Discussion 4.1: Public Health Planning and Vulnerable Populations

Discussion Guidelines

Initial Post

  • Locate an article in the media at the local, national, or global level; for example, a newspaper, T.V. news clip, or Web-based report, concerning the health needs (communicable or non-communicable disease) of a vulnerable population.
  • Utilize the How to Spot Fake News (Links to an external site.) resource to determine the credibility of your source.
  • Post a link to the media piece in your post and provide a brief summary.
  • Discuss the following questions:
    • The characteristics (age, sex, race, ethnicity, geographical location, etc.) of the vulnerable population including prevalence.
    • The impact of the vulnerability on health
    • In a primary health care role, briefly describe a prevention intervention (primary, secondary, or tertiary) to address the health issue for the vulnerable group.
      • Depending on your article, how would you plan your prevention intervention differently if the health need were in a rural community (or urban community)?

    Response Post(s)

    Respond to at least two classmates.

NUR 703: Health Promotion for Populations Mini-Grant Project (PARTS 1-4 HELP)

The following is an outline for each required section of your Mini-Grant Project. Although there is variation among proposal formats, these are the sections that are commonly found in federal grant applications. Many agencies have specific requirements for length of proposals, either page number or word count limits. For this Mini-Grant Project, the page limitations are noted with each section. It is very important for your writing to be clear, succinct, and comprehensive.

Part One: Due Week 3

  1. Needs Assessment (2-3 pages)
    1. Introduction: A general overview of the main idea of the project and its importance. Be sure to include the target population and approximately how many people will be served.
    2. Problem statement: Concise and clearly articulates the depth of the problem and why it is a concern
    3. Purpose statement: Limit to one or two key areas as to what the project will involve and what it will accomplish
    4. Program goals and objectives
      1. Goals are clear and concise statements as to what will be accomplished
      2. Objectives are specific outcomes of the program that can be evaluated
  2. Review of Literature: (2-3 pages). 5 articles (minimum of 2 websites) published with the last five years drawing upon research, local and national data, or government statistics to summarize:
    1. Epidemiologic facts and statistics related to:
      1. Person, Place, and Time
    2. Significance of the disease or condition and its impact on the health of the vulnerable population

Epidemiologic framework (epidemiological triangle, web of causation, ecological model) depicting specific risk factors of disease or condition (2-3 pages). Special consideration will be given to applicants that provide a graphic illustration.

Part Two: Due Week 5

  1. Healthy People 2030 Goals and Objectives: clear tie to at least one goal and objective (1-2 pages)
  2. Methodology: (3-4 pages)
      1. Describe the Level of Prevention (Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary)
      2. Describe the activities to achieve the listed program objectives
      3. Provide a detailed, step-by-step of how the project will be implemented. Include any key stakeholders or community partners that will help make the program a success.

Part Three: Due Week 7

  1. Includes Parts 1, 2, and 3
  2. Level of funding requested Budget worksheet. Provide details of what the amount requested will be used for and if the amount requested does not cover the total project expenses, please list other funding sources. (1-2 pages).
  3. Method of evaluation: An evaluation plan that makes explicit how the impact of the project on the participants will be tested. The evaluation should be tied directly to your objectives. (1-2 pages)
  4. Sustainability plan: A plan for continuing the program after the funding period (1-2 pages)
  5. Conclusion (final persuasive argument; one paragraph)

Part Four: Due Week 8

  1. Create a professional presentation.
    1. Generate a powerpoint as a visual tool following the provided best-practices.
    2. The presentation should be 8-10 minutes in length; maximum of 12 slides, excluding title and references, slide.
  2. Post your presentation on Bongo by Week 8, Day 1. Include the following content:
    1. Title slide
    2. Needs Assessment
    3. Significant epidemiological facts
    4. HP 2030 Goals and Objectives
    5. Methodology
    6. Evaluation Plan
    7. Conclusion
    8. Reference list (cite where applicable)

Assignment 2.1: Community Assessment

You have accepted a new role as a public health nurse in your county health department. You want to become more familiar and knowledgeable about the most current county mortality statistics and how they compare to state and national statistics. Using secondary sources of data, complete the Community Assessment Form (Word) (Links to an external site.).

There is no rubric for this assignment. Points will be added based on the completeness of your answers.

NUR 703: Health Promotion for Populations

Assignment 2.1: Community Assessment

You have accepted a new role as a public health nurse in your county health department.  You want to become more familiar and knowledgeable about the most current county mortality statistics and how they compare to state and national statistics.  Using secondary sources of data, complete the form below:

  Data Source  Citation (APA format)
Leading Causes (2) of Death in the U.S. 1.


Leading Causes (2) of Death in your state State:____________



Leading Causes (2) of Death in your county County:__________



Life Expectancy for White Adult Males in the U.S.      
Life Expectancy for Black Adult Males in the U.S.      
Life Expectancy for White Adult Females in the U.S.      
Life Expectancy for Black Adult Females in the U.S.      
  1. Describe the most significant health behaviors, socioeconomic and physical environment factors that negatively impact the health of your county and state population.
  2. 2.  Make one recommendation related to a health priority for your county based on the Healthy People 2030 objectives.

Discussion 2.1: Health Program Planning

Discussion Guidelines

Initial Post

  • Access the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Podcasts: A Cup of Health with CDC (Links to an external site.).
  • Listen to a podcast of your choice from the “A Cup of Health with CDC”.
  • Answer the following questions based on developing, implementing, and evaluating a program aimed at improving the health of the targeted population from the podcast.
    • Provide the title and a brief overview of the podcast.
    • Which program planning model would you choose to guide this health planning project and why?
    • What other data might you want to collect before starting?
    • Based on the data, choose one of the risk factors and discuss a possible intervention.
    • How would you evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention/program?

Response Post(s)

Respond to at least two classmates.

Assignment 1.2: Grant Topic

Read the Mini-Grant Project Assignment (Links to an external site.) and identify the chronic or communicable disease or condition and vulnerable population you would like to utilize for this mini-grant project. What level of prevention (primary, secondary, or tertiary) will be your focus for the grant? Provide a rationale for your decision. Brainstorm some ideas for how you would like to cultivate health promotion, health protection, and risk reduction in your interventions.

Annotated Resource Guide

Write an annotated bibliography in APA format for two reputable public health resources. Choose an international, national, or local public health related journal or website that would be useful for the advanced practice nurse in determining current healthcare needs of vulnerable populations. For each annotation, emphasize key terms commonly used within the context of public health. Write your name after each entry.


Example APA Bibliographic Annotation

Review the Sample APA Annotation (Links to an external site.) located on the Purdue Owl website.

Note: Please be sure to review the APA Annotation. We will not use the MLA Annotation or Chicago Manual of Style Annotations in this course.

Smith, G., & Ebrahim, S. (Eds.) International Journal of Epidemiology (2013) (Links to an external site.). Oxford University Press, Bristol, UK.

The International Journal of Epidemiology (Int. J. Epidemiol.) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes current advances and new developments in epidemiology worldwide, facilitates communication among disciplines engaged in research, instruction, and application of communicable and non-communicable epidemiology, and examines new methods of epidemiological and statistical data analysis. The intended audience is for epidemiologists and clinicians in the medical and public health disciplines that use epidemiological data and resources. Oxford University Press, on behalf of The International Epidemiological Association, publishes the Int. J. Epidemiol six times a year. Int. J. Epidemiol is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and includes an annual journal impact factor of 6.982 in 2012, ranking it 3 out of 158 Journals in the field. Karin Smith.

Which of the following is a strategic purpose fulfilled by discretionary benefits?

Question 51 (1 point)
Which of the following is a strategic purpose fulfilled by discretionary benefits?
Question 51 options:

Accommodating a diverse workforce

Encouraging employee entitlements

Keeping a fixed workforce

Becoming similar to competing firms

Question 52 (1 point)
This term refers to the percentage of the health bill the insured employee is required to pay.
Question 52 options:





Question 53 (1 point)
The SEC’s Summary Compensation Table contains data covering how many years?
Question 53 options:





Question 54 (1 point)
This type of executive bonus is based on a bonus pool that is determined by a fixed-formula that is not determined by the executive’s performance.
Question 54 options:

Predetermined allocation



Target plan

Question 55 (1 point)
The IRS considers Sylvia to be a highly compensated employee for Beautiful Pictures, Inc., which means she has at least one of which of the following qualifications in the preceding year?
Question 55 options:

1% owner in the top paid employee group

5% owner in the top paid employee group

Made over $75,000

Made over $50,000

Question 56 (1 point)
Under the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), banks with financial assistance from the federal government can only deduct how much annually for an executive’s pay as a business expense?
Question 56 options:





Question 57 (1 point)
The SEC requires compensation information on the CEO and how many of the highest paid executives?
Question 57 options:





Question 58 (1 point)
These entitle an executive to purchase company stock in the future for a predetermined price.
Question 58 options:

Phantom stock options

Incentive stock options

Restricted stock options

Nonstatutory stock options

Question 59 (1 point)
As the vice-president, Sheila will receive short-term incentive compensation awards based on which two conditions?
Question 59 options:

Her rank and compensation level

Her department and rank

Her age and compensation level

Her age and department

Question 60 (1 point)
This is the difference between the stock price at the time of purchase and the lower stock price at the time an executive receives the stock option.
Question 60 options:

Discounted value

Capital gains

Disposition value

Fair market value
Question 61 (45 points)
What are hardship allowances? What are their features? How does the U.S. Department of State determine the value of these allowances? Your response should be 200-250 words in length.
Question 61 options:

Question 62 (45 points)
Discuss the six forms of deferred (stock) compensation. Your response should be 200-250 words in length.

Week 5 Assignment – Economic Principles – Microeconomics


In this assignment, you will develop a paper in which you select an industry that interests you, describe that industry, and explain how government might impact the industry.
A paper template is provided below for this assignment.


Review your chapter readings and use the resources provided to develop a 2–3 page paper on Economic Principles – Microeconomics in which you:
  1. Choose an industry that interests you. (Remember, an industry is not a company. An industry is a group of companies doing the same thing. Ford is a company. Automobile manufacturing is an industry.)
  2. Do research on your industry. In a few short paragraphs, describe your selected industry:
    • Be sure to write in your own words.
    • Identify some of the major companies in this industry.
    • Identify the goods, and/or services this industry produces.
    • Add anything else about the industry that you think is interesting.
    • Keep track of your sources by copying their Internet addresses (URLs). You can paste these URLs at the end of your paper as your references.
  3. Describe a microeconomic variable for your industry. Microeconomic variables include prices, sales, production, advertising, investment, and so on.
  4. Include a graph, chart, or table showing this microeconomic variable over time.
    • You do not need to create this graph, chart, or table. Find one that has already been created and paste it into your paper. For example, if your industry is U.S. automobile manufacturing, Google, “U.S. automobile manufacturing over time.” Select the “images” option. Choose one of the graphs, charts, or tables. Then copy and paste it into your paper.
    • Include a reference to the source of the graph, chart, or table. Microeconomic relationships and market outcomes are covered in Weeks 2–4.
  5. Describe one way the government might impact this industry. Examples might include price controls, regulations, taxes, or any other way you can think of.
    • Government intervention through price controls, regulations, taxes, and antitrust enforcement were covered in Weeks 2 and 4.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Resources to Complete the Assignment
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
  • Explain economic principles and their applications in the real world.

Week 3 Assignment – Microeconomics Case Study


In this exercise, you will demonstrate your ability to find microeconomic data from public sources and to make a spreadsheet in Excel.
Microeconomic data are numbers about a single industry. Automobile sales numbers are microeconomic data. Unemployment numbers for the entire country are not microeconomic data.
  1. Start by choosing an industry that interests you.
    • Remember that an industry is a group of companies that do the same thing. For example, Ford is a company; automobile manufacturing is an industry.
  2. Choose a microeconomic variable for your industry.
    • It could be prices, sales, production, advertising, or investment.
  3. Using the library’s Statista resource, find three years of this microeconomic variable for your industry. For example, you might find automobile sales data for 2017, 2018, and 2019.
    • Go to Statista.
    • Log in using your Strayer credentials.
    • Type your industry name in the “Statista Search” space and click Statista Search.
    • Choose one of the options that has three years of annual data.
  4. Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that has two columns and four rows. In cell A1, type in the industry you selected and bold the text. In the heading for cell A2, type “Year.” In cells A3, A4, and A5 descending below this heading, type the years for your data. In the automobile example, this would be 2017, 2018, and 2019.
  5. In the heading for column two, cell B2, type the name of the variable you chose. For example, it could be “Sales.” In the cells below this heading, type the sales data for each of the three years.
  6. Underneath your table, type “Source:” and then paste the URL of the source where you found your data.
  7. See the Excel example below.
Resources to Complete the Assignment

One advantage to utilizing a realistic job preview is that job applicants will self-select into and out of the organization.

Question 1 1 / 1 point

One advantage to utilizing a realistic job preview is that job applicants will self-select into and out of the organization.

Question 2 1 / 1 point

In most modern organizations, jobs are well established and change little over time.

Question 3 1 / 1 point

Perfect reliability is impossible to achieve because of the presence of measurement error.

Question 4 1 / 1 point

When developing employment measures, it is a good idea to give raters some leeway to interpret the meaning of scores as fits the specific situation.

Question 5 0 / 2 points

What are two of the major strategies for recruiting discussed in this course?

Branded and hypothetical
Internal and cross-territory
Realistic and targeted
Open and fundamental
Question 6 2 / 2 points

Which method of recruiting is most effective at reducing turnover?

Question 7 2 / 2 points

Which of the following is true of realistic job previews in internal recruiting?

Research suggests they can increase turnover.
They cannot be used effectively for internal selection.
They are even more important than for external recruiting.
They are most necessary for newly created jobs or jobs in new locations.
Question 8 2 / 2 points

Which method of recruiting is designed to be used when an organization is seeking a specific set of KSAOs?

Question 9 0 / 4 points

List and explain 2 disadvantages to using an Internet-only recruiting strategy.

Question 10


Question 10 0 / 4 points

Your boss asks you to explain how criterion-related validity would be used to evaluate an employment test for the job of box office supervisor. Provide a brief explanation to help her understand.