This quiz was locked Mar 31 at 11:59pm.

Attempt History

Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 26 minutes 100 out of 100
 Correct answers are hidden.
Score for this quiz: 100 out of 100
Submitted Mar 31 at 11:39pm
This attempt took 26 minutes.

Question 1

/ 5 pts

When legislatures at any level are considering legislation, they must conform to the constitution provisions that require a certain procedure.



Question 2

/ 5 pts

Constitutional provisions requiring certain procedures may not restrict the form of a bill.



Question 3

/ 5 pts

Money bills under the U.S. Constitution must originate in the ___________.

House of Representative


Financial Services Committee

Department of the Treasury

Question 4

/ 5 pts

___________________ allows courts to review any evidence of constitutional violation.

Extrinsic Evidence Rule

External Evidence Rule

Eccentric Evidence Rule

Extended Evidence Rule

Question 5

/ 5 pts

Jacksonian democrats had a significant distrust of the legislature.



Question 6

/ 5 pts

“The legislature of each state is faced by no power capable of resisting it.” These are the words of:

Alexis de Tocqueville

Abraham Lincoln

Thomas Jefferson

Professor G. Alan Tarr

Question 7

/ 5 pts

A proposed local ordinance violated the state constitution’s enactment clause provision, was decided in:

Mertz v. States 318 Ark. 390 (1994)

State v. Burrow, 11 Cates 376 (Tenn. 1907).

Joiner v. State, Supreme Court of Georgia 223 Ga. 367 (1967)

United States v. Munoz-Flores, 495 U.S. 385 (1990)

Question 8

/ 5 pts

Constitutional rules of procedure were designed for all of the following EXCEPT:

ensure authorization

promote accountability

enhance participation

facilitate deliberation

Question 9

/ 5 pts

Most state constitutions do not follow the federal model.



Question 10

/ 5 pts

“Constitutions are expressions of the sovereign will of the people, the fountain of all power and authority” declares:

Tennessee Supreme Court

United States Supreme Court

Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Chief Justin John Marshall

Question 11

/ 5 pts

_________________ limit a legislature’s ability to change a bill.

Original purpose provisions

Extended rule provisions

Ant-logrolling provisions

Amendment rule provisions

Question 12

/ 5 pts

Single subject requirements force legislators to vote on distinct measures based on the merits.



Question 13

/ 5 pts

Clear titles give notice to legislators and the public as to what provisions a bill contains.



Question 14

/ 5 pts

English and American common law cases held that an enrolled bill was conclusive evidence of valid enactment and no other evidence was admissible.



Question 15

/ 5 pts

The enrolled bill rule limits a court’s ability to inquire as to whether the legislature followed constitutional requirements when passing a piece of legislation.



Question 16

/ 5 pts

Congressional interpretation is not a recurring problem in constitutional law.



Question 17

/ 5 pts

The fear of countermajoritarianism has led many to insist on strict construction of the Constitution’s text.



Question 18

/ 5 pts

A living Constitution and a democratic government are generally thought to be two incompatible goals.



Question 19

/ 5 pts

The first time the U.S. Supreme Court applied the 2nd Amendment to an Act of Congress was in __________.





Question 20

/ 5 pts

The second time the U.S. Supreme Court applied the 2nd Amendment to an Act of Congress was in __________.





core for this quiz: 100 out of 100
Submitted Mar 28 at 10:15pm
This attempt took 25 minutes.

Question 1

/ 5 pts

The institutional Legislative Theory and Methodology (ILTAM) consists of __________ steps.





Question 2

/ 5 pts

In translating a proposed policy into effectively implemented law, the social and the monetary costs and benefits of all the following must be compared, EXCEPT:

the executive prerogative

the preferred solution

the status quo

the nearest alternative solution

Question 3

/ 5 pts

Law-making in today’s rapidly changing world may require an ongoing process of drafting, implementing, monitoring and redrafting.



Question 4

/ 5 pts

Only members of Congress may introduce legislation.



Question 5

/ 5 pts

Most bills fall under the jurisdiction of several committees.



Question 6

/ 5 pts

The procedure of sending a bill to a committee is called _________.





Question 7

/ 5 pts

Senate rules are _________ and _______________.

simple, informal

complex, formal

inflexible, informal

simple, formal

Question 8

/ 5 pts

House rules are _________________ and _____________.

complex, formal

simple, formal

complex, informal

simple, informal

Question 9

/ 5 pts

Under New Mexico’s Legislature, a committee can make any recommendation it sees fit concerning legislation.



Question 10

/ 5 pts

A filibuster is an extended speech given by a majority senator to prevent the passage of a bill.



Question 11

/ 5 pts

A filibuster can be ended with a ___________ in the Senate.

cloture vote

another filibuster

a pocket veto

an omnibus bill

Question 12

/ 5 pts

The ____________________ may consider a bill for amendment section by section or paragraph by paragraph in case of appropriations measures.

Committee of the Whole

Judiciary Committee


Rules Committee

Question 13

/ 5 pts

A panel of members representing each house of Congress that attempts to negotiate a version of a bill acceptable to both chambers is called a ___________________.

conference committee


means and ways

joint committee

Question 14

/ 5 pts

If the President does not return a bill presented for signing within _________ days, the bill becomes law.





Question 15

/ 5 pts

The Executive Office of the President (EOP) was created in ___________.





Question 16

/ 5 pts

The President of the United States’ veto power is found in _______________ of the Constitution.

Article I, Section 7

Article I, Section 5

Article II, Section 7

Article II, Section 2

Question 17

/ 5 pts

The first presidential veto was issued by ___________________.

George Washington

John Quincy Adams

William Jefferson Clinton

Abraham Lincoln

Question 18

/ 5 pts

The pocket veto is an absolute veto and cannot be overridden unlike the regular veto.



Question 19

/ 5 pts

Congress rarely overrides a veto.



Question 20

/ 5 pts

The first successful congressional override of a veto occurred in __________.





Quiz Score: 100 out of 100
Score for this quiz: 100 out of 100
Submitted Mar 27 at 11:02pm
This attempt took 30 minutes.

Question 1

2.5 / 2.5 pts

The workhorses of the legislative system are known as _______________.



joint committees

conference committees

Question 2

2.5 / 2.5 pts

The jurisdiction of Congress’ various committees is established by ____________.





Question 3

2.5 / 2.5 pts

These are usually formed for a short time period and specific purpose:

special committees

join committees

permanent committees

prestige committees

Question 4

2.5 / 2.5 pts

The Appropriations Committee draws its power from the Constitution_______________.

Article I, Section 9, Clause 7

Article I, Section 9, Clause 10

Article I, Section 8, Clause 7

Article I, Section 8, Clause 9

Question 5

2.5 / 2.5 pts

The Foreign Relations Committee was established in _________.





Question 6

2.5 / 2.5 pts

Ethical issues as they apply to legislative staff and lawyers are _______________

rarely examined

frequently examined

never examined

under the ABA rules

Question 7

/ 5 pts

A lawyer representing a client before a legislative body in a non-adjudicative proceeding is obligated to disclose that the appearance is in a ____________ capacity.


pro bono



Question 8

/ 5 pts

A lawyer’s personal duties of candor _____________ than most lawyers might assume.

go further

are narrower

are more restricted

are infinite

Question 9

/ 5 pts

In legislative drafting, ethical transgressions of subordinates can be charged to superiors under certain circumstances.



Question 10

/ 5 pts

There are important practical differences between working for the executive branch of government and working for the legislature.



Question 11

/ 5 pts

Rules of Professional Conduct does not restrict lawyers’ ability to reveal or use a client’s confidence or secret.



Question 12

/ 5 pts

Legislative attorneys are not practicing law!



Question 13

/ 5 pts

The public is never a client or potential client of legislative attorneys – they work with members of the Congress only.



Question 14

/ 5 pts

Providing services without regard to political affiliation is a defining characteristic of legislative attorneys.



Question 15

/ 5 pts

A congressional attorney serves as an adviser to a Senator or a congressional committee or both.



Question 16

/ 5 pts

Congress’ function is more of a lawmaking rather than a law-enforcing body.



Question 17

/ 5 pts

The two basic functions of Congress are ___________ and ____________.

legislation, representation

lawmaking, law enforcement

legislation, law enforcement

authorization, appropriation

Question 18

/ 5 pts

The Supreme Court has the power to invalidate legislation supported by Senators.



Question 19

/ 5 pts

A legislative attorney should not ignore precedent or fail to advise legislators on current state of the law, and potential unconstitutionality of a bill.



Question 20

/ 5 pts

The congressional lawyer’s role does not act as a check on the power of Congress.



Question 21

/ 5 pts

Congress may conduct investigations into any subject, so long as it serves a valid legislative purpose.



Question 22

/ 5 pts

There is no formal check on Congress’ constitutional power to conduct investigations and to subpoena witnesses to appear and produce evidence.



Question 23

/ 5 pts

On page 105 in Chapter 3 of American Legislative Practice, Professor Sean Kealy mentions the word “comity.” What part of the U.S. Constitution gives effect to comity?

Article IV, Clause 2

Article III, Clause 2

Article I, Clause 2

Article VII, Clause 2

34 minutes.

Question 1

/ 5 pts

The activities and effects of a legislative body are not simply the products of individual member behavior.



IncorrectQuestion 2

Original Score: 5 / 5 pts Regraded Score: 5 / 5 pts
 This question has been regraded.


Chamber size does not affect the procedural aspects of the legislature.



Question 3

/ 5 pts

Nearly every legislature is divided into two chambers.



Question 4

/ 5 pts

Which of the following DOES NOT impact legislative decision-making process?

Inter-session committee stability

The number of committees

The educational background of legislators

The delineation of committee jurisdictions

Question 5

/ 5 pts

Legislative reform was sweeping the United States during the latter part of the ___________.

Twenty-First Century

Eighteenth Century

Nineteenth Century

Twentieth Century

Question 6

/ 5 pts

“The Young Turks” were a group of legislators in the state of _____________.


New York



Question 7

/ 5 pts

“A commonwealth is but a civil society of men” was the saying of ______________.

James Madison

John Adams

Alexander Hamilton

James Harrington

Question 8

/ 5 pts

The point of the Senate for James Madison was __________________.

To bring order to the New Republic.

To slow down the legislative process.

To restrain executive power in legislation.

To speed up the legislative process.

Question 9

/ 5 pts

_______________ has “the sole power to try impeachments.”

The Senate

The Congress

The Supreme Court

The House of Representatives

Question 10

/ 5 pts

According to the National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL), which of the following state as of 2017 has a “part-time” legislature?


New York



Question 11

/ 5 pts

Larger more urban states tend to have part-time legislatures.



Question 12

/ 5 pts

Smaller more rural states tend to have full-time legislatures.



Question 13

/ 5 pts

States with larger populations tend to prefer full-time legislatures.



Question 14

/ 5 pts

The manifest function of the First Amendment in a representative government requires that legislators be given the widest latitude to express their views on the issues of policy.



Question 15

/ 5 pts

Gerrymandering originated in the State of ___________________.

New York



New Jersey

Question 16

/ 5 pts

Gerrymandering was used against racial minorities in the southern states during the “Jim Crow Era” from 1870 to 1965.



Question 17

/ 5 pts

In Rucho vs. Common Cause, 139 S.Ct. 2484 (2019), the Supreme Court held that courts are powerless to hear challenges to bipartisan gerrymandering.



Question 18

/ 5 pts

The most racially and ethnically diverse Congress since 1789 has been the ___________.

116th Congress

117th Congress

112th Congress

115th Congress

Question 19

/ 5 pts

The President of the Senate is _____________.

the Senate Majority Leader

the Speaker of The House

the President Pro Tempore

the Vice President of the United States

Question 20

/ 5 pts

Which of the following is NOT a type of committee in the Congress?

Standing Committee

Joint Committee

Select Committee

Governing Committee

Quiz Score

What do you feel is the most important issue the Florida Legislature should address during the 2023 session?

During the 2023 session, there are many issues that the Florida Legislature must address in order to successfully comply with the needs of the state. For instance, one of the main issues that has been argued for and against is to carry guns within the state without a permit, also known as Permit-less carry. For various years now, this topic has been of great contradiction and argument as many citizens of the state of Florida have supported the Second Amendment which have petitioned for the state to be more lenient when it comes to the restrictions of carrying guns. Republican leaders within the state, like Ron DeSantis mentioned that in the near future, citizens would be allowed to carry guns without a permit. However, some feel like they have been lied to because leaders have not kept their “promises”. Within this situation of being allowed to carry guns without a permit, a conflict has aroused with gun violence prevention advocates because they believe that the state government should not allow its citizens to have this liberty, disregarding the Second Amendment. Hence, they believe that by Florida leaders supporting this, this situation could lead to more gun violence

Is the CERP enough to restore the everglades?

The CERP is a strategy that was proposed and enacted in 2000 in order to restore the Everglades, Biscayne National Park, Lake Okeechobee, the Florida Bay, and Caloosahatchee River. The main reason behind this implementation is to restore natural flows of water and the water quality found within. By this project being put in place, it would allow and benefit over 2.4 million acres of land and water in South Florida’s Ecosystem. It was said that this project would take approximately 30 years to complete, but this would ultimately, in the long run, benefit the Everglades as it would construct reservoirs, fill canals, avoid flooding, and restore water flows all throughout.To begin with, some believe that this project would ultimately benefit South Florida’s Ecosystem. For instance, it could be said that the CERP has accomplished several positive results, but there is still a lot of work that has to be done in order for it to be successfully completed. However, some analysts believe that the CERP is only focusing on the restorationportion of the Everglades and its surroundings, but it does not take accountability for the climate change that is occurring which is still a challenge for many. Hence, some believe that the CERP needs to take into account climate change in order to achieve a good level of water flow and weather tolerance. This is because climate change can ultimately affect the amount of water in wetlands, reservoirs, and canals.

Do you support or oppose the expansion of School Choice in Florida? The expansion of the use of vouchers for private school and charter schools?

House Bill (HB) 1 was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis last month in order to expand available school choice options in Florida for all students by eliminating financial eligibility restrictions and the current enrollment cap. Personally, I support the expansion of School Choice in Florida because it allows for students and parents to have the capability to choose which school suits them best based on their needs. By parents being able to choose which school their children attend, it enhances the student’s performance and elevates student achievement.To begin with, the main reason why I support the expansion of School Choice in Florida is because I come from a low income family and I know the struggles that a child must go through in order to become a successful student. For instance, when I was in elementary school, I attended a low income school close to where my mother worked, where the majority of students came from homes that were in great need and assistance. However, my parents noticed that I was not going to have a good future if I continued in that school, and for that reason I was moved to a better school that offered higher education. Hence, what I am trying to argue is that a student’s address or level of income should not determine where a parent decides what academic experience their child needs. This allows for every student and parent to have the ability to select a school and academic experience that best suits their needs. Additionally, I also support the use of vouchers for private school and charter schools because everyone in the state of Florida should have the ability to have access to good education, in this case it could be considered higher education to become successful individuals in the future.

Should Florida’s high growth economic model be replaced by a more sustainable policy?

Florida’s high growth economic model consists of people moving to the state and tourism. The way in which this model began was cheap land throughout the state of Florida. Thiswas the main attraction for developers as they could purchase many acres of land at an affordable price and build homes and new towns throughout the state. Then, the planned community came in, which includes Miracle Mile and the Biltmore Hotel. For instance, back in the day, Coral Gables was individually and progressively built throughout the years and then it became a town.This is because developers many years ago took advantage of the cheap land. Due to this rapid growth and how properties began to get expensive in Miami-Dade, citizens of the state of Florida began to move towards South Broward because developers began constructing properties that were more affordable. Hence, this is why it is normal to see people work up North but work down South. Additionally, Florida’s economy depends on growth, but there are exceptions and this includes the environment and the quality of life.When it comes to analyzing if Florida’s high growth economic model should be replaced by a more sustainable policy, we can agree that there are ways to accomplish this. For instance,exponential economic growth can benefit the environment and not harm it by constantly depending on natural resources.

Discuss Hispanic voters in Florida. In what ways do Hispanic voters in Florida differ from Hispanic voters in other states? What impact does these differences have on Florida politics?

In Florida, Hispanics make up about 25% of the population. Within that 25%, statistics demonstrate that approximately 14%-17% are eligible to vote during elections. This is mainly
seen in South Florida as the Hispanic population is mostly concentrated in Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Hillsborough County, Orange County, and Osceola County. Hence, this explains why the role of Hispanics in Florida is prominent and it goes further than the numbers shown by statistics. In Florida, Hispanic’s vote is seen as swing vote, meaning that there is a two-arty system put in place and there are two dominant political parties where an individual can choose to vote for.
When comparing Hispanic voters in Florida from Hispanic voters in other states, one can say that a great part of the Hispanic population in Florida is mainly Republican. Similarly, Texas and Arizona are also states that mostly identify with the Republican party because individuals are Cuban Americans that are anti-Castro and do not believe in communist ideals. Also, within these three states, a great part of the Hispanic population is made up of conservative individuals from Colombia, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. On the other hand, in other states like California and New York, the majority of the state’s Hispanic population tend to be affiliated with the democratic party. This is because Hispanics believe that the Democrat party takes more into consideration their hard work and efforts in the United States economy, and they feel rewarded as the government provides them with assistance programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, housing, etc

Florida has three distinct heritages. Explain how each have influenced the development of Florida politics.

Within Florida, there are three types of heritages which include Spanish Heritage, Frontier Heritage, and Southern Heritage. Based on studies performed about Florida it could be seen why Spanish Heritage plays such a prominent role in Florida’s politics as a great percentage of the state’s population consists of Hispanic citizens. The majority of these citizens reside in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Monroe counties. By there being a high percentage of Hispanics within Florida, this has allowed for the state to be diversified and it has enriched the political discourse. Hence, this makes the Hispanic vote in Florida powerful as it plays a great role during elections.
Additionally, when it comes to Frontier Heritage, it could be seen how the Everglades, the Turnpike, Seminole Reservations, System of Forts, and Seminole Wars, played a prominent role as they were barriers that protected Florida. In terms of politics, forts that are now named as Fort Myers, Fort Pierce and many more continue to have a legacy as they were once used to protect the white population, and this can be seen in the war of attrition. Also, as a result of this, Seminole rights were put in place to protect their tribe.
Lastly, in reference to Southern Heritage, could be seen within Florida as its population mostly speaks Spanish. This is because the majority of the population is Hispanic, but if you drive more up north, towards Stewart, a great difference can be seen as people begin to speak differently; with a different accent that can only be heard in Southwest Florida