Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire” (Northouse, Chapter 12).

In an initial post of 450–500 words, respond to the following:

  • Based on your responses to the questionnaire, what are your core values?
  • In planning for your future role, how will your values influence what you do?


Reply to at least two of your classmates. In your reply posts, in a well-developed paragraph (300–350 words to each peer), provide evidence-based support to increase your peers’ understanding of ethics and the APRN role.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. The described expectations meet the passing level of 80%. Students are directed to review the Discussion Grading Rubric for criteria which exceed expectations.

NU 605 Week 6 Assignment 1: Leadership and Success of the California Nurses’ Association


Watch the three-part California Nurses Association History videos and determine the role of leadership in the success of this organization.

Review the expectations outlined in the Writing Assignment Rubric. The Leadership and Success of the CNA Paper should be 3–4 pages long, not counting the cover page and references list.

Your paper should include in the review:

  • Comprehension: Briefly summarize the efforts and outcome of the CNA.
  • Application: Relate core leadership concepts to the success of the CNA. Include the relationship of empowerment, government, and cultural competency to the struggles and success of the CNA.
  • Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify understanding of the variables contributing to the success of the CNA group’s efforts.
  • Evaluation: Summarize the efforts of the CNA as a model to enhance APRN practice.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.