Final Exam Prompt – How did the question of slavery emerge as a national issue

1. How did the question of slavery emerge as a national issue? What compromises were brokered to deal with this issue? What drove it to continue to be debated by the federal government? Why did slavery re-emerge as a national political issue in the late 1840s? What reasons did opponents of slavery give for wanting to eliminate the institution, and what arguments did those who practiced slavery use to defend it? Could there have been a better “answer” to the problem of slavery than a bloody Civil War?
You need to write a single-spaced response of at around 700 words, using information from the entire semester to fully examine the prompt.

Week 5: Middle Range Theories: Community, Technology, and Meaning

In this lesson, we will explore the commonalities associated with the community nursing practice model and the theory of meaning (logotheory). As the advanced practice nurse incorporates core tenets from these theorists, the quality of nursing care will be enhanced.

The technological competency as caring theory (TCCT) fosters the premise of a harmonious blending between technology and caring. As the nurses come to know the individual as a person and not an object, technology will facilitate how they may not only understand each person’s uniqueness, but also provide dynamically individualized care.

Discussion Guidelines:

Discussion 5.1: Community Meaning and Technological Competency

Initial Post

Address the following issues and questions in your initial post:

  • Consider the following graphic and how the nursing encounter is made of designing, technological knowledge, and participative engaging with the patient/client/person.
    Knowing Persons as Caring process places patient/client/person at the center of every encounter.

    Adapted from Smith, M. C. (2020). Figure 26-1. The process of knowing persons as caring, and the nursing encounter nursing theories and nursing practice. In Nursing theories and nursing practice (5th ed., p. 443). F.A. Davis.

  • What role has technological competency played in your nursing care? Share a specific example, incorporating the language of Locsin’s Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing Theory.
  • Different types of traumatic events may lead to various types of reactions and patterns of community healing. Logotheory was developed by Viktor Frankl, who asserted that life has meaning under any condition, even the worst conceivable one. Reflect upon some traumatic community events: Hurricane Harvey in Texas (2017), Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico (2017), the Las Vegas shooting (2017), the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, CT (2012), the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) or perhaps a traumatic event in your own community. How would you utilize the three core principles of logotheory to help individuals in a community cope with post-disaster symptoms (sadness, terror and rage, grief)? Describe how the four themes (nursing, person, community, environment) of the community nursing practice model can help guide the care of victims after traumatic community events.

This discussion will be graded using the Discussion Initial Post and Replies Rubric found in your syllabus.

Application of Nursing Theory to Clinical Practice Paper

The community nursing practice model presents the nurse with a strategy for delivering nursing care that is complex, diverse, and interprofessional. Embedded in the action of the nurse is the notion of meaning. According to logotheory, the search for meaning in life and life events will be evidenced in the actions of both the nurse and the client.

Through the ever-evolving discipline of nursing, the role of technology and the importance of technological competency are increasing and diversifying. In the discipline of our field, we strive to blend the art of nursing with technology.

Week 4: Clinical Practice and Middle Range Theories

Discussion Guidelines

Review the graphics and respond to the questions that follow.

Consider the central concepts of story theory. Begin by connecting with self-in-relation (developing story-plot). Use intentional dialogue (complicating health challenge). Finally, create ease (moving toward resolution).

Story Theory with Method

Adapted from Smith, M. J. (2014). Story theory. Middle range theory for nursing (p. 234). Springer.

Next, consider the following image representing Comfort Theory and its eight major concepts including healthcare needs, nursing interventions, intervening variables, enhanced comfort, health-seeking behaviors, and institutional integrity. Health-seeking behaviors include internal behaviors, peaceful death, and external behaviors. Institutional integrity includes best practices and best policies.

Comfort Theory

Adapted from Smith, M. C. (2020). Figure 21-2. Conceptual framework for comfort theory. In Nursing theories and nursing practice (5th ed., p. 374). F.A. Davis.

Now consider the following image representing the Quality-Care Model and its concepts of humans in relationships, relationship-centered professional encounters, leading to an outcome of feeling “cared for” and over time, enhancements in the systems’ well-being.

Quality-Caring Model

Adapted from Duffy, J. (2018). Revised quality-caring model ©. Quality caring in nursing and health systems: Implications for clinicians, educators, and leaders (p. 49). Springer.

Initial Post

  • Describe how story theory will strengthen the care you provide to clients.
  • Now, identify a specific example of a client you have encountered and explain how you could have used one of the following theories to provide quality care.
    • Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort
    • Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model


Assignment Guidelines

Consider a transition you are personally engaged in now. Write a brief paper addressing the following items:

  • Identify the characteristics of the transition that you have observed, as defined in transitions theory.
  • Analyze the changes that you are experiencing because of the transition.
  • Analyze personal, community, and societal conditions that may have influenced the transition that you are experiencing (list influences such as cultural beliefs and attitudes, socioeconomic status, and level of preparation that have affected your approach to the transition).
  • Review your responses to the transition and consider the outcome of the personal transition in the first question. What would facilitate successful outcomes to the transition? What might inhibit successful outcomes?

Your paper should be two to three pages long (not including the title page or reference page) and use correct APA (7th edition) formatting. Cite at least one source, and you are welcome to utilize sources outside of this week’s readings.

This assignment will be graded using the Assignment 4.1: Transitions Theory Rubric found in your syllabus.

Week 1: History, Content, and Structure of Nursing Theories

Assignment Guidelines

Identify your potential DNP Project. Describe the site (for example, hospital or clinic) or specific unit in which you would like to implement your DNP Project. Discuss (using specific steps) how to choose, evaluate, and implement a theory-guided practice within the organization or unit. Describe why it is important to understand the theories that guide practice.

Your paper should be two pages long (not including the title page or reference page) and use correct APA (7th edition) formatting.

This assignment will be graded using the Assignment 1.1 Nursing Theories for Practice Rubric found in your syllabus.


Discussion Guidelines

Initial Post

Reflecting on the information presented in your text, answer the following questions:

  1. Describe one concept of the nursing metaparadigm and apply it to your practice.
  2. Identify three major tenets (beliefs) of your personal philosophy of nursing.
  3. Explain how you came to believe in these ideals.

This discussion will be graded using the Discussion Initial Post and Replies Rubric found in your syllabus.

Week 2 -Integrative and Transformative Paradigms, Theories and Practice Exemplars

Discussion Guidelines

Initial Post

Which integrative or transformative theories would you identify as being the most relevant to your clinical practice? Find a nursing research article that applies the theory into clinical practice and describe its application; include the full APA citation for the article.

This discussion will be graded using the Discussion Initial Post and Replies Rubric found in your syllabus.


Assignment Guidelines

After completing the assigned readings, answer one question from category one and one question from category two. Be specific, give specific examples, and cite at least one source in each answer.

Your paper should be two to three pages long (not including the title page or reference page) and use correct APA 7th edition formatting.

Category One

Exemplar 1: Analyze the JBSM practice exemplar (Chapter 7, p. 102). Discuss one strength and one challenge of this model for nursing applications.

Exemplar 2: Compare the Orem practice (Chapter 8, p. 130) to aspects of your own clinical practice. Which of the three steps of Orem’s process of nursing is most challenging?

Exemplar 3: Select one of Roy’s four adaptive modes and share how it has been displayed in the practice exemplar (Chapter 10, p. 160).

Category Two

Exemplar 4: Describe how Parse’s concept of true presence (Chapter 15) could apply to your practice.

Exemplar 5: Explain how the nurse practitioner in the HEC exemplar (Chapter 16, p. 287) fostered the process of expanding consciousness.

Concept Analysis Paper

Assignment Guidelines

Identify a concept (usually one or two words) you are interested in. Ideally, this concept will be the focus of your DNP Project. Utilize specific scholarly sources, including books or peer-reviewed articles from scholarly journals. You can use a reference book such as an encyclopedia, thesaurus, or dictionary, but limit yourself to only one of each.

Write a brief paper (three to four pages) in APA (7th edition) format addressing the following items:

  • Alternative definitions—these must be referenced
  • Defining attributes
  • Antecedents
  • Consequences
  • Model, borderline, and contrary cases
  • Empirical referents

These items should be the headings for your paper but should be no more than a paragraph or two each. The paper should include a title page and reference page (not included in total paper length) and use of appropriate scholarly sources cited throughout.

You will submit the assignment via Turnitin; a Turnitin score less than 20% is expected. Turnitin is an online service that highlights matching text in written work. It indexes Internet sources, databases of subscription services, and written work submitted through its website. Assignments sent through Turnitin are scanned against all of its sources, and a report is generated that summarizes and highlights matching text and where it was found. It is up to instructors and students to interpret the report to determine if plagiarism occurred.

You may submit your assignment to Turnitin prior to its due date once to assess your work against Turnitin’s database. You may use the Originality Report’s results to address any originality concerns in your work, and then resubmit your assignment for grading. You may only resubmit once until the assignment’s due date. Any work that has been submitted at the time the assignment is due will be considered your final submission, and this will be the submission used for grading.

For additional information, visit Plagiarism Detection: Students.

The assignment will be evaluated using the Assignment 3.1: Concept Analysis Paper Rubric found in your syllabus.

You are planning to open a new 150 room, full-service boutique hotel with 8,000 square feet of meeting space, a 100-seat restaurant, and a 75-seat lounge in Dania Beach Florida. You want to determine the feasibility of this proposed hotel.

You will use scenario 1 to answer the first 15 multiple choice questions:

You will use scenario 2 to answer questions 16-30:

Scenario 1

You are planning to open a new 150 room, full-service boutique hotel with 8,000 square feet of meeting space, a 100-seat restaurant, and a 75-seat lounge in Dania Beach Florida. You want to determine the feasibility of this proposed hotel.

Your proposed hotel will have to compete for guests with three other well established hotels in the area which have the following current annual operating statistics. No other hotels are planned to open in the area before your proposed hotel opens. One additional hotel with 250 rooms and similar facilities is planned to open in the area one year after your proposed hotel is scheduled to open.

Hotel A – 250 rooms – 70% occupancy – 20% Corporate, 50% Group, 30% Leisure

Hotel B – 200 rooms – 80% occupancy – 30% Corporate, 20% Group, 50% Leisure

Hotel C – 150 rooms – 75% occupancy – 20% Corporate, 10% Group, 70% Leisure

 Scenario 2

You are preparing financial projections for your proposed hotel. For each of the following line items, which method would be your PRIMARY way of analyzing it? Please Note: It is possible that you may use another method to check your projection, but please indicate the PRIMARY way that you will make the projection based on class discussions and recommendation by your esteemed professor:

What is the current annual overall occupancy % for the entire existing competitive set of hotels?






Question 2

3.3 / 3.3 pts

When your proposed hotel opens, how many rooms will there be in the defined competitive set of hotels?






Question 3

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Your proposed hotel opens, what will be its fair-share percentage of the demand for hotel rooms be?






Question 4

3.3 / 3.3 pts

If your hotel gets exactly it’s fair share of demand and assuming the leisure segment of the market is projected to have 90,000 occupied room nights in the year your proposed hotel opens, how many room nights of leisure demand would go to your hotel in that year?

18,0000 occupied room nights

27,000 occupied room nights

36,000 occupied room nights

45,000 occupied room nights


Question 5

3.3 / 3.3 pts

If you believe that your proposed hotel is NOT as competitive in attracting group guests as the other hotels in the defined competitive set, then which penetration rate below would you choose to apply to your proposed hotel’s fair-share of the group segment of the market?






Question 6

3.3 / 3.3 pts

If you believe that your proposed hotel is MORE competitive at attracting leisure guests than the other hotels in the defined competitive set, then which penetration rate below would you choose to apply to your proposed hotel’s fair-share of the leisure segment of the market?






Question 7

3.3 / 3.3 pts

A new 250 room hotel opens in Dania Beach one year after your proposed hotel opens. How many rooms will there be in the defined competitive set of hotels after this new hotel opens?






Question 8

3.3 / 3.3 pts

What will be your proposed hotel’s fair-share percentage of the market demand for hotel rooms in the area after the new 250 room hotel opens?






Question 9

3.3 / 3.3 pts

If you calculate that, overall, your proposed hotel will penetrate at a rate of 120% of its fair share in its third year of operation, what percent of total market demand will your proposed hotel capture?






Question 10

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Assuming the total market demand for hotel rooms during your proposed hotel’s third year of operation is 250,000 occupied room nights, and your calculated penetration of your proposed hotel’s total fair-share is 120%, what would be the total projected occupied room nights that your proposed hotel would expect to capture?

37,500 occupied room nights

45,000 occupied room nights

50,000 occupied room nights

57,500 occupied room nights


Question 11

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Based on the same assumption as in question 12, what would your hotel’s occupancy be in that year?






Question 12

3.3 / 3.3 pts

If you project that your proposed hotel will achieve 75% occupancy when it stabilizes, and generate $6,160,000 in rooms revenue, what average daily rate (ADR) will your hotel achieve?






Question 13

3.3 / 3.3 pts

If you project that your proposed hotel will achieve 75% occupancy when it stabilizes, and generate $6,160,000 in rooms revenue, what will be its RevPAR?

$ 75

$ 94




Question 14

3.3 / 3.3 pts

In the written report, your review and discussion of the proposed hotel’s location should include:

its proximity to the nearest airport.

the surrounding area’s unemployment rate.

a map showing the roads leading to the proposed hotel’s site.

historical sales data for the retail stores in the area.

all of the above.

none of the above.


Question 15

3.3 / 3.3 pts

In doing your projections of demand during the analysis, which of the following would you look at as most important in projecting how fast Group demand will grow in the future :

cruise line statistics indicating how many passengers departed from the cruise port

airport statistics indicating how many passengers arrived at the airport

convention center statistics indicating how many people attended events at the convention center

office space statistics indicating how much office space was being occupied in the area


Question 16

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Remember to start using Scenario 2 for the following questions

Food and Beverage REVENUES:

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of total sales

Percent of total revenue


Question 17

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Other Operated Department REVENUES, including Telecommunications, Valet, Audio/Visual rentals and services, Retail Store sales, etc.

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of total sales

Percent of total sales


Question 18

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Rooms Departmental EXPENSES

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of room revenues

Percent of total sales


Question 19

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Food and Beverage EXPENSES

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of food and beverage revenues

None of the above


Question 20

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Other Operated Department EXPENSES

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of other operated department revenues

a & b


Question 21

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Administrative and General EXPENSES

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of total revenues

Percent of total sales


Question 22

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Sales and Marketing EXPENSES:

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of total revenues

Percent of total sales


Question 23

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Property Operations & Maintenance EXPENSES

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of total revenues

Percent of total sales


Question 24

3.3 / 3.3 pts


Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of total revenues

Percent of total sales


Question 25

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Management Fees

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of total revenues

Percent of total sales


Question 26

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Property Taxes

Per occupied room

Per available room

Percent of total revenues

Research with Tax Assesor’s Office to base it on other nearby hotel’s tax amount


Question 27

3.3 / 3.3 pts

If, when you inflate your financial projections, you inflate your revenues at 5% annually and you inflate your expenses at 3% annually, your projection will show that your hotel:

Becomes less profitable over time

Becomes more profitable until the 3rd year and then becomes less profitable

Becomes more profitable over time

None of the above


Question 28

3.3 / 3.3 pts

Your banker is trying to decide if your proposed hotel is a feasible project to make a loan to. The projected total cost of the proposed hotel is $20 million. You are requesting a $12 million loan. What is the loan-to-value percentage that the banker needs to consider:






Question 29

3.6 / 3.6 pts

Your banker needs to determine if your proposed hotel will be able to cover the debt service payments if the loan is provided. A $12 million loan with a 9% interest rate which is amortized over a 20 year period will result in monthly debt service payments of $108,000. Your financial projections indicate that your proposed hotel is expected to generate $2 million annually in net operating income. The banker will need a debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) of at least 1.40 to approve the loan. What DSCR will the banker calculate for your proposed hotel based on your financial projections and the loan terms provided.

1.22 – banker will not approve the loan

1.34 – banker will not approve the loan

1.43 – banker will approve the loan

1.54 – banker will approve the loan


Question 30

4 / 4 pts

According to Judy Singer – spa consultant, hotel and resort spas should be designed and operated to:

Serve as an amenity to the guest – does not matter how much money they lose during operations

Be an attraction to draw business – never expect to actually make any profit – target should be “break even”

Serve as a profitable operating department of the hotel or resort

None of the above – markets have changed – hotels and resorts do not need Spas any longer since there are so many outside ‘day spas’

b & c


Discuss how the An Lushan Rebellion Changed the Tang Dynasty and the results. Theme: you need to demonstrate your statement or argument in at the beginning of the paper and carry it through the paper focusing on an issue in Chinese history and civilization.

Organization: you need to provide an introduction with your argument; the main body of the paper to explain what had happened with your analysis; and a conclusion to summarize your points.

Length: 3-5p

Reference: you need to provide citations when you quote with the author’s name, title of the article in a journal or a book, date of publication and the name of the publisher in footnotes or endnotes. You may use online information but at least a printed publication is required. A bibliography (instead of work cited) with 2 sources must be provided by the end of the paper in a separate sheet.

Jennifer Medina’s essay “Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm/Chemaly’s “What’s Really Important About ‘Trigger Warnings’?

Base your answers on Jennifer Medina’s essay “Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm”:

1. Does Medina’s essay seem balanced, or does it seem biased toward one particular side of the issue? Explain.

2. What is Medina’s purpose in writing this essay? Does she want to change people’s minds? Move them to action or persuade them? Something else? Explain.

3. What is Medina’s thesis statement? Where does she state it (in what paragraph)? Why does she state it where she does? Explain. Write down the thesis statement word for word as it appears in Medina’s essay. In other words, quote it. Remember to embed the quote correctly by using a lead-in and parenthetical citation. Pay attention to the placement of the period after the parenthetical citation (see illustration above).

4. What is the purpose of the rhetorical questions (Links to an external site.) in paragraph 1? Does Medina answer these questions in her essay? If she does, mention the rhetorical questions that she answers (remember to embed quotes). If she does not answer any of these rhetorical questions, do you think she should have?

5. Every responsible writer seeking to establish their authority and appeal to reason (logos) provides evidence to support their argument as well as every the claim that they make in their essay. Identify two (2) claims that Medina makes in her essay and mention one example of evidence that she uses to support it. I’ll do one as an example for you:

Medina states that the debate about trigger warnings in college classrooms “has left many academics fuming, saying that professors should be trusted to use common sense and that being provocative is part of their mandate” (Medina 622). She quotes professor Lisa Hajjar, a sociology professor, who says that “Any kind of blanket trigger policy is inimical to academic freedom” (Medina 622).

I have color coded Medina’s claim in red and the evidence that she used to support it in blue to make it easier for you to differentiate one from the other. Notice that the evidence that Medina used here are the words of an actual academic (a professor) who can attest to Medina’s claim that some academics are, as she says, “fuming” over the issue of trigger warnings. You can tell that Prof. Hajjar is fuming because of the words that she uses, especially “inimical”. *You do NOT have to color code your answer to this question.

B) Base your answers on Soraya Chemaly’s “What’s Really Important About ‘Trigger Warnings’?”

6. Chemaly begins her argument by mentioning Jennifer Medina’s essay “Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm”. Why does Chemaly begin her essay this way?

7. Chemaly claims that arguments about trigger warnings are for discussions of “deeper problems”. In the manner of a complete sentence, mention these “deeper problems”. Do you agree or disagree with her claim? Explain why.

8. According to Chemaly, what is the problem with “common sense”? Do you agree or disagree with her claim? Explain.

9. Every responsible writer seeking to establish their authority and appeal to reason (logos) provides evidence to support their argument and every the claim that they make in their essay. Chemaly is no exception. Chemaly makes a claim at the bottom of p. 627. What claim does she make there? Quote her claim. What evidence does she provide to support it (see p. 628)?

10. In her essay, Chemaly addresses arguments that oppose hers. Mention two of these opposing arguments. What does she say to refute each of these arguments? Evaluate how effective are her rebuttals.
Make sure to provide parenthetical documentation after every quote. Include the last name of the author and the page number of the quote in the parenthetical documentation. When you provide the page number, use the page number of the document scan itself, not the page number of the PDF file. This means that page numbers for “Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm” start on page 621, not on page 1.

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Sandberg and Grant begin their essay with an anecdote concerning female writers for The Shield, which

Sandberg and Grant begin their essay with an anecdote concerning female writers for The Shield, which

acknowledges other possible solutions to the problem.

provides a clear solution to the problem.

states what their proposal will accomplish.

represents the problem their proposal addresses.

Question 2

1 / 1 pts

According to one study cited in the essay, when women speak up in the workplace, they are more likely than men to be seen as





Question 3

1 / 1 pts

How do Sandberg and Grant suggest that their problem can be solved?

by eliminating women from the workplace

by increasing the number of female leaders in the workplace

by allowing women to lead business meetings

by forcing women to speak in meetings

Question 4

1 / 1 pts

Sandberg and Grant address the problem of

the difficulties women face when verbally participating at work.

the lack of female writers in Hollywood.

sexual misconduct in the workplace.

social media’s role in perpetuating body-image issues for young girls.

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Sandberg and Grant indicate that the problem they are discussing matters because it

is an example of sexism.

creates discord in the workplace.

robs organizations of valuable ideas.

leads to the wage gap.

Quiz Score: 5 out of 5