Preventative Guidelines – One Guideline and Two Scenarios


Throughout this course, we have looked at health promotion and disease prevention and focused on various vulnerable populations. This week’s discussion will focus on applying one guideline to two patients. Please select ONE of the following scenarios and then answer the questions in your initial post. Please include at least three scholarly sources within your initial post.

Scenario A: Focus on Preventative Guidelines for Childhood Immunizations

You are working as an APRN in your local primary care office. The rural town of Maynard has 300 people, a post office, doctor’s office, and a gas station. The primary source of income is farming or driving 45 minutes to a somewhat larger town. With the blizzard coming, all your patients except two have cancelled for the morning. Jose is scheduled at 0900; he is a nine-year-old Hispanic male born in Mexico. He and his family (Mom, Dad, and six siblings, ages six months to 14 years) moved into the area just a few months ago. Jose’s mother reported that he had nearly died at two months after contracting pertussis.

Your final patient of the morning is Irena, a 15-year-old teenage female who lives with her aunt in Maynard. Irena is Romanian and barely speaks any English. Her aunt has been your patient for the past few years, and she told you that Irena had been abducted in Romania at the age of 10. Irena’s parents found her quite by accident when a sex trafficking ring dumped all their “product” in a refugee camp in Serbia just a few months ago. Irena’s parents are still in Romania, but they sent Irena here to live with her aunt.

Scenario B: Focus on Preventative Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Screening

On a busy Thursday morning, you note on your schedule a couple of patients who routinely “take a long time” no matter what their complaint. Jimmy is a 62-year-old male who is mentally challenged and lives in a local group home. Both his parents passed away last year, and his sister has never really been in the picture. She lives at least eight hours away. Jimmy has a “genetic disorder” but actually his symptoms are more like autism that we are familiar with today. Jimmy’s caregiver states he has been having some problems with constipation but otherwise he seems okay. Jimmy is nonverbal and hates to be touched. Approaching Jimmy can be difficult, and he has taken a swing at staff a couple of times because he doesn’t understand what is going on – especially if they try to touch him to check his pulse or blood pressure.

Having finished up with Jimmy, you move on to Marvin. Marvin is a 67-year-old male here for his annual physical. Marvin is pretty healthy despite a scare with colon cancer when he was 50. He is obsessed with his bowels and even brings charts to each of his appointments as he is always concerned that the cancer will return.

Scenario C: Focus on Preventative Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening

Volunteering once a month for a mobile clinic, you head out this Saturday morning with two other providers and staff. The mobile RV is a large motorhome retrofitted as a primary care clinic. Headed downtown where there is a large homeless encampment, everyone is excited to see what the day brings.

Miss Eleanor is a 72-year-old African American female who you have seen many times. Today she is complaining of some breast tenderness due to a fall she took with her grocery cart a couple of weeks ago. While examining Eleanor’s breast, you took the opportunity to do a manual breast exam. Eleanor said it had been at least 30 years since she’d had a breast exam and that she had never had a mammogram.

Finishing up your day on the mobile clinic, Sally, a 48-year-old female, is concerned that she has an STI. During Sally’s pelvic exam, you learn that she has been living in a tent under a bridge downtown for about a year. Sally is eager to talk to someone and tells you that she used to work in a medical office as a receptionist but that was a long time ago, before she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. You are concerned that Sally does have an STI and you ask about her medical history. After quite a story, Sally tells you she had a mammogram about two years ago before she left Texas and there was a place the doctor wanted to evaluate further but she never went back for the ultrasound.

Scenario D: Focus on Cervical Cancer Guidelines

Working near a naval base, you see a lot of patients who are somehow connected with the military. Today, Shelesha, a 21-year-old African American female, is requesting to be seen for her annual exam before she leaves for deployment. Shelesha seems really anxious today. She is usually so excited about being on board her ship, but today she is different. You complete her annual exam, but she refuses her cervical and breast exam. After leaving the room so she can get dressed, you return to find Shelesha crying. She finally tells you that she was attacked – sexually assaulted on board her ship six months ago – and she has these “bumps” that keep getting bigger around her vagina and she is worried.

Virginia arrives for her annual well-woman exam. Virginia is a 67-year-old female who has been married for 42 years. Virginia and Harrold are still sexually active with the use of medications, and like clockwork, Virginia comes every year for her pelvic exam requesting a Pap smear. Virginia had breast cancer with a mastectomy when she was 52, but otherwise she is healthy, only taking medication for her cholesterol.

Scenario E: Focus on Prostate Cancer Guidelines

Ivan is a 59-year-old Caucasian male in your office today for his annual exam. He has been reading about prostate cancer and the need to have some lab work done. His wife really wants him to get his PSA drawn, but he’s not so sure. Your physical exam of Ivan is “all normal.” When reviewing Ivan’s health assessment form, you see he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and his only complaint is a chronic cough.

Chen is 76-year-old gentleman of Chinese descent. He is here today for an annual exam and a recheck of his blood pressure. Chen tells you he just heard from his brother that his PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is really high, and they are concerned he may have prostate cancer. Chen’s brother is from his father’s second marriage and he is only 59 years old. Chen is asking to have his PSA drawn to make sure he doesn’t have prostate cancer.

Initial Post

Having discussed many guidelines throughout this term, consider the content you have explored. Using this knowledge, answer the following questions related to your chosen scenario. Note: please try to choose a topic for your initial post that you did not choose previously during the semester or aren’t as familiar with so you can gain additional knowledge as we finish up this course

  1. Discuss the guidelines assigned with your scenario.
  2. Will both patients be treated in the same manner? Why or why not?
  3. What would your treatment plan be for each of the individuals in your scenario?

Please include at least three scholarly sources within your initial post.

Reply Posts

Reply to at least two of your classmates who chose two different scenarios. For each of your peer’s posts, discuss other applicable preventative guidelines for one of the patients from the initial scenario. Provide a link to patient education relating to this additional guideline that your peer would find interesting and helpful. Reply on two separate days (minimum) utilizing at least two scholarly references per peer post.


Is Your State’s Healthcare Policy Making You Sick?

Overview: After you have read Chapters 28, 32, and 33 in your De Chesnay text, consider the healthcare policies within your state. What health-related stories are in the news? Are there any “upstream” concerns in your community? How do you believe that a doctorally prepared APRN could positively affect the overall health of the citizens in your state?

Write a one-to two-page journal submission about your thoughts to the questions that have been posed. Provide references to validate the healthcare policy and your concerns.

You may journal in first person, and this assignment does not require references as it is your thoughts; however, if you choose to use quotes or citable material, you are expected to follow APA formatting.


Faculty and Students as Vulnerable Population, Can We Predict Violence with a Screening Tool?

Read the following articles found in the Learning Materials section of this course and watch the video noted below:

  • An Analysis of US School Shootings (1840–2015) (Paradice, 2017)
  • Development of the SaFETy Score: A Clinical Screening Tool for Predicting Future Firearm Violence Risk (Goldstick et al., 2017).

My Son was a Columbine Shooter. This is My Story.

My Son was a Columbine Shooter. This is My Story. Video Transcript

Consider the information in the learning module for Week 15 and the course. Answer three of the following questions in your initial post. (Please include at least three scholarly sources within your initial post.)

  1. Has your community been directly affected by gun violence/mass shootings? Discuss the affects you have noted.
  2. Discuss what you believe to be the greatest risk factor(s) in your community that could be associated with a potential for violence.
  3. What are your thoughts about the Predictive Firearm Violence Risk Scale?
  4. Will you use this scale in your practice? Why or why not?
  5. What type of changes has your community made to help improve safety?
  6. What are your thoughts about the Columbine shooter’s mother’s TED Talk?

Reply Posts

Consider the community risk factors your peers listed. Are they similar to your community? Did any of their risks surprise you? Why or why not? Reply to at least two of your classmates on two separate days (minimum) utilizing at least two scholarly references per peer post.

Value and Consumer Preference

Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 in the text and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. It is suggested that you also review the recommended articles to glean any helpful information. The idea that value depends on consumers’ preferences is often considered radical. In your initial post, analyze the economic theories that are germane to the provision of health services, and comment on how one or two specific model(s) might explain the framework or context of patient/consumer preference with regard to the health care services they have experienced. Compare and contrast economic challenges and incentives within health care’s organizational models that might influence patient preference. How would value (both in quality and impact of care) differ where you have increase in access and decrease in reimbursement rates set by most insurance companies?

Guided Response: Read several of your classmates’ posts and provide a substantive written response to at least two of your peers. Discuss whether or not you agree with the conclusions provided in your classmate’s initial post. If you disagree, offer an alternative that is better in process and efficiency. Explain your reasoning and provide at least one reference to support your position. You must also comment specifically on one aspect of your classmate’s post with which you agree. In addition to responding to at least two other students’ posts, it is recommended that you reply to at least one person who responded to your original post by either respectfully defending your conclusion or by listing how you might implement the changes your classmate suggested.

The Importance of Economics for Health Care Leaders

Prior to engaging in this discussion, be sure to review Chapters 1 and 2 in the text as well as any relevant Instructor Guidance. It is suggested that you also review the recommended articles to glean any helpful information. In the present paradigm, it has become evident that operational leaders and strategic leaders in health care must be able to appraise how economics impacts health care in the United States. Furthermore, it is critical successful leaders to possess an understanding of the variables and nuances that shape how supply and demand in this heavily regulated industry so they may observe trends and opportunities that lead to a functional organizational system.

Imagine that you are a manager running a unit in a rehabilitation center. Up to this point, your primary population of payers has been elderly patients who come into the center for physical therapy. Recently, there has been a demographic shift in the community. A large number of your primary population has moved out of the area or died, which has caused a shift in your revenues. You have been tasked by your director to illustrate the cost and revenue numbers relative to insurance payouts to ensure that your cost does not exceed your revenue. Drawing on your current professional expertise and understanding drawn from the required resources for this week, create an initial post in which you communicate how the potential payer mix relates economically to changing demographics in your given community. What potential solutions would you suggest to your director that might overcome the demographic shift? Analyze economic theories that are germane to your provision of services and identify one theory that might apply to this specific situation.

Guided Response: Taking on the role of the director of the rehabilitation center, review the posts provided by your classmates and provide a substantive written response to at least two of your peers. Did the post effectively communicate the economic issues at hand? Were the suggested solutions appropriate and manageable given the current situation? In your position as the director of the center, analyze the role of public policy (e.g., the passing of the Affordable Care Act) in your provision of services. What other sources of potential capital might you seek out to ensure that the cost to revenue ratio remains consistent with viability?

This Assignment will have you continuing to prepare for your role in medical management

This Assignment will have you continuing to prepare for your role in medical management.

It is your job to ensure employees, patients and yourself are protected, and OSHA compliant at all times, and this includes ensuring your employees use Personal Protective Equipment (gloves, eye goggles, masks if needed, etc.) and having a disaster plan that includes protocol for dealing with emergencies such as fire or natural disaster. Your Assignment is to create a training PowerPoint for your employees.

Below you will find the information you need to create a training PowerPoint. Each slide will have a title. List the answers/information on each slide of your assigned slides. Include the title on each slide.

Slide # 1: Title this slide “OSHA Training,” with your name, the name of your Unit 6 fictional practice and the date.

Slide# 2: Title this slide “OSHA Inspections” and then copy the questions provided for you onto your slide; and answer to the following questions:

  1. OSHA conducts inspections based on the six most hazardous workplaces in the following order of priority: (list and describe the inspections for each one. Slide # 3: Title this slide “On-site Inspections”
  2. What are the five main components of an OSHA On-site Inspection?

Slide # 4: Title this slide “Penalties”

  1. What are the different types of penalties violations and the consequences if found guilty?

Types of Penalties.OSHA Penalties Retrieved from

Slide # 5: Title this slide “OSHA Region Offices” Using the resource provided, find the Regional Office from your State and list the contact information including a reference. (This allows employees to have the contact information for their specific OSHA area).

Retrieved from


Your boss is the Director of Medical Records at a large medical center

Your boss is the Director of Medical Records at a large medical center. He is finding it difficult to monitor the ongoing legislative and policy changes related to Health Information Management. He has asked that you do the following:

Review the following websites:

AHIMA. (2020). (n.d.). Laws, regulation, and policy.

Prepare a one- to two-page report highlighting two important changes occurring now or are anticipated to occur and describe how they could impact the medical center, and more importantly the department. Recommend a course of action for each. Be sure to fully support your recommendations.


  • This assignment should be no more than two pages, completed in a Microsoft Word document.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use the assigned reading, the Library, and the internet for research.
  • Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style.
  • Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.


Supporting Students with Diverse Learning Needs

The graduate describes how instructional strategies and a multitiered systems of supports (MTSS) framework help ensure that instruction and interventions align to the individual learning needs of students in a variety of placements.

2045.3.5 : Additional School Services

The graduate implements appropriate curriculum and instruction that enables students with exceptionalities to achieve success academically and achieve their potential.



School principals are responsible for setting expectations for providing all students with an inclusive and supportive school environment. This includes gifted and talented students and students with unique challenges. In this task, you will assume the role of a middle school principal and prepare a presentation for faculty that discusses how differentiated instruction (DI), universal design learning (UDL) and multiple tiered systems of support (MTSS) can be incorporated into daily classroom lesson planning in order to support specific groups of students.



As the principal of George Madison Middle School, you are preparing to present to faculty a new school-wide initiative to adopt and incorporate differentiated instruction (DI), universal design learning (UDL) and multiple tiered systems of support (MTSS) into daily classroom lesson plans to better support the following three groups of students:

•   students in a gifted and talented program

•   students who are homeless

•   students from a migrant family



Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Based on the scenario, create a presentation with speaker notes, by doing the following:

1.  Describe the following instructional practices:

•   differentiated instruction (DI)

•   universal design learning (UDL)

•   multitiered systems of support (MTSS)

a.  Explain the application of each instructional practice in a classroom.

2.  Describe three challenges typically encountered by each of the three groups of students from the scenario.

a.  Describe how each instructional practice from part A1 can be used to support each group of students.

b.  Explain your expectations for your faculty for incorporating the instructional practices from part A1 into daily classroom lesson plans, including one expectation for each instructional practice.
B.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Meeting the Unique Needs of English Learners

The graduate analyzes how EL processes adhere to federal and state laws to enable students who are learning English to receive appropriate instruction, accommodations, and services to succeed academically.



School principals are responsible for allocating curriculum and human resources to implement an instructional program for English learners (EL). This EL program should increase students’ academic and English language abilities. The program should also be in compliance with case law and federal law. In this task, you will assume the responsibilities of a high school principal to provide a proposal to the governing board of your school. You will propose a new program to serve the EL students described in a scenario.



You are the high school principal at West Oak Cove School. You are required to propose a new program to serve the EL students and present this proposal to the governing board of your school. The total population for grades 9–12 is 1,256 students. The following is a breakdown of the languages spoken by the EL students at your school:

Language                  Percentage of EL Student Population

Spanish 25%
Portuguese 15%
Arabic 12%
Mandarin 8%



Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Write a proposal for a new EL program to the governing board of West Oak Cove School by doing the following:

1.  Justify the need for an EL program based on relevant case law or federal legislation and the demographic information from the scenario.

2.  Describe the newly proposed EL program, supported by relevant case law or federal legislation and the demographic information from the scenario. Address each of the following in your description:

•   student eligibility

•   classroom instructional accommodations

•   program instructional services
3.  Explain the steps, supported by relevant case law or federal legislation, needed to implement the new EL program. Address each of the following in your explanation of the steps:

•   human resourcing needs

•   professional development

•   materials and resources

•   funding source
B.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized.
C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Understanding Section 504

Understanding Section 504

The graduate describes how Section 504 processes adhere to federal laws to enable students with impairments to receive appropriate accommodations and services to succeed academically in the least restrictive environment (LRE).



It is the principals’ responsibility to ensure that students’ legal rights under Section 504 are protected and all requirements set forth within are adhered to. Although oversight can be delegated, you, as the principal, will ultimately hold accountability. As such, you must demonstrate your competence in ensuring adherence to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In this task, you will act as a principal as you address parental concerns regarding Section 504 accommodations and oversee the development of a Section 504 plan.



Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Explain, as if you were talking to a parent, what Section 504 is, including the following:

•   the type of law that Section 504 is

•   the purpose of Section 504

•   the eligibility requirements for Section 504 in an educational setting

•   how Section 504 differs from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
B.  Explain how a Section 504 referral is submitted and how the screening or record would be reviewed, including the following:

•   how the school should respond to the referral

•   what documentation is required

•   what meeting(s) should take place

•   who should be involved

•   the responsibilities of those involved
C.  Evaluate the attached “Draft of Omar Thompson’s Section 504 Plan” by doing the following:

1.  Evaluate whether the Section 504 plan as written is appropriate and meets all of Omar’s needs.

2.  Evaluate whether the Section 504 plan as written adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

3.  Write a memorandum to the school’s Section 504 coordinator outlining any suggested revisions you may have for the draft of Omar’s Section 504 plan.
D.  Respond to the following questions from Omar’s parents about his Section 504 plan:

•   Will Omar’s Section 504 plan transfer from a K–12 school system to college?

•   What should parents do if they think that a school staff member is not implementing Omar’s Section 504 plan appropriately?

•   Will accommodations for state standardized testing be provided to Omar?
E.  Explain the process for a Section 504 plan review, including the following:

•   what documentation is required

•   what meeting(s) should take place

•   who should be involved

•   the responsibilities of those involved

1.  Describe how the process for a Section 504 plan review could impact Omar’s Section 504 plan over time.
F.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
G.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.