
Answers below the word ‘Correct!’

Question 1
5 / 5 pts
What type of literature may a systematic review include to be considered Level 1 evidence on the Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt levels of evidence hierarchy?
Phenomenology studies
Grounded theory studies
Descriptive studies
Cohort studies
Controlled trials without randomization
Randomized controlled trials

Question 2
5 / 5 pts
Mixed-methods studies are a combination of which two methodologies?
Quantitative research methodologies and literature reviews
Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies
Qualitative research methodologies and systematic reviews
Literature reviews and qualitative research methodologies
Quasi-experimental and program evaluation

Question 3
5 / 5 pts
In quantitative studies, results are reported using words or themes.

Question 4
5 / 5 pts
What type of study is described in the following excerpt?

An interprofessional team wants to test a new intervention to see whether it will improve central-line associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) rates. Subjects were randomized into either the intervention or the control group by pulling a slip of paper with either a one or a two written on it from a manila envelope (those pulling ones were randomized to the intervention group; those pulling twos were randomized to the control group). When the study began, the intervention group received the intervention and the control group received equal attention. Data was collected and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics were used to report the data.

What type of research article is this?

Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Systematic reviews
Literature reviews
Mixed methods
Program evaluation

Question 5
5 / 5 pts
Which of the following types of research can be categorized as primary research? Select all that apply.
Cohort study
Literature review
Grounded theory study
Randomized controlled trial
Systematic review
Controlled trial without randomization

Question 6
5 / 5 pts
In a systematic review with a meta-analysis, researchers combine the results of each of the individual studies to create a larger sample size (and therefore greater power), then re-run the statistics to capture the true magnitude of the effect. The single-effect measure calculated and reported when the results from all the studies are combined is called what?
Summary statistic
Power analysis
Confidence Interval
Chi square
Pearson’s co-efficient

Question 7
5 / 5 pts
Both literature reviews and systematic reviews are types of research evidence reviews.

Question 8
5 / 5 pts
What type of study is described in the following excerpt?

Surveys to evaluate nurse satisfaction, medical errors, depression and anxiety, and demographics were given to 5,432 nurses from hospitals of various sizes and geographic locations; some had nurses working 8-hour shifts and 12-hour shifts. Nurses were asked to complete the survey. Upon completion of the survey, nurses were invited to participate in video conference focus groups and one-on-one interviews with a research assistant by video conferencing. Survey results were reported using descriptive statistics, and themes were identified and reported from the data collected in the focus groups and one-on-one interviews.

Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Quasi-experimental research
Mixed-methods research
Systematic reviews

Question 9
5 / 5 pts
Order the following types of research evidence reviews in order of rigor from most rigorous to least rigorous:
Systematic review with meta-analysis
Systematic review without meta-analysis
Integrative review
Narrative review

Question 10
5 / 5 pts
Randomized controlled trials are which type of research?
Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Mixed-methods research
Systematic review
Literature review
Cohort study

Question 11
5 / 5 pts
A key characteristic of a systematic review is that it contains a meta-analysis.

Question 12
5 / 5 pts
When trying to determine what type of research study is described in an article, which two sections of the article will give you the best information to make that determination?
Abstract and conclusion
Methods and limitations
Methods and results
Introduction and results
Abstract and discussion
Literature review and data analysis

Question 13
5 / 5 pts
What kind of study is described in the following excerpt?

Researchers are interested in studying the impact of living in a family where a child has been diagnosed with cancer. They collaborate with the oncology department at a large children’s hospital to identify and receive consent from families that have a child with a cancer diagnosis. Participants are consented and data is collected and triangulated using one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and surveys. Data is analyzed for thematic analysis.

Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Mixed-methods research
Systematic reviews
Literature reviews
Cohort studies

Question 14
5 / 5 pts
What type of information would help you identify a research study as qualitative? (Select all that apply.)
Data is collected using such approaches as interviews, focus groups, and open-ended questions on surveys.
Data is collected using Likert scales on surveys.
Results are reported using numbers and statistics.
Results are reported using themes and words.
Data is collected using surveys with fill-in-the-blank questions.
Results are reported using a mixture of numbers and themes.

Question 15
5 / 5 pts
What types of information would help you identify a research study as quantitative? (Select all that apply.)
Data is collected using such approaches as interviews, focus groups, and open-ended questions on surveys.
Data is collected using Likert scales on surveys.
Results are reported using numbers and statistics.
Results are reported using themes and words.

Question 16
5 / 5 pts
The methods used in conducting a systematic review are specific and rigorous.

Question 17
5 / 5 pts
Which of the following statements is true of narrative reviews? (Select all that apply.)
Narrative reviews engage a highly structured and rigorous approach to reviewing research evidence.
Narrative reviews provide a general background discussion of a particular issue.
Narrative reviews require a rigorous, systematic approach to searching the databases for evidence.
Narrative reviews generally review literature that support the author’s point of view on an issue or topic.
Narrative reviews are a type of primary research.

Question 18
5 / 5 pts
You are forming a team to do a systematic review of the literature about interventions to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Which of the following would be your first step?
Critically appraise the literature identified.
Conduct an exhaustive search of multiple databases to identify the literature.
Identify an explicit, reproducible methodology.
Create a clearly stated set of objectives with predefined eligibility criteria for study inclusion.
Create a dissemination plan for your systematic review.

Question 19
5 / 5 pts
Which of the following is a type of quantitative research study?
Case study
Randomized controlled trial
Participative action research
Ground theory

Question 20
5 / 5 pts
In qualitative studies, results are reported using words or themes.
Quiz Score: 100 out of 100

connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.

To Prepare:

  • Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016); and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources.
  • Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.
  • Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.

To Complete:

Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.

Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of:

  • Patient experience
  • Population health
  • Costs
  • Work life of healthcare providers

Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed.

Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.

American Healthcare Association


            The Kansas Healthcare Association (KHCA) is a branch of the American Healthcare Association (AHCA) and is a not-for-profit organization. The organization began in 1951 and is made up of assisted living, nursing homes, mental health, and intermediate care. KHCA is involved in licensing, legislative, survey, and reimbursement involved in Kansas. The organization is housed at the capitol of Kansas in Topeka. (Kansas Health Care Association, 2022c)

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice is defined as the improvement in healthcare quality, cost reduction, patient care outcomes, and positive outcomes for the staff involved. (MeInyk & Overholt, 2018). When reviewing this website, there is clear evidence that there is EBP in this organization. The vision of the organization is concerned specifically with matters such as quality of care, dignity, respect for the members who reside in the entities represented, affordable healthcare, and dignity/independence, just to name a few. The goal of the organization is to treat the person as a whole entity concerning health, well-being, and family involvement and allow them to be involved in the decision-making of their care. The organization also strives to promote the best care for the best cost. (Kansas Health Care Association, 2022b)

When asking the question of whether this organization is grounded by EBP, the answer is yes. The website is full of this evidence; for example, they go by CMS guidelines, and they are accessible from the website. The organization is also built on a structure of board and staff members that each have a specific job description. Another reason that shows they are based upon evidence is the fact that they provide educational seminars and webinars on various topics with the latest up-to-date information and require a proposal form to be able to speak at these. (Kansas Health Care Association, 2022a)

Perception of the Organization

            After researching this organization and its website, my perception has not changed. The KHCA, in my opinion, upholds the triple aim. The triple aim focuses on the care which the patient receives, the improvement of the overall health of patients, and the reduction of costs. (Sikka et al., 2015). This organization has all three of those things at the forefront of its organization.

Sanford Health and EBP 

            Sanford Health is one of the largest rural healthcare systems in the United States serving millions of patients each year in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. Their vision is to “improve the human condition at every stage of life through exceptional care, spiritual enrichment, innovation and discovery” (Sanford Health, 2022a). EBP is defined as, “the lifelong problem-solving approach to clinical practice that integrates critical approach, internal evidence and patient/family preferences and values” (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Sanford health promotes EBP through partnerships with universities throughout the Midwest, training over 300 residents and 500 medical students each year through accredited education opportunities while providing accredited continuing education programs to their employees. They are continuously evolving through their innovation and commercialization teams to, “partner with dedicated inpatient unit that creates, tests, and shares new approaches to patient care. This team empowers staff to identify barriers in their workflow and support product or process development through feasibility, pilot, and full-scale operational phases” (Sanford Health, 2022b).  

           I believe that because Sanford health strives on educational advancements and innovations of their employees, they promote an EBP environment. They encourage their healthcare workers to reach out to help improve the healthcare that is delivered to improve patient care and workflow. “Organizational and individual initiatives are important steps towards making the evidence in evidenced-based guidelines visible to the nurses in clinical patient situations” (Renolen et al., 2019). I did not realize the efforts Sanford health was making in promoting research, innovations, education, and advancements. They have dedicated research teams and innovation teams to improve the healthcare delivered and provide opportunities for employees to provide input in patient care. I believe that because of the close relationships they have with Midwest universities they can integrate innovative ideas and up-to-date education that is provided to the students, employees, and patients they serve, grounding the organization in EBP. 


Throughout nursing school, evidence-based practice comes up numerous times, and graduates are expected to be very familiar with the topic. Evidence-based practice is defined as a problem-solving technique that combines evidence from past studies with the patient’s own values (Melnyk et al., 2010). This is monumental as it ensures that the patient has a say in their care while also maintaining the most correct standards for healthcare approaches. The purpose of this discussion post is to dive deeper into the goals of evidence-based practice as well as to examine a professional organization and determine if they use evidence-based practice in their approach.

Goals of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice has many positive traits that then, in turn, become overarching goals. Some of the goals of evidence-based practice include enhancing the quality and reliability of healthcare, improving health outcomes, and reducing variability in care and cost (Melnyk et al., 2014). These typically are what healthcare organizations have in mind when promoting the integration of evidence-based practice. Along with these, patient satisfaction is of high concern and comes naturally when the overall goals are met. When focusing on an evidence-based practice approach, there are seven steps that are followed. Step number two and three involve searching for the best evidence as well as appraising that evidence (Melnyk et al., 2010). This is incredibly important to meet the goal of maintaining quality and reliability in approaches. Step four of this sequence is to integrate reliable evidence with patients’ preferences and values. This might be the most valuable step as keeping the care patient-centered is very important in many organizations’ own goals. Evidence-based practice should be used in organizations to aid in meeting these professional and personal goals as it helps to have everyone who is involved on the same page. When these standards are upheld, it leaves little room for question or debate and continues to value the patient and successful outcomes as a priority.

Evidence-Based Practice in JCAHO

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is a nonprofit organization that accredits tens of thousands of healthcare organizations in the United States (The Joint Commission, 2022). According to this organization’s website, the JCAHO has a set of evidence-based standards that are reasonable, achievable, and surveyable and are expected to be followed for high performance (The Joint Commission, 2022). These standards are clear and easy to navigate on the website and many of them include the mention of evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice and standards are mentioned in length on the “Our Priorities” page. There is also significant mention of evidence-based practice on the “Patient Safety” page. Both of these titled pages including evidence-based practice are impressive as it shows that the organization does truly prioritize and pride itself in its capacity to achieve this. The Joint Commission’s goals and standards are grounded in evidence-based practice according to what they have written online. They make it easy to navigate and research so that there is no question in mind about what they stand for. The information that I have discovered while researching JCAHO and their website has not changed my perspective but has solidified it in that they are confident in their good intentions and purpose within healthcare organizations. This is an organization that I have known about for a while but never have visited their website. After this, I have a deeper realization of what they do and how they integrate evidence-based practice into their mission.


In conclusion, evidence-based practice should be the standard for all healthcare approaches and decisions as it values the patient’s wishes as well as high standards of care. This combination ensures that the goals mentioned above are met. Professional organizations also abide by these standards as seen through JCAHO. Overall, whether in an actual healthcare setting with patients, or being a part of a professional nursing organization, evidence-based practice is used across the board.

Healthcare Organization Website Review

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is an agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. AHRQ’s mission is to produce evidence that aids in promoting higher quality, accessible, equitable, affordable, and safer healthcare through the use of evidence (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2022). Another mission of AHRQ is to “solicit and publish systematic reviews (evidence reports and technology assessments) on topics to improve the clinical practice and delivery of health-care services” (Smetana et al., 2012).

The AHRQ healthcare organization’s work is grounded in evidence-based practice, as they have “established a network of Evidence-based Practice Centers across North America. The centers perform systematic reviews on important questions posed by partner organizations about clinical, organizational, and policy interventions in health care. The Agency works closely with partners and other decision makers to help translate that evidence into practice or policy” (Atkins, 2005). AHRQ has utilized evidence-based practice as a means to identify the benefits, risks, and cost effectiveness of treatment for more prevalent conditions, which helped to pave the way for clinical practice guidelines to promote safe healthcare across the United States.

Based on my review of the AHRQ website my perspective of the healthcare agency has not changed as I view healthcare from a very holistic perspective, in that it is a multilayered approach toward improving the quality, cost, and its accessibility, which AHRQ supports. The AHRQ’s website has in fact broaden my view of healthcare by essentially intertwining evidence-based practice into the core of their work and mission as an organization, which fosters an environment that is committed to research, evolution, and the consistent needs of a shifting healthcare environment. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s ongoing work with policy and practice will help to bridge gaps within the healthcare delivery system as “there is a tremendous need to enhance nurses’ skills so that they achieve competency in EBP in order to ensure the highest quality of care and best population health outcomes” (Melnyk et al., 2017).

Evidence-based Practice in the ANA

             The American Nurses Association (ANA) is arguably the country’s largest and most trusted nursing organization. The ANA supports nurses in all aspects of the profession. The ANA is involved in policy and advocacy for nurses, ethical issues nurses face while caring for patients in our complex healthcare system, staffing issues, safety and well-being of nurses as well as defining nursing standards and scope of practice (American Nurses Association, n.d.). There are articles and resources on the ANA website regarding evidence-based practice for nurses to review and educate themselves on the most up-to-date practices to improve patient outcomes. American Nurse is one of the ANA’s publications accessible to members. “The journal reaffirms ANA’s initiatives and directly supports nurses in advancing the profession through practical, independent, evidence-based, and peer-reviewed clinical data and information” (ANA, n.d.).

Last quarter while researching for the Policy and Advocacy in Health Care course, I developed a greater respect for the ANA as they are truly concerned about nurses as a whole person. It is evident that the ANA wants nurses to succeed in the profession and adhere to the highest standards while providing care to patients across the broad spectrum of healthcare. The research of the ANA is all founded in evidence-based practice as they update their best-practice standards with new data and release frequent updates on issues in nursing (ANA, n.d.). The government looks to the ANA for guidance when developing healthcare policy due to the level of both trust and respect placed on the ANA to represent the nursing profession.

            The ANA is aiding the country to move forward with achieving the Quadruple Aim Sweet Spot. According to Boller, the four goals of the quadruple aim are to improve the healthcare experience, improve population health, reduce healthcare costs, and improve the work life of healthcare providers (2017). There are thousands of resources located on the ANA website addressing these specific issues. Finding resources to assist in implementing evidence-based practice into everyday nursing care is not difficult. According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, many healthcare professionals believe finding and appraising research is a difficult, overwhelming, and time-consuming task (2018). I believe this misconception is untrue and one of the many reasons more nurses do not become involved in advocating for the implementation of evidence-based practice. I once had a nursing professor tell our class that nurses are the sleeping giants of healthcare, and we could make real changes if we come together as a whole. I remember this and apply this to my everyday nursing practice. There is power in numbers, and we must work together to achieve greatness in healthcare.

Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association

The Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association (VHHA) was formed in 1926. It is a trade association of Virginia hospitals that aims to “ensure the sustainability of Virginia’s health care system, transform the delivery of care to lower costs and promote higher value across the continuum of care, and improve the health of all Virginians,” (About VHHA, n.d.).  VHHA’s goal is to improve the health and well-being of Virginians through working with members. They advocate for programs and policies to promote the longevity of the Virginia health care system, promote affordability while also ensuring quality of care, and encourage a wholistic approach to addressing factors affecting health (About VHHA, n.d.).

EBP in the VHHA

Evidence based practice (EBP) appears in the “What we Do” tab on the VHHA “About VHHA” tab. Number two on the “What We Do” page states one of their goals as, “transform the delivery of health care to promote affordability, improve outcomes, and foster a consumer-friendly health care system,” with a supporting bullet point of “Identify best practices and other resources to assist members with the transformation to a high-value, consumer-friendly health care system,” (About VHHA, n.d.). Evidence based practice also appears on the VHHA Center for Healthcare Excellence page. The VHHA Center for Healthcare Excellence is an initiative of the VHHA developed in 2015. Its goal is to ensure safe, quality care (VHHA Center for Healthcare Excellence, n.d.).  Specifically, one of its goals is to “support and encourage adoption of best practices in patient care and service by all Virginia hospitals and health systems,” (VHHA Center for Healthcare Excellence, n.d.).

This group’s work is based on evidence-based practice, and it advocates for us of EBP in its affiliate hospitals. Specifically, the Center for Healthcare Excellence branch of the VHHA is a proponent of the use of EBP in the creation of healthcare policy and processes. The VHHA’s commitment to the use of EBP is evident in its “About VHHA” page.

Opinions on the VHHA

I would like to do some more research on how the VHHA has influenced the development of practices following EBP. There were no examples of policies or procedures that the VHHA has directly influenced on their website. However, the creation of the Center for Healthcare Excellence shows dedication to improving policy and procedures through EBP. My opinion on the VHHA has not necessarily changed. I knew them as an advocacy group for safe patient care, but it is good to see that they are taking a strong stance on the use of EBP.  I did not know that they held an annual patient safety summit at which they do presentations on the EBP and its implications for practice (2022 Virginia Patient Safety Summit, 2022).

World Health Organization 


The World Health Organization or also known as WHO was founded in 1948 through the United Nations as an agency that drives to connect nations, partners, and people to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve those who are vulnerable so individuals everywhere can achieve the highest level of health (About WHO, 2022). One of the core functions of WHO is to create global guidelines through evidence-based practice. They utilize a “guidelines review committee” that ensures the WHO’s guidelines are created from transparent, evidence-based practices (WHO Guidelines, 2022) 

Evidence-Based Practice  

The ability to dispute evidence is futile. Utilizing evidence-based practice has proven to enhance healthcare quality, improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and empower clinicians (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). While exploring the WHO website, choosing a topic such as handwashing, they provide unmistakable evidence-based practices for the proper techniques, proper to wash hands, and the benefits of having clean hands. They also have an entire committee of individuals in that review guidelines that are in place and provide clear evidence-based practices.  

The World Health Organization is without a doubt grounded by evidence-based practices, their goal is to impact billions of individuals around the world and keep them safe. WHO has also dedicated an entire committee to ensure that guidelines WHO sets in place are founded on evidence-based practices.  


After exploring the World Health Organization’s website further, I still find it to be one of the most informational websites that exists. The organization’s goal is to impact billions of individuals and provide them with the highest level of health. The organization’s core functions align with my goals as a nurse practitioner on a smaller scale, but the one I specifically admire is they articulate ethical and evidence-based policy options (Sundholm, 2018). The fact that they encompass ethical dilemmas while developing evident-based policies makes this organization continue to be one of my top references when researching healthcare organizations.  

The Joint Commission



The organization’s mission, vision, philosophy, and goal are to improve patients’ safety and quality of care through evidence-based practice. (The Joint Commission. (2022). 


The Joint Commission and EBP

The organization provides accreditation and certification to healthcare facilities such as ambulatory health care, assisted living communities, behavioral health care, human services, critical access hospital, home care, hospital, laboratory services, nursing care center, and pharmacies. (The Joint Commission. (2022). EBP is the root of the Joint Commission as the organization not only updates requirements for accreditation regularly but also gathers inputs from healthcare professionals and others with knowledge in the fields to develop standards. ( The Joint Commission. (2022). The Seven steps of evidence-based practice (EBP) follow: step one, always ask questions toward an approach. Step two, form PICOT questions. Well-formed PICOT questions should include patient population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time. The third step gathers the best evidence. This evidence often comes from meta-analyses which are combinations resulting from multiple studies. Step four, check for validity, reliability, and applicability. Step five, implement the evidence. Step six, evaluate how the chance impacted outcomes. Step seven, make your findings known by sharing the knowledge with other nursing communities. (Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). 

The Joint Commission uses the “Pioneers in Quality” program to help accredited hospitals provide patients with the safest care. Quality improvement (QI) is used by healthcare systems to improve the outcome of identified problems. The joint commission implements three critical components of evidence-based practice: the best evidence, clinicians’ judgments, and patient’s preference in their standards. And their measures based on research are being implemented at the bedside, a fundamental idea of evidence-based practice. (Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). 

Personal Perception of The Joint Commission

As I’m practicing as an in-patient registered nurse, the Joint Commission has always been a group that checks up on the hospitals to ensure that healthcare professionals practice the most up-to-date research when caring for patients. For instance, our unit is doing a project called “homeless for hygiene” as part of our unit project. This project entails staff donating hygiene items to help the homeless. The joint commission surveyor praised our unit for implementing this project to help our community. JACHO is excellent at keeping the healthcare facilities in check to improve themselves and not settle for less. 


The key to providing quality and safe patient care is to follow evidence-based practices. There is a growing body of research that hospitals are undertaking in an effort to improve patient safety, satisfaction, quality of care, empower clinicians, and achieve better outcomes. The majority of health care clinicians utilize evidence-based data in making clinical decisions and improving patient outcomes in their practice. Data from evidence-based practice is empirical in nature rather than founded on physician experience or anecdotal evidence; therefore, healthcare clinicians use this data to track, manage, and enhance the quality of patient care. In this discussion, my attention will be on the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is a healthcare organization that I have chosen to examine. Health issues affecting the general population are explored, addressed, and supported on this website using evidence-based practice data and clinical trials. A good example of this is the work being done by the NIH to find a cure for Coronavirus. In this discussion, I will describe how this organization utilizes evidence-based practices to transform the care provided to its patients.

Evidence-based practice

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a government organization that conducts biomedical research with the goal of improving patients’ lives and saving their lives. Thus its mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability (National Institutes of Health, 2017). NIH’s headquarters are located in Bethesda, Maryland, within the Department of Human and Health Services, and other nearby suburbs of the Washington metropolitan area. It has other primary facilities in the Research Triangle Park in North Carolina and smaller satellite facilities located around the United States. It uses clinical trials to answer scientific questions and help prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases. The research and training section of the website offers a great deal of information that is based on evidence-based practice. Funding for the healthcare organization is provided by Congress through the labor and health budgets. There are twenty-seven institutes and centers within this healthcare organization that are involved in performing and coordinating research across a wide range of biomedical fields.

National Institutes of health (NIH)’s work

The NIH uses clinical trials to study diseases, the interactions between drugs, and the impact of interventions on health outcomes in order to improve healthcare. As clinical trials are used, the government, stakeholders, researchers, policymakers, and institutes review and revisit policies and procedures to ensure that participants are protected, that resources are utilized effectively, and that relevant research questions are addressed (Vardeny et al. 2019). The information published by this healthcare organization is founded on evidence-based practice, and its effectiveness is evaluated before publication. According to Mullings J. (2019), a non-evidence-based approach to addressing a patient’s symptoms is detrimental to both the patient and the healthcare industry, decreases patient satisfaction, increases the length of stay, staff burnout, and leads to poor health outcomes.

Furthermore, the website provides a brief summary of the research outcome as well as a link to the original research article. This is useful for healthcare professionals who need to make clinical decisions without having to read lengthy publications. I was browsing the website when, for instance, I found an article about a hangover. I clicked the link that showed a summary of what a hangover is about, then, at the bottom, there was another link providing more information about an alcohol hangover as well as other articles about hangovers.

My perception of the healthcare organization

As a nurse, I use this website in an effort to learn more about current diseases and drugs and educate patients and families about them, as well. There is no doubt that NIH is an invaluable resource for healthcare professionals in guiding patient treatment and using for research purposes. As health technology continues to improve, there is an increasing amount of updated and current evidence-based information that healthcare professionals can utilize to improve patient outcomes and this information is available via the NIH website, which of course, has dramatically changed the way I perceive the healthcare industry. For instance, a patient with vague symptoms can be diagnosed and treated more effectively using advanced diagnostic tools, so hospital stays can be reduced. Additionally, because the information is available on the website for free, patients and family members are able to stay up to date with the latest clinical trials and articles based on the most recent evidence. With this information at hand, patients with chronic diseases can read and discuss the information with their healthcare providers, and they can arrive at a more appropriate treatment plan.


The National Institutes of Health have conducted numerous biomedical research studies using clinical trials with the goal of improving the outcome of patients and saving their lives. It is significant to note that National Institutes of Health research seeks to address issues concerning children and teens, men, women, minorities, and senior citizens’ health, well-being, and lifestyles. Health care professionals are able to retrieve evidence-based articles due to the dedicated work of this organization. For improving patient health outcomes using evidence-based practices, I recommend visiting this healthcare organization’s website.

Much scientific evidence is available to guide healthcare professionals’ clinical decision-making, although in America is still not the norm in many healthcare systems. (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the conscientious use of current best evidence in deciding on patient care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Evidence-based practice is decisions based on clinical research and data that better serve the patient most efficiently. I chose the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for this week’s discussion. 

  The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is led by a federal agency whose function is to improve the quality and safety of the American healthcare system (Kronick, 2016). AHRQ has the knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve the quality of care and helps the patient, healthcare professionals, and policymakers make informed health decisions (Kronick, 2016). Healthcare is improved through quality research done by the AHRQ. AHRQ’s primary goal is to improve patients’ lives through health services research, practice improvement, and data analytics (Brach & Borsky, 2020). AHRQ’s work targets clinicians and health systems to help them have the best evidence and tools to improve care delivery by conducting research studies and data to suggest an intervention in the workplace (Brach & Borsky, 2020). The AHRQ’s mission is to conduct evidence to make healthcare safer, high quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to ensure that the evidence is understood and used (“Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: A profile,” n.d.). The mission is achieved by focusing on three core competencies. The main objective of this organization is to create a healthcare system that is safer, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered (Kronick, 2016). This organization uses research daily to provide evidence to help the quality of care our patients receive and creates ways for healthcare professionals to put it into practice. 

  Evidence-based practice is the cornerstone of this healthcare organization. EBP is displayed throughout the website, starting with its mission and core competencies. AHRQ created Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (Project ECHO), an innovative distance learning program designed to build a community: a “learn all, teach all” approach. Project ECHO uses video conferencing technology, short lectures, and case-based learning to connect healthcare providers and subject matter experts to provide virtual learning opportunities for learners. The aim is to educate and support rural primary care physicians to provide specialized care to their patients. It is not only used by the primary care provider, as I have benefited from this too. The current facility I work at uses it every week. A community mental health center presents a case where they are stuck. One community mental health center presents a case they are stuck on. Other centers help find patient outcomes by asking clarifying questions about the situation and making recommendations for action based on the evidence that supports those recommendations. It was fascinating and knowledgeable to me. Another tool they introduced was the Redesigned Discharge (RED) tool to help improve discharge planning and reduce readmissions.

  As mentioned earlier, the foundation of this organization is EBP, and its activities are based on evidence-based practice. This site provides resources, research, tools, data, and information to address common healthcare issues and help many organizations implement interventions to improve patient safety and care. Using the knowledge of medical professionals is a smart way to get a complete picture of the investigating problem. The information I found on this website was not a surprise to me. I have used this site before and see how this organization works with different organizations to improve the quality of care. They provide handy information and ideas that they have learned to help others. I have always had a good impression of this organization, and this mission improved it, especially after I learned they were part of “Project ECHO.” 

Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)

Evidence-based practice is essential in producing optimal patient outcomes, ensuring the quality of care, and patient satisfaction by incorporating patient preferences and values (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Evidence base practices also contribute to the quadruple aim as it improves “healthcare quality, safety, cost, and empowers clinicians” (Beckett & Melnyk, 2018). According to Hop and Rittenmeyer (2021), the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) is an organization that focuses on all aspects of evidence-based practices and nursing. JBI ensures that “evidence is feasible, appropriate, and effective to specific populations and settings, making it culturally inclusive, relevant, and diverse” (Jordan, n.d.). Information on the JBI home page confirms that this organization contributes to improving health practices and that EBP grounds their work.

Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) supports and promotes evidence-based practices as it informs decision that improves health. Through collaboration with JBI, hospitals and universities worldwide can improve healthcare practices as it offers a variety of evidence-based resources, best practice information sheets, training, and education. JBI’s mission is to “share knowledge to inform those who determine health policy and deliver care to promote change in practices and improve health outcomes” (JBI, 2022). JBI also strives to decrease the gap between research and practice through many efforts, such as research, tool development, and collaborations. JBI eases the interpretation of research into practice through evidence synthesis. JBI is an international research organization with a journal that publishes its work in various reliable databases. Therefore, it is safe to say that JBI’s work is grounded in EBP because it utilizes research and the best available evidence to advance nursing practice and influence health policy.

My perception of JBI has changed because I thought JBI was more of a database where journal and appraisal tools were provided than an organization that focused on improving healthcare practices and patient outcomes through EBP and health policy. Being an international organization that helps improve global health outcomes through EBP demonstrates its commitment to enhancing practices that can help prevent local issues from becoming global. The work JBI generates contributes to the quadruple aim as their research and methodologies improve patient safety, outcomes, and quality care by assisting organizations in implementing the best available evidence into practice. An example of this would be hospitals or organizations that are JBI endorsed and all practice enhancements around the world. Two practice enhancements worldwide in which JBI has impacted health outcomes are improving oral care for neonates in NICU in Taiwan and reducing maternal and neonatal death by improving quality of care during labor in Africa which is the continent with the highest maternal mortality rates.


The American Dental Association (ADA) was established in 1859 to support the dental profession through the development of initiatives in advocacy, education, research, and the development of standards (Meyer, 2006). In response to the growing need for healthcare providers to use the scientific evidence available through peer-reviewed research, in 2001, the ADA designed an adaptation of evidence-based practices for dentists called “evidence-based dentistry.” According to the ADA, evidence-based dentistry is “an approach to oral healthcare that requires the judicious integration of systematic assessments of clinically relevant scientific evidence, relating to the oral and medical condition and history, with the dentist’s clinical expertise and the patient’s treatment needs and preferences.” (London et al., 2022).

The ADA’s mission statement indicates that the organization provides dentists with evidence-based insights to help improve the quality of care (American Dental Association, n.d.). In 2009, ADA launched a website ( to help dentists learn and adopt this innovative approach (Richards, 2009). This site can be directly assessed on the research page, under resources on the main ADA page (www.ada.orgLinks to an external site.). It has four main sections: systemic reviews and summaries, clinical recommendations, resources, and suggested clinical ideas.

Based on the information on the website, the ADA’s approach to medical care is grounded in EDP. The ADA was serious about dentists adopting EDP, and it collaborated with the Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice to use influential dentists called Champions as conduits of knowledge for the transfer of EBP principles to their peers (Frantsve-Hawley & Meyer, 2008).

After reading articles and browsing the ADA website, I am convinced that the ADA was an early adopter of EDP and encouraged dentists all over the globe to build their clinical practices on this approach. It used influential dentists to introduce EDP when it was new and still has dedicated education pages on the website for new dentists to learn how to incorporate EDP into patient care.

 I graduated in 2015 with an Associate degree in nursing. Throughout my nursing education, much emphasis was placed on the importance of evidence-based practice (EBP). According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, EBP aims to enhance the quality of healthcare, reduce costs, improve patient outcomes, and empowers clinicians (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Healthcare professionals should strive to utilize EBP in their daily work routine and seek out better ways to provide quality care.  

     Bedside nurses are in a unique position to facilitate practice change. These nurses can be pivotal in bringing about change through their experiences at the bedside. When EBP theory and techniques are engrained in nursing education and practice, nurses can gather research and data to help make positive healthcare changes. The culture of an organization can be transformed through EBP changes and implementation (Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle, 2016).  

     The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) aims to empower Nurse Practitioners (NPs) by “advancing accessible, person-centered, equitable, high-quality healthcare for diverse communities through practice, education, advocacy, research, and leadership” (AANP, 2022). This professional organization focuses on the advancement of NPs to improve patient outcomes. EBP is a main focus of the AANP. Their website offers extensive education, research, and advocacy resources. Membership is available to student NPs, and I became a member last month. Being a member of this professional organization will help me to be able to network, utilize the available resources, and become familiar with practice information.  

     The AANP website offers clinical resources, tools, and practice briefs that support EBP. In addition, the AANP offers access to research reports, journals, and publications that are peer-reviewed and critically appraised. Those are two major components of strong EBP criteria. The AANP website also has detailed information available about how to become involved in and conduct research (AANP, 2022). I will utilize the resources available to improve my practice and advance my knowledge.  

Evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to the conscientious, judicious, and explicit use of the current best evidence in making decisions regarding the care of individual patients (Melnyk & Ineout-Overholt, 2018). EBP aims to improve healthcare quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness by synthesizing the evidence (Boller, 2017). It also involves facilitating the translation of evidence-based research results or findings.

A professional healthcare organization of focus is the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) ( to an external site.). CCNE is an accredited body that evaluates nursing schools and programs in the US after ensuring they meet the CCNE or ACEN standards (ACCN, 2022). The EBP appears in the “vision and mission” section on the website as the body’s decision-making is drawn from evidence collected from the nursing students. It includes how they can improve health quality and realize health equity.

CCNE’s work is grounded in EBP because it works to establish quality standards primarily for nursing education. At the same time, it assists in using or implementing these quality standards before using available data to influence the nursing profession (ACCN, 2022).

Furthermore, the evidence drawn from the public is used to advance professional nursing education, research, and practice. For example, the organization engages with over 850 nursing schools, over 50,000 faculty members, and over 560,000 nursing students (ACCN, 2022).

Lastly, the information I discovered from the CCNE website did not change my perception of the organization, as the “About” section gave reasons why it does what it does. It also explains the impact accreditation has on the careers of nursing professionals and the role evidence-based practice plays in decision-making (Melnyk & Ineout-Overholt, 2018). Overall, the information on the website is detailed and categorized, which makes it easy to get their position.

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

                Evidence-Based Practice is a method of providing standardization to health care. Its design is not to replace the critical thinking of the health care professional but to support and uphold the decisions of the professional. It aids caregivers in staying current with the ever-changing treatment modalities of practice. EBP is essential to the quadruple aim, as noted by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2019), and is defined to enhance healthcare quality, improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and empower clinicians.  The three components of EBP are best practice, clinical judgment, and patient preference. Walden University (2018)

EBP within National Committee for Quality Assurance

                The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is a healthcare organization that uses EBP at the core of all the programs it certifies. EBP is deeply embedded in the mission and vision statement. NCQA (2022) NCQA requires evidence-based practice to achieve certification and the ability for an organization to carry the title NCQA certified. You must undergo a rigorous process of presenting data, quality performance, showing cost savings programs to health care, providing scientifically recommended care, and be committed to continuing the baseline requirements.
Healthcare payors recognize the meticulous criteria from this national accreditation committee as providing quality health care that will reduce costs. Once achieving this certification, many payors of health care services will reimburse care services with incentive payment for certification because it will guarantee the payor the practice is providing the highest quality of care backed by scientific and supporting data.

EBP in today’s Practice

                The Federally Qualified Health Center where I’m currently employed is NCQA recognized as a Patient-Centered Medical Home facility. Ingrained in the core criteria of competency E, knowing and managing your patient, criteria, KM20, NCQA (2021) of patient-centered medical home certification, one must show the evidence-based science is used within the practice for clinical decision support and how that is also intuitive for caregiver reference. This is my fourth year working in a lead role for the PCMH certification; we embed evidence-based practice reference material in the electronic health record resources and associate that material with the chronic or acute care disease process that it applies to.

In reflecting on the definition of evidence-based practice, it is the use of the most current research to improve the health and safety of patient while reducing cost. The main goal of evidence-based practice is to help improve the quality of care, lower cost while allowing for a better patient outcome. The EBP Nurse Scholars course provides nurses with a comprehensive overview of EBP, prepares them to frame clinical questions, perform literature searches, analyze and evaluate evidence, and translate that knowledge into something clinically meaningful (Crabtree et al., 20116).

The mission of the Texas Board of Nursing is to protect and promote the welfare of the people of Texas by ensuring that each person licensed as a nurse is competent to practice safely. For this purpose, the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) is the State agency empowered by the Texas Legislature with regulating the practice of vocational, professional, and advanced practice nursing (Texas Board of Nursing, n.d.).

In terms of the Texas board of nursing organization, I would say that it is grounded in evidence-based practice, this is because it ensures that it is stays up to date with current changes in society concerning healthcare. The Board assumes a proactive leadership role in regulating nursing practice and nursing education. The Board serves as a catalyst for developing partnerships and promoting collaboration in addressing regulatory issues. The public and nursing community alike can be assured of a balanced and responsible approach to regulation (Texas Board of Nursing, n.d).

The information gathered from the Texas board of nursing organization has allowed me to continue to believe that the board of nursing is there to help guide nurses as well as protect its citizens. As health care organizations continue to face increasing demands to improve the quality of care, nurses from the board room to the bedside continue to play a significant role in quality improvement activities that will ultimately position organizations positively, well into the future (Deering, 2022).

Nurses play a crucial role in promoting evidence-based practices within healthcare organizations. Evidenced-based practices help apply the best patient outcomes and facilitate clear care plans. As healthcare providers, we must identify specific health organization websites where evidence-based practices are utilized. One strong healthcare organization is American Psychiatric Nursing Association. The history of psychiatric nursing began in the 19th century and has come a long way from the beginning with the training and education from psychiatric nursing journals to Psychiatric Standards of Practice which was developed in 1973. (APNA, 2022)


APNA was developed in 1986. This healthcare organization’s website has many resources offered to support psychiatric nurses. “APNA connects you with fellow psychiatric-mental health nurses, evidence-based resources and programs, and opportunities to advance mental health care and the PMH nursing profession” (APNA, 2022). This professional organization offers educational and scientific purposes for health care providers. Their mission and purpose “It provide leadership to promote psychiatric-mental health nurses, improve mental health care for culturally diverse individuals, families, groups, and communities, and shape health policy for the delivery of mental health services” (APNA, 2022). They also are a charity to promote a more vital frontline of psychiatric nurses.

This healthcare is grounded in evidence-based practices. Their website offers a library of resources on numerous topics in the psychiatry field. They also offer continuing education through podcasts, evidenced-based programs, national conferences, and online classes. The goals are to advance healthcare providers’ knowledge to promote better patient outcomes through evidence-based practices. Lastly, they have over 15,000 other nurses to learn, bounce ideas, and connect through this healthcare organization.


In conclusion, being a member of healthcare organizations that offer endless opportunities to grow as a healthcare professional is essential. One of the most important parts is that they provide evidence-based programs and resources to advance your healthcare practice. “Best practice only occurs when staff continually ask questions about treatment and care, have the resources and skills necessary to search for and appraise research evidence, implement the evidence in practice, and evaluate its effectiveness” (Crabtree et al., 2016). The APNA has shown broadening my perception of their organization. It is an organization I would like to become a member of. 

As an Emergency Department Nurse, I chose to review Emergency Nurses Association which is an organization advocating for Emergency Room Nurses with a mission of improving patient safety and excellence in nursing practice. After reading the article about The Quadruple Aim, it appeared to me that successful and genuine delivery of healthcare lies primarily within healthcare workers, such as nurses, physicians, and other healthcare employees. It is explained that a large amount of healthcare workers experience lack of joy in their jobs due to lack of workforce engagement, physical illnesses, and the gradual shift in healthcare from a public service to a business model, targeting the healthcare workers with potential physical and psychological harm in their work environment.

It is crucial for healthcare organizations to provide safe work environment for healthcare workers, and that includes respect, empathy, transparency, freedom, and safety. Without these components, healthcare delivery will not reach its full potential, and could have serious consequences on patients’ safety, efficient outcomes, and acceptable cost of healthcare delivery. Emergency Nurses Association is fully supporting the Quadruple Aim, focusing on improving nursing shortages and addressing the issue to Department of Health and Human services in 2018 (Hattmarker, 2018).

Throughout my nursing career, I personally have spoken to many nurses and physicians who agree that the workplace environment provided by today’s healthcare organizations aren’t ideal. Instead of being proud and encouraging of their careers, I have heard mostly negative feedback and this article explained reasons for it in a detail providing statistics, and surveys. This article changed my perspective in such way that this is an issue all over the world, not just from what I’ve seen or heard myself.

The quadruple aim in healthcare is an evidence-based practice that is empowering clinicians, reduces healthcare costs, improves patient outcomes, and enhances the quality of healthcare (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). In my profession, I find joy in my work. I like the people I work with; I feel good about the impact I strive to make with my residents daily and I am happy with the way my organization leads our day-to-day practice. According to Sikka et al, (2015), this is the core of workforce engagement. As an organization, we look to the CDC for guidance on the latest prevention measures along with guidance on different health topics.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an organization that uses evidence-based practice to educate and protect the communities within our nation and abroad. I was able to find EBP under the about section of the CDC. You can also find evidence-based practice throughout the website by searching for it. By doing this, the reader will find many resources of evidence-based practice that are used throughout the website. The role of the CDC is to put science into action by preventing disease using advanced technology, therefore the CDC works 24/7 to protect the health of the public in America and abroad. The CDC is a wealth of knowledge with videos, webinars, and education. The CDC has used research, patient data, and clinical expertise to promote improving health outcomes for the public. This is evidence-based practice at the core.

I have always felt the CDC was a great resource for up-to-date information. I was surprised to see so many health topics and education that I could read and keep up to date on health topics that I don’t always come across in my profession. There are many articles on evidence-based practice such as drug overdose, reproductive health, and chronic disease. As of lately, I feel that our focus has been Covid-19 and the CDC has been our main portal for that outside our state department.

Evidenced-based practice (EBP) is using the most up-to-date and best evidence in making decisions regarding patient care. This improves patient outcomes and healthcare quality, reduces costs, and empowers clinicians (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

The American Heart Association (AHA) was founded in the spirit of EBP in 1924 when six cardiologists refused to subscribe to the common belief that heart disease warranted either lifelong, complete bed rest or imminent death—with very little known about the mystery of heart disease at the time. Relentlessly, they conducted studies to learn more about heart disease and developed this healthcare organization, founded on the belief that scientific research could be tested and implemented to better treatment, prevention, and a cure for heart disease. They called for the help of hundreds, and then thousands, of physicians and scientists to help bridge these knowledge gaps. Today, the AHA is the nation’s largest voluntary organization committed to fighting against heart disease and stroke, the two highest causes of death globally. The AHA accomplishes this in various ways, including being the nation’s leader in CPR education and training, educating the public in preventing heart disease and stroke, and providing science-based treatment guidelines for healthcare professionals (American Heart Association, 2022). In going through the AHA website, EBP was found throughout, from the Healthy Living tab, which explains up-to-date methods and lifestyle changes to prevent heart disease and stroke, to the Professionals tab, where professionals can read through selected current journals.

From its humble beginnings to the present day, the AHA has been rooted in advancing EBP in healthcare regarding heart disease and stroke. In addition to their initiatives to provide programs and educational resources to the public to encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles to prevent heart disease and stroke and CPR certification courses for the public and healthcare professionals, the AHA invests in research funding totaling over $5 billion invested since 1949. This research is utilized to further lifesaving advancements in battling heart disease and stroke, such as improving CPR techniques and guidelines, improving medications and medication regimens, and leading advancements in cardiovascular surgeries (American Heart Association, 2018).

Throughout my nursing career, I have grown to be passionate about preventing heart disease and stroke due to their prevalence in my patient population. Before this assignment, I found the AHA website to be a useful tool for learning and sharing more about heart disease and stroke with patients because it translates complicated cardiovascular processes in a way that can be easy for patients to understand. My perception of this healthcare organization has not changed much; however, some information I found regarding the AHA was new to me. Professionals can obtain professional membership with membership perks that include joining scientific sessions with other professionals, attending AHA conferences, and accessing all 13 online AHA scientific journals. I did not realize how many resources members could access, including updated journals, webinars, podcasts, online learning modules, and continuing education activities (American Heart Association, 2022b).

Have you ever wondered why evidence-based practices are so widely used in the care department? The field of care is very demanding and requires a commitment to care and understanding to use appropriate care to improve treatment outcomes. EBP, Evidence-Based Practice, also helps improve healthcare performance by helping achieve four goals: better health for people, better patient experience, lower healthcare costs, and better working lives for healthcare providers. Winner Education (Producer). (2018) Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the best findings from high-quality research to solve problems and improve patient results (Melnyk et al., 2014)

We believe EBP is at the forefront of ever-growing nursing practices. One medical institution that turned out to be very important, especially during the pandemic is the American Red Cross. There are so many forms of how EBP works with this organization and inspires me to help many people achieve positive results through volunteer work by donating time, blood, plasma, and other essential forms of blood products. According to the Red Cross, the vision is: “We strive to put compassion into action so that all those affected by disasters across the country and around the world receive care, protection, and hope. Our community is ready for disaster. Everyone in our country has access to safe, life-saving blood and blood products. All members of our military and their families have access to support and comfort whenever they need it. There are also people nearby who are trained to use Red Cross skills to save lives in an emergency.” Mission and Values. (nd)

I didn’t realize the importance of how a simple blood donation could affect so many people. I just experienced the importance of donating, and not only to this organization. We encourage donations, but we also have a variety of other educational materials. B. CPR Certification, Training, and Conducting Courses for First Aid, as well as preparation, and swimming lessons. Knowing the importance of being educated, prepared, and able to take action in the case of an emergency has deepened my appreciation for this organization.

Patient safety and high-quality treatment can only be attained via evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice is essential when deciding how to promote the best health or offer treatment (Laureate Education, 2018). Clinical decision-making in EBP is guided by a methodical, problem-solving mindset (Crabtree, et al., 2016). “This study is to summarize the status of knowledge, attitudes, implementation, facilitators, and barriers of evidence-based practice (EBP) in community nurses (CNs)” (Li, et al., 2019, para 1).

The Mayo Clinic has been chosen as my healthcare organization. The Mayo Clinic’s mission is “inspiring hope and promoting health through integrated clinical practice, education, and research” (Mayo Clinic, 2020, para 1). In an endeavor to provide their patients with the finest treatment possible, this goal notices the use of research. When I looked into the healthcare provider’s use of evidence-based practice more deeply, I discovered that they have a program called Evidence-Based Practice Research that synthesizes research evidence and helps translate findings into clinical practice to increase the quality, effectiveness, and appropriateness of care (Mayo Clinic, 2021). The research teams’ assessments of pertinent scientific literature on a broad range of clinical and health services themes [in an attempt] to generate different forms of evidence reports and these reports are then utilized for informative purposes, generating quality measures, and producing clinical practice recommendations, making it clear that evidence-based practice is fundamental to the organization’s work (Mayo Clinic, 2021). Insights like this have changed how I feel about the healthcare provider. US News & World Report ranks Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, the best hospital in the country. The clinic’s dedication to evidence-based medicine is a significant factor in earning that top spot (Luckstein, 2022).

Evidence-based practice (EBP) enhances healthcare quality, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs, and empowers clinicians (Melnyk & Overholt, 2018). Additionally, research studies show that evidence-based practice (EBP) leads to higher quality care, improved patient outcomes, reduced costs, and greater nurse satisfaction than traditional approaches to care (Melnyk et al., 2010)

Harris County Public Health (HCPH) is the county health department for Harris County and provides comprehensive health services and programs to the community through a workforce of approximately 700 public health professionals – all dedicated to improving the health and well-being of Harris County residents and the communities in which they live, learn, work, worship, and play (, n.d.). EBP was mentioned in the HCPH Strategic Plan 2013 – 2018. Furthermore, it was said that HCHP’s guiding principles shape how HCPH performs its work internally, with other stakeholders and the broader public, to effectively carry out its mission (, n.d.). Moreover, it was mentioned that strategies to improve population health would be developed and implemented with evidence-based and best practice strategies must be employed to the extent they are available and appropriate (, n.d.). HCPH will also maintain a role in contributing to the evidence or practice base (, n.d.)

It appears that HCHP’s work is grounded in EBP. HCPH recognizes that forward-thinking concepts, methodologies, and technologies to complement our tried-and-true practices are essential to sustain Harris county residents’ health, safety, and well-being (, n.d.). Some of the recent innovative efforts are Smart mosquito traps to help combat mosquito-borne diseases, Video Directly Observed Therapy (V-DOT) to assist tuberculosis patients, and Public Health Innovations Lab (PHI LAB) to stimulate novel ideas into projects that improve the health of the community (, n.d.). HCHP believes every person should have the opportunity to achieve their best health (, n.d.)


The information discovered on the HCHP website changed my perception of the organization. It made me realize how many things the organization is doing for the community, like dental services, food permits, community outreach events, and community health and violence prevention services, to name a few. In addition, to develop and implement organizational goals and objectives, HCHP recognizes and analyzes the needs, influences, and resources of crucial HCHP key stakeholders.

Encompass Health 


Encompass Health is one of the largest owner and operator of rehabilitation hospitals in the United States. Based in Birmingham Alabama, the organization owns and operates 151 hospitals in 36 states and Puerto Rico. Its services include high-quality, compassionate rehabilitative care for patients recovering from major injuries or illnesses, using advanced technology and innovative treatments. (Encompass Health 2022. a). The Encompass Health Way is a 5-prong simple yet effective way of putting across the company values. Set the standard, lead with empathy, do what’s right, focus on the positive and stronger together. (Encompass Health 2022.b. ). 

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) 

Ever since EBP was initiated, many organizations have used it as a gold standard for nursing practice. (Kim et al 2016). According to (MeInyk & Overholt, 2018), EBP focuses on the improvement in healthcare quality, reducing cost, improving patient care outcomes thereby yielding positive outcomes for the staff caring for the patients. In their website, Encompass Health uses evidence-based practice by bridging the gap between science and practice. They strive to achieve this by using a three-pronged approach, first they review available data on the clinical decision they need to make, then they consider available data that may support more real-world, real-time decision making and then finally they gather their most valuable resource- the subject matter experts who in turn considers the data with what they see on a daily basis so as to come up with an informed decision for practice. (Miller 2022). 

Perception of Encompass Health 

My perception of Encompass Health did not change much, I recently learned about this organization from a friend, and this made me want to know more about it. Being an inpatient rehabilitation center with a large network of hospitals across most of the USA, I expected them to be up to date with technology but most importantly utilize the latest evidence-based practice.  

The Preventative Cardiovascular Nurses Association

Main Post Discussion Module 1- Christopher Baur

The Preventative Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA) is a professional nursing association that exists “to promote nurses as leaders in cardiovascular disease prevention and management across the lifespan.” (PCNA, n.d.), per their Mission Statement. I am a Cardiac Cath Lab nurse and a member of PCNA. In the “About” section of their website, which includes the above-mentioned Mission Statement, there is a “Goals” section that includes this goal: “To support the utilization and dissemination of research and support evidence-based practice in cardiovascular risk reduction and disease management.” (PCNA, n.d.). Evidence-based practice (EBP) is defined as “the conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about patient care.” (Mazurek Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019, pg. 8). The PCNA website is full of information for cardiovascular nurses and evidence-based items are present in large quantities. Evidence has been gathered over many years for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. PCNA is a great resource for accessing this information. It seems that new information comes out on a daily basis regarding cardiovascular disease, so having this resource is quite beneficial. As a PCNA member, I have experienced the benefit of the knowledge that their website contains. My perception of PCNA has changed for the better after dissecting the information and realizing that they provide a vast amount of evidence-based information for cardiovascular nurses. There is information that is evidence-based regarding antiplatelet medications, statin therapy, angioplasty, blood pressure management, and so much more. There are also resources that can be accessed that contain patient handouts and educational information. I have certainly gained a new appreciation for the PCNA and the information they put out into the world.

MaineHealth is a not-for-profit healthcare system located primarily in southern Maine, consisting of multiple hospitals, specialty, and primary care offices (MaineHealth, 2022-1). Per their mission statement, the primary values they intend to espouse are: Patient Centered, Respect, Integrity, Excellence, Ownership, and Innovation (MaineHealth, 2022-1). When searching for evidence-based practice (EBP) then innovation seems to be the place to look.

If we define EBP as developing practice through analysis and review of scientific evidence, then MaineHealth addresses this directly with their focus on education and research (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). The Department of Medical Education at Maine Medical Center partners with Tufts medical school to provide training and education for their residents and fellows (MaineHealth 2022-2). The very nature of this seems to strongly imply the utilization of EBP.

As an employee of MaineHealth at a satellite hospital, I can see where the centralized education is utilizing EBP as policies and practices change and develop over time, frequently with the evidence passed along as well.

Penn Medicine


Penn Medicine is a one of the leading healthcare organizations in the region and has even claimed the top spot in U.S. News Best Hospitals for the Philadelphia metro area (Penn, 2022). The organization has over 5 different hospitals and medical offices in the tristate area and continues to expand each year. Penn Medicine employs more than 39,000 people throughout the region with the mission and goal to advance science, serve the community, provide outstanding care, and create a legacy of excellence. Their core values include excellence through innovation, integrity through intellectual honesty, cultural diversity, professionalism, crating opportunities, teamwork and collaboration and tradition.

Evidence Based Practice

I do believe Penn’s work is grounded in evidence-based practice. Upon researching them and exploring their many articles and webpages I stumbled on their evidence-based website. Center for Evidence Based Practice states “Our center’s mission is to lead the integration of the best available evidence into institutional decision-making, in order to strengthen the quality, safety, and value of care for patients and populations” (Penn, 2022). They have an entire library dedicated to EBP and anyone can submit a request to have a clinical question researched (Penn, 2022). On the website they have a new evidence review posted about medications for treating severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the emergency department.

Perception of the Organization

My perception has not changed about the organization. Penn medicine is a widely known hospital; on my current assignment in California, I’ve come across a few physicians and clinical whom have studied and rotated at Penn. It’s reputation proceeds it, in fact, Penn Medicine was a leader in creating the covid vaccine for both Pfizer and Moderna. Doctors and scientists at Penn we’re the ones who developed the mRNA technology used to enable the Covid vaccine (Penn, 2022).

Healthcare Organization Website Review


The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is an organization that provides education in maternal, neonatal and women’s health to nurses, patients, and families. There are ample opportunities for continuing education, leadership development, seminars, conferences, research for nurses through their website. AWHONN provides even more education and opportunities through their membership platform. There is also a career section assisting people in finding careers in the maternal, neonatal, and women’s health world.

Evidenced Based Practice

            “Evidenced-based practice (EBP) is a life-long problem-solving approach to the delivery of health care that integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies (i.e., Evidence) and integrates it with a patient’s preferences and values and a clinician’s expertise (Melnyk et al., 2014). The mission statement of AWHONN alludes to the use of EBP. The mission statement reads that they “Empower and support nurses caring for women, newborns, and their families through research, education, and advocacy (Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses [AWHONN], n.d.). The AWHONN website connects patients with information about their health so they can make informed decisions. The website is grounded in EBP. In the search bar of the website, one can find many evidenced based articles on best practice for any topic in maternal, neonatal and women’s health issues. Within the website you can find links to patient experiences which ties into the integration of patient preferences aspect of EBP.


“Clinicians can achieve wonderful outcomes for their patients through EBP, but they often fail to share their experiences with their colleagues and their own or other health care organizations (Melnyk et al., 2010). My perception of AWHONN has only improved with reviewing their website for evidenced-based practice. I am currently studying to become a mental health nurse practitioner and women’s mental health and postpartum depression has long been overlooked in the mental health world. AWHONN not only addresses but provides EBP avenues for clinicians to further education and help create public awareness through peer reviewed articles, outreach groups, volunteer opportunities, and continuing education to name a few examples. There are a multitude of opportunities for clinicians to meet at the annual conference or via zoom meeting to share experiences and to find way to work together to provide better care for the patients that fall under the AWHONN umbrella of care.



Case study: 

You are working in a pediatric primary care office and a mother brings a 3 year old female in to see you. She has never been to your office before. Her primary complaint is fever for two days. The fever has been increasing and this morning the mother gave the child aspirin which helped lower the fever. The child is interacting appropriately and no cognitive or developmental deficits are noted. Height and weight are age appropriate. The child was born without any presenting complications and has never been hospitalized since. The child is warm to the touch. The child does not appear in immediate distress. Vitals signs are noted below:

HR-104 RR-22 SPO2-100% Temp – 38.3 BP 102/66

Write what questions you would ask the child or parent to obtain a complete HPI. Write what physical examinations (do not include anything that needs to be ordered such as imaging or labs) you would perform to help reach a diagnosis. This should be a very detailed history and physical 

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. They must be at least 100 words and supported by at least one source.
  • Please post your initial response by 23:59 Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 23:59 Sunday.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.

Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.




Application of Course Knowledge


The quality of this category is determined by the ability to analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles and concepts learned in the course lessons and outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

Scholarliness and Scholarly Resources



This category is evaluated on the quality of the student’s ability to: Support writing with appropriate, scholarly sources; provide relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry clearly stating how the evidence-informed or changed professional or academic decisions; evaluate literature resources to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis; use sources published within the last 5 years; match reference list and in-text citations match, and minimize or appropriately format direct quotations

Grammar, Spelling, Syntax, Mechanics and APA Format


Reflection post has minimal grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, and APA* errors. Direct quotes (if used) are limited to 1 short statement** which adds substantively to the post.

* APA style references and in-text citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference otherwise must be included.

**Direct quote should not exceed 15 words & must add substantively to the discussion

Interactive Dialogue


The quality for this category is determined by substantive written responses to a peer and faculty member’s questions in the threaded discussion. Substantive posts add importance, depth, and meaningfulness to the discussion. Students must respond to at least two peers in the threaded discussion. If no question asked directly from faculty, students must respond to questions posed to the entire class. The post must include at least one scholarly source.





Rubric A – Case Study Rubric

In order to demonstrate their understanding of the legislative process, students will complete a Final Project in teams in which they use infographics to model and demonstrate the Congressional legislative process of the United States in enacting a particular law.

In order to demonstrate their understanding of the legislative process, students will complete a Final Project in teams in which they use infographics to model and demonstrate the Congressional legislative process of the United States in enacting a particular law. This means that you MUST choose a law that Congress has already enacted and use Infographics to demonstrate how this was accomplished. Students are required to choose an issue for which a bill was passed in the United States Congress to develop this infographic demonstrating the Congressional legislative process. “An infographic is a collection of imagery, data visualizations like pie charts and bar graphs, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic” (Nediger;, 2023, para. 7), What is an InfographExamples, Templates & Design Tips

gativeHearings. In each case, select the correct answer, True or False, or from the choices A through D for each question.

This quiz MUST be completed by April 22, 2023 by 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

Please note that once you open this quiz it MUST be completed. There will be no second attempt!

This quiz was locked Apr 22 at 11:59pm.

Attempt History

Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 21 minutes 100 out of 100
 Correct answers are hidden.
Score for this quiz: 100 out of 100
Submitted Apr 22 at 11:36pm
This attempt took 21 minutes.

Question 1

/ 5 pts

“It is the proper duty of a representative body to look diligently into every affair of government and to talk much about what it sees” are the words of __________________.

President Woodrow Wilson

Chief Justice John Marshall

Lord Coke

President John Quincy Adams

Question 2

/ 5 pts

The first recorded investigation by Congress came in ______________.





Question 3

/ 5 pts

Congressional investigation The Burning Washington took place in _________.





Question 4

/ 5 pts

Congress like the courts has subpoena power.



Question 5

/ 5 pts

Senate and House rules do not limit the authority of their committees to meet in closed sessions.



Question 6

/ 5 pts

Grants of immunity have occurred in several notable congressional investigations.



Question 7

/ 5 pts

The Constitution declares that the judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Executive may from time to time ordain and establish.



Question 8

/ 5 pts

The Court does not recognize the restraints of the Bill of Rights on congressional investigations.



Question 9

/ 5 pts

Congress has no enumerated constitutional power to conduct investigations or issue subpoenas.



Question 10

/ 5 pts

Recipients of legislative subpoenas retain their constitutional rights throughout the course of an investigation.



Question 11

/ 5 pts

Legislative inquiries might involve the President of the United States in appropriate cases since Congress’ responsibilities extend to every affair of government.



Question 12

/ 5 pts

The Constitution vests all of the executive power in ____________________.

The President of the United States

The Congress of the United States

The Judiciary of the United States

The U.S. Senate

Question 13

/ 5 pts

Congress’ authority to investigate in furtherance of its power to legislate is known as ____________________.

oversight authority

investigative authority

legislative authority

legal rational authority

Question 14

/ 5 pts

Congressional inquiries to the White House are constrained by ____________________.

the Executive Branch’s in maintaining its autonomy

the Legislative Branch’s discretion

the Judicial Branch’s declarations

The Senate’s Power

Question 15

/ 5 pts

The United States has _____________ Federal Courts of Appeal.





Question 16

/ 5 pts

A Congressional committee has ______ authority to control the conduct of counsel.





Question 17

/ 5 pts

In most oversight and investigative hearings, the ____________ usually makes an opening statement.


vice chair



Question 18

/ 5 pts

Congressional subpoenas are served by all of the following EXCEPT:

Capitol Police

U.S. Marshal’s Office

Committee Staff

Senate or House Sergeant-at-Arms

Question 19

/ 5 pts

A Congressional subpoena is valid under all of the following circumstances EXCEPT:

there is no valid legislative purpose

the committee’s investigation of broad subject matter is authorized by Congress

the investigation is pursuant to a valid legislative purpose

the specific inquiries are pertinent to the broad subject matter areas authorized by Congress

Question 20

/ 5 pts

According to ____________, Congress’ subpoena power is “an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function.”

the Court

the Congress

the Executive

the Speaker of the House

Quiz Score: 100 out of 100

Please note that once you open this quiz it MUST be completed. There will be no second attempt!

This quiz was locked Apr 16 at 11:59pm.

Attempt History

Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 13 minutes 100 out of 100
 Correct answers are hidden.
Score for this quiz: 100 out of 100
Submitted Apr 16 at 10:45pm
This attempt took 13 minutes.

Question 1

/ 5 pts

The relationship between the legislature, agencies, and special interest groups is known as the ________________.

“iron triangle”



“administrative process”

Question 2

/ 5 pts

Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes for submission of proposed legislative programs?

to authorize and appropriate funds

to help agencies coordinate their legislative program

to give agencies opportunities to recommend specific proposals

to aid OMB and other staff of the EOP develop legislative programs

Question 3

/ 5 pts

Which one of the following is NOT one of the major purposes of prudential approaches to statutory interpretation?

assisting agency planning for legislative effectiveness

increasing interpreter’s capacity to avoid errors

increasing or maintaining the legitimacy of the interpreter

enhancing interpreter’s capacity for effectiveness

Question 4

/ 5 pts

All of the following are canons for institutionally responsible statutory interpretation EXCEPT:

Do not follow presidential directions unless clearly outside your authority

Respect all judicial precedent

Engage in activist lawmaking

Use legislative history as a primary interpretive guide

Question 5

/ 5 pts

CFPB stands for_______________________________.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Congressional Finance and Protection Bureau

Congressional Financing Protection Board

Credit and Financial Protection Bureau

Question 6

/ 5 pts

Textualist judges interpret statutory language by trying to determine the original meaning of the statutory language.



Question 7

/ 5 pts

Intentionalist judges read unclear statutory language according to their beliefs regarding legislative purpose.



Question 8

/ 5 pts

Ordinarily, cases that reach the Supreme Court of the United States do not involve ambiguous statutory language.



Question 9

/ 5 pts

In determining a provision’s purpose, judges look for the problems that Congress enacted the statute to address.



Question 10

/ 5 pts

______________ is regarded as a degraded form of textualism.

Strict Constructionism




Question 11

/ 5 pts

The interpretive tool of first resort for judges is is often __________________.

ordinary or plain meaning


precedential meaning


Question 12

/ 5 pts

____________________ serve as guiding principles for interpreting statutes.

canons of construction

bulls of interpretation

omnibus principles

judicial review

Question 13

/ 5 pts

“Rules of thumb for decoding legal language” are known as ______________.

semantic canons

substantive canons

normative canons

legal canons

Question 14

/ 5 pts

______________ express judicial presumptions in favor of or against a particular outcome.

substantive canons

textual canons

textual canons

legal canons

Question 15

/ 5 pts

Courts should presume that Congress does not delegate authority without sufficient guidelines.



Question 16

/ 5 pts

A statute that penalizes an act makes it unlawful.



Question 17

/ 5 pts

Textualists claim to understand legislative supremacy by using the enacted text to understand the statute.



Question 18

/ 5 pts

___________________ argued that courts should follow the text of a law rather than attempt to read exceptions into the law in accordance with legislative intent.

Justice Scalia

Justice Brennan

Justice Ginsburg

Justice Roberts

Question 19

/ 5 pts

____________may give weight to how an agency interprets and applies statutory terms and provisions.





Question 20

/ 5 pts

A clause that introduces a condition is known as a _________________.




Mens Rea

Quiz Score: 100 out of 100

ou have until APRIL 11, 2023 @ 11:59 pm to complete this quiz.

This quiz was locked Apr 11 at 11:59pm.

Attempt History

Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 35 minutes 100 out of 100
 Correct answers are hidden.
Score for this quiz: 100 out of 100
Submitted Apr 11 at 11:42pm
This attempt took 35 minutes.

Question 1

/ 5 pts

There are schools and professional requirements to become a lobbyist.



Question 2

/ 5 pts

There is ” a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open.” These are the words of:

Justice Brennan

Justice Roberts

Jack Abramoff

Woodrow Wilson

Question 3

/ 5 pts

Lobbying is a popular job for former legislators and staff.



Question 4

/ 5 pts

According to lawyer, legal scholar and professor Sean J. Kealy, there are several types of lobbyists and styles of lobbying.



Question 5

/ 5 pts

The Supreme Court upheld lobbying registration requirements in the case U.S. v. Harris in ___________.





Question 6

/ 5 pts

Entities formed by a special interest group for the purpose of funneling contributions to the political campaigns of members of Congress and other office seekers are known as _______________.

political action committees (PACs)

political action campaigns (PACs)

political action plans (PAPs)

political action networks (PANs)

Question 7

/ 5 pts

_____________ percentage of lobbyists represent business interests.





Question 8

/ 5 pts

A lobbyist who conveys information to legislators without necessarily advocating position on a program is known as  ____________.

The Informant

The Contact Man

The Watchdog

The Strategist

Question 9

/ 5 pts

Lobbyists who organize grassroot support for clients’ legislative programs are known as _______________.

Campaign Organizers


Contact Men


Question 10

/ 5 pts

Lobbyists who closely observe the legislature’s activities for developments that are important to their clients are known as ___________.




Contact Men

Question 11

/ 5 pts

Lobbyists whose approach or methods are often used by other lobbyists are known as _____________.


Campaign Organizers

Contact Men


Question 12

/ 5 pts

An attempt to influence a specific list of governmental decisions or actions is known as ____________.





Question 13

/ 5 pts

An attempt to influence government contract or purchasing decision is the domain of _____________.

Procurement Lobbying

Grassroots Lobbying

Direct Lobbying


Question 14

/ 5 pts

The Government cannot restrict speech based on the speaker’s corporate identity, was reaffirmed in: _____________

First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti

Buckley v. Valeo

U.S. v. Harris

U.S. v. Abramoff

Question 15

/ 5 pts

Lobbyists are prohibited from personally contributing money to campaign.



Question 16

/ 5 pts

Legislators who care more about being re-elected and “go along for the ride” with lobbyists are called policy wonks.



Question 17

/ 5 pts

Legislators who are concerned about making good public policy and who make carefully reasoned decisions despite lobbyists are known as money types.



Question 18

/ 5 pts

Washington’s K Street houses the offices of many lobbyists.



Question 19

/ 5 pts

Two common types of gifts that lobbyists give to public servants are ___________ and _______________.

meals, entertainment

sex, drugs

money, cars

donations, meals

Question 20

/ 5 pts

The _______________________ prohibits a legislator or his or her spouse from soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept “anything of value” from a lobbyist or employer.

gift ban

prohibition act

campaign bipartisan act

financial ethics act

Quiz Score: 100 out of 100
Score for this quiz: 100 out of 100
Submitted Apr 5 at 11:42pm
This attempt took 24 minutes.

Question 1

/ 5 pts

Bill drafting is a collaborative effort.



Question 2

/ 5 pts

Legislative drafting in the United States is a simple process unlike other countries.



Question 3

/ 5 pts

The President and the executive agencies of government can present bills to Congress annually.



Question 4

/ 5 pts

______________ are the place where bills are researched, written, and re-written.


Executive Agencies

Congressional Offices


Question 5

/ 5 pts

Actors whose behaviors a bill aims to change are called __________.

role occupants

implementing agencies



Question 6

/ 5 pts

Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of rules found in legislation?





Question 7

/ 5 pts

The U.S. Congress did not have a drafting style manual until ____________.





Question 8

/ 5 pts

In drafting of a bill many jurisdictions discourage using findings and purposes sections.



Question 9

/ 5 pts

There are ____________ titles in the United States Code.





Question 10

/ 5 pts

The “grandfather clause” in Texas state legislative drafting is an example of _____________.

a saving provision

a transition provision

a sunset provision

a miscellaneous provision

Question 11

/ 5 pts

A __________________ provides for the orderly implementation of legislation.

transition provision

saving provision

miscellaneous provision

sunset provision

Question 12

/ 5 pts

An expiration provision used to provide a time or circumstance upon which the power or effectiveness of an act, provision, or specific agency expires is called a __________.

sunset clause

emergency clause

transition clause

dead clause

Question 13

/ 5 pts

An enforcement mechanism by which a wrongdoer is made civilly liable to the state or political subdivision for an amount of money is called a __________.

civil penalty

capital penalty

administrative penalty

punitive penalty

Question 14

/ 5 pts

A ________ administers an administrative penalty, while a court administers a __________ penalty.

agency, court

court, agency

legislature, executive

agent, judge

Question 15

/ 5 pts

The type and range of penalty are virtually unlimited.



Question 16

/ 5 pts

Seizure and forfeiture of property represents a type of nonmonetary penalty.



Question 17

/ 5 pts

____________________ may allow drafters to close loopholes and prevent “willful misinterpretation.”





Question 18

/ 5 pts

The United States Code has more than _________________ definitions.





Question 19

/ 5 pts

An intent clause may be useful under which of the following?




Cloture rule

Question 20

/ 5 pts

Which of the following is NOT a reason why a bill should not include an intent section?





Quiz Score: 100 out of 100