Read & Respond – Read Mixing Languages and Dialect 

Read & Respond

Read Mixing Languages and Dialect 

Complete the following questions in number order. You may use any font color or style, only size 12.

  1. Explain the following in three-four sentences: What is the difference between code-switching and code-meshing?
  2. In one paragraph, respond to the (1st) Reflect activity.
  3. Summarize and give one example of Edited Academic English. (At least four-five sentences)
  4. Who is Sandra Cisneros and how does she use language and dialect, in her stories?
  5. Why should a writer provide translations?
  6. Is it possible for professional groups to have a different vocabulary? Explain.
  7. Why is it important to quote people directly and respectfully?


  • The purpose of this assignment is to provide an authentic peer review.  In this discussion box, you will submit a four-paragraph essay, based on the readings in this module.  (Question prompts will be provided to guide your writing.  Although the questions are in number order, combine your responses into paragraphs).
  • (Type your essay in MLA format on a Word or Google doc, then upload)
  • Students will also respond to their classmates’ submissions and provide feedback. (In this discussion box)

Items to Look For While Reviewing

While reviewing your classmates’ writing pieces, think about the peer review readings and videos in this module.

  • How will you provide an authentic peer review?
  • Did you put yourself in the writer’s shoes, while reading their essay?
  • Did the essay display clarity and proper tone? Was the essay engaging, boring, or interesting?
  • If the purpose of the writing was to inform the reader, was it evident in the essay?
  • Was the essay written in the correct format? (MLA)

Criteria for Responding to Peers (Minimum three paragraphs)

  • In this discussion box, you will complete the peer review.
  • Discuss if the thesis and concluding paragraph connect.
  • Is there a topic sentence with supporting details?
  • Is the writing piece in MLA format?
  • Are there any misspellings or incomplete sentences?
  • What is the author’s tone?
  • Was the essay unclear, confusing, boring, and engaging to the eyes and ears?
  • What recommended changes do you suggest? Must be one paragraph and it counts toward the three-paragraph


  1. Based on the readings in this module, how would you define vernacular and dialect?
  2. Which of the three stories did you reread more than once for clarity? 
  3. Was there one reading you disliked the most? Explain.
  4. Why do you think the authors utilized vernacular and dialect language in their stories? Explain and provide examples/text evidence. 


  • A total of 50 POINTS include: 30 points for TWO completed peer reviews and 20 points for submitting your essay

Focus on the Sound

The three stories below focus on vernacular and dialect.  Your goal is to read all three stories in order to get a sense of language.  Think about how the author uses dialect to gain the audience’s attention. Keep in mind that these stories may also “touch a nerve”, however, isn’t that what literature is supposed to do?

  1. Junot Diaz- How to Date a Brown Girl (Black Girl, White Girl, or Halfie)

Text Version

Junot Diaz- How to Date a Brown Girl (Black Girl, White Girl or Halfie) (Links to an external site.)

Audio Version


2. Fiction Excerpt 1: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Links to an external site.)

3. Excerpt from Their Eyes Were Watching God

Short Film Journal

Preparing for the Journal

  1. Watch the short narrative films for this journal response
  2. As you watch each short narrative film, jot down your responses to these questions
    • Did you like or dislike the film?  Why?
    • Does it remind you of any of your own experiences?  Which ones?
    • Did it influence your thoughts and/or feelings? How?
    • What do you think the film is really trying to say about life, people, and/or society? What small clues in the film led you to these ideas?
    • Overall, how did the film make you feel?

Completing the Journal

  1. Choose at least three questions from above. Write at least a 1-2 sentence response to each of the short narrative films. Use the questions above to help you develop your writing.  
  2. Then, choose just 1 of the short narrative films and write a response to it that is at least 1 developed paragraph (5-7 sentences) in length.

Expectations for the Journal

  1. In this journal, you will not be graded on grammar, punctuation, format, or structure.  Its purpose is to help you to think about the films in a low-stress format.
  2. You will receive full credit as long as you make an honest attempt to answer the prompts and meet the stated length requirement.
  3. If there is anything else you want to write in addition to the given questions, feel free to do so!


Submitting the Journal

Writing journals may be submitted as

  • text box entries
  • attached Word files

Use the method which is most comfortable for you.  The only method not allowed is a video or audio recording:  As this is a writing journal, written responses must be submitted.

Please note that students in online courses who do not submit a Canvas assignment in the first two weeks will be withdrawn as No-Shows.  Students will still have to pay for the course.  Make sure to submit your assignments!


Often, you don’t really process your feelings about work until you write down your thoughts about it.  Journaling is stress-free, as you will earn full credit as long as you reply thoughtfully to the films and meet the length requirement.  You can choose whatever written method (Word file, text box, etc.) you choose:  The process is what’s important.  Through your journals, you’ll have a chance to think deeply but write freely about what you’re seeing in the works, and that will help you with assignments that require greater levels of analysis, like the papers.

For this assignment, you will watch four short narrative films. Each film is between 3-10 minutes long.  You must watch the films in their entirety in order to complete the film journal on the next page.

Literary Elements and Devices (A Good Man is Hard To Find)

Read, Analyze, Discuss


  • Read: A Good Man is Hard To Find by Flannery O’ Connor
  • Think about the literary elements and devices, used in this story.
  • While reading, think about how the characters felt and utilize your senses. (smell, taste, hear, feel, see)
  • Answer the questions below in two separate paragraphs and use textual evidence.
  • Read two or more of your peers’ responses. While reading your peer’s response, try to understand their point of view.
  • Reply to two of your peers by politely agreeing or disagreeing. Respond in one-two paragraphs, using textual evidence.


  1. Name one element that you think is very influential in the succession of this story. How does it affect the reader? Include examples.
  2. If you were a character in this story what role and type of character will you choose and why? Include examples and be creative.

My Four Favorite Songs, Analyzed

Literary Devices in SongsLinks to an external site.

In order to have a better understanding of literary elements and devices, we need to include music and songs. From rap to country music, there are many forms of literary devices that we probably never paid attention to. For this discussion activity, you will choose one of your favorite songs and discuss their elements or devices.

But here is the fun part! 

Think about your favorite song and either upload the video or the song itself. Clean versions only, please!

After you submit your song, you will read and listen to your peers’ choices. Choose two and then discuss your thoughts about their song(s).

Don’t forget to cite your work! Use your MLA resource module to assist you with citing music or videos.


  1. Pick one of your favorite songs
  2. Include the following information
  3. Name of song and the singer/rapper
  4. Why did you choose this song? (Because I like it is not an acceptable answer)
  5. Identify the literary theme or device used for the song?
  6. Upload the video or the song itself, to share with the class


My example:

Speed Me Up by Wiz Khalifa, Ty Dolla $ign, Yachty, and Sueco the Child.

I chose this song because it has a catchy fast beat with a strong baseline. Plus, it was a great ending credit song choice for the movie.

Even though it was created for the Sonic the Hedgehog soundtrack, the lyrics still discuss some form of struggle.

The literary element that I chose was; Man vs Society. (Conflict) The lyrics discussed how fast each rapper reached their achievements and enjoyed the positive accolades. However, what remains interesting is they are still viewed negatively by society.

What is Literature?

Understanding Literature

In this class, we will be engaging with the following senses:

  • Reading
  • Watching
  • Listening
  • In order to help us with;
    • analyzing
    • critical thinking
    • research skills
  • While we enjoy
    • literature, poetry, speeches, and personal essays

Reading and Writing Assignment

For this short writing assignment, students will read the article What Literature Can Teach Us by Esther Lombardi (Links to an external site.).

After reading the article, write a three-four paragraph essay that entails your understanding of what literature is. Include how literature is beneficial to school skills and emotions. Use textual evidence from the article, to support your viewpoint.

Instructions for Submission

  • Three-Four paragraphs
  • Textual evidence to support a viewpoint
  • MLA Format and Work Cited page (utilize the MLA resource module)

John Brown and his raid on Harper’s Ferry

After reviewing the sources on John Brown and his raid on Harper’s Ferry please discuss if you think John Brown is a hero or a terrorist. Does his cause determine the answer to this? Think about earlier in the semester when you discussed whether or not the Sons of Liberty were terrorists and the criteria that you used to make that decision. When applying that same criteria to John Brown, does your label for him change?
To receive full credit for this assignment your post must:
Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately
In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you

After reviewing the sources on the Lost Cause, please discuss the following

After reviewing the sources on the Lost Cause, please discuss the following: How have you previously been taught about the Civil War? How do you think our country today remembers it? What impact do you think the Lost Cause has had on how America, and the South in particular, has remembered the Civil War? Was Reconstruction a success or a failure? Confederate monuments have recently made many headlines with some calling for their removal. What should be done with the Confederate monuments? Should they be removed or remain where they are? Why? Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately.

Interpreting the Past: Personal Histories of the Civil War

One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then creating an analysis of this research. After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the Civil War using the primary documents provided.
From the documents provided, create an interpretation of the war. What can be learned from these primary sources about the larger experience of the Civil War? What did the soldiers have in common? What experiences, motivations, troubles, or successes were present in several of the letters?
This assignment should be at least 250 words and contain your reactions or questions about some specific issue within the historical narrative which you find compelling. For full credit, your paper must not simply sum up the reading or repeat points made there. Rather, I’m looking for you to create your own interpretation, explain the emotional content of the piece, or discuss some original insight. Include citations as needed.